
Marriage Contract: Pamper my lovely wife

Merrily Rodrigo left the hospital with a tired and desperate face, hanging around the doctor's words...... "Miss Rodrigo, your mother's current condition is very unsatisfied, we suggest that you quickly get her mother to undergo surgery. Currently, someone has agreed to donate a kidney, if you can find it within two days. If we get about 20,000$ for the surgery, we will prioritize your mother's treatment. Otherwise, we can only go save other patients." 20,000$ dollars? Mother was sick for two years, and the money she took away when she left that house was spent to pay hospital fees. Shouldn't it be back? To save her mother, she couldn't help but return, but every time she returned, she met the other person mocking and provoking her and her mother, but her biological father ignored it! But for her mother's sake, she had to try again! ... Charlie Richard seemed to be chatting and asked: "General Manager Rodrigo wants to sign that treaty with me?" "That's natural." Mr. Fried Rodrigo admitted without hesitation. For the past few months, he's been working hard for this. Because there is no capital to invest, the company is getting worse and worse, about to go bankrupt. He thinks he should hug this great Charlie Richard tree. Charlie Richard laughed, suddenly changing the subject: "I heard that General Manager Rodrigo besides the eldest daughter called Alana Rodrigo, there is also a daughter called Merrily Rodrigo?" "Yes, it's the person who just bumped into General Manager Richard." Looks like Charlie Richard has checked it, or else wouldn't have asked. In a short half an hour, it was possible to find out that the influence of Richard was indeed not to be despised. "Take her with you that night." Charlie Richard said, "I like her very much."

Joy_Lily · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 10: You killed me!

Merrily stood up, furious: "Of course I can't see it! It was seen by my mother! You... You killed me!"

"Ah..." The male student was utterly dumbfounded. What kind of luck is he?

Because Merrily received the love letter and threw it directly into the trash, he thought of using this method, not wrapping it in an envelope but now putting it in her book. If you see a piece of paper in the book, will you open it and see it? Who knows, she couldn't see it, but was seen by her mother!

He swallowed his saliva and asked: "There... Even if you don't see it, you... Do you agree?"

And asked if she agreed or not? Merrily burst into flames: "I don't want to!"

Suddenly, everyone nearby looked at them. After a while, a male student shouted: "Adam, did you finally confess?"

The male student turned red and angrily looked at Merrily: "Even if you don't agree, will you stop shouting?" Walk away.

Merrily was angrier than him, patted the table and sat down, buried her head in tears. End of life. Charlie Richard didn't get on fire last night. Can you try her today?

After school, Merrily kept running outside. Just out of the school door, Adam pushed the bicycle in front of her: "Merrily ——"

"What else do you want to do?" Merrily asked impatiently.

"Really sorry." Adam said. Although it was embarrassing to be rejected by her before, but he thought for a moment and needed to explain to her. "That one... I didn't think it would be seen by your mother. If she didn't understand, I can help you explain, said I explained well."

"You can't help with this kind of thing!" If Charlie Richard thinks she's going to a love school, I don't know how he will collect her.

Adam looked at her with a complicated expression: "I... I'm not joking. I mean, I'll explain that to your mother..."

"You don't care." Merrily said, "Next year you have to go to a good university, try to read books."

After saying that, she turned and walked away. Adam pulled her back: "So what about after the university entrance exam?"

"You let go!" Merrily screamed. Because she saw the car opposite on the main road, Max came to pick her up. She hurriedly let go of Adam, ran over, and forcefully opened the car's passenger door.

Max rolled down the car window: "Miss—"

"You don't have to tell him!" Merrily hastily shouted, "That's just a classmate, nothing--"

Max looked at her in bewilderment, then turned his head back.

Merrily was shocked, looked after him, saw Charlie Richard sitting there, holding his chest, swaggering and aggressive. She gasped in surprise, almost threatening to faint.

"Merrily ——" Adam chased after, seeing the luxurious car with curtains, suspiciously asked, "What are you doing?"

"No relation with you!" Merrily got angry, went down to the back and sat down.

Only for a moment did Adam see Charlie Richard sitting inside. Charlie Richard gave him a stern look, scaring him so much that he couldn't move. Still no response, the car drove away.

Bizarre. Merrily in the house is not very poor? Her mother was sick and did not have money for surgery, the teacher also called her classmates to raise money to help, how did such a good car come to pick her up?

In the stuffy car, no one spoke. Merrily sat stiffly, motionless. Suddenly, Charlie Richard asked: "Is he Adam?"

"How do you know?" Merrily raised her head, panic in her eyes.

Charlie Richard calmly did not show any protest: "That letter has a name"

Merrily saw that his expression was peaceful, not like his vitality, but also calmed down. Perhaps in his eyes, this is not worth mentioning at all? He wanted only her body, not her feelings, why be angry?

"What did he write?" she asked.

"I guess?" He smiled mysteriously.

Merrily was laughed so hard her back trembled, her heart hung again. It seems that he is just so angry that it is unclear...

Getting off the car, he said to Max: "Transfer school for the lady!"

Merrily was stunned, looked at him bewildered, and did not dare to object. Sure enough, anger is not apparent...

Max was also taken aback, asking: "Move to where?"

"If there's a good place, move in!" Charlie Richard finished speaking, went into the mansion.

Merrily followed in, putting the book aside, not daring to act rashly. A moment later, Mrs. Morgan brought the coffee, which she immediately accepted: "I'm coming."

Mrs. Morgan handed her coffee and brought it to Charlie Richard, saying, "Your coffee."

Charlie Richard glanced at her, and reached for the coffee: "Go do your homework."

Merrily was taken aback, I don't know why he talked so well, took the book and ran upstairs. Doing homework for half an hour, suddenly remembered that letter. She looked out the door, and Charlie Richard probably wouldn't come in, because he was in the room next to the gym wall.

She stood up, walked to the center of the desk, opened the drawer——

Strange, it was obvious that he left it here, how could it not be?

Searched through each drawer one at a time, still nothing. She was impatient, suddenly heard a voice: "Want to see how Adam confessed?"

"Ah—" Merrily jumped to her feet, slammed the drawer shut, and turned to see Charlie Richard standing in front of her.

He wore a white shirt, his chest was wet with sweat, and his neck and upper arms were not dry. He's like that, more of a yang energy than usual, even... A bit sexy. Merrily looked at his exposed body, a little scared. He... Won't hit you, will he?

"You like him?" His eyes narrowed dangerously, approaching her.

Merrily shook her head: "I... I was just looking for a piece of writing."


"I clearly remember there was a notebook in the book... Can't find it." Merrily said urgently, "Maybe... Maybe you threw it away... I..."

He suddenly shook her below: "Liar!"

"I don't have..." Merrily's eyes reddened and tears fell, "I really won't be able to do that exercise... That's why... That's why I left. find a pen."

He let go of her, threw a towel to wipe his face on the table, and sat in her place: "Come here!"

Merrily didn't know, so he walked over, put his arm around her, placed it on his lap, stroking the top of her head with his chin, and gently asked, "What's the problem?"


"Ah what? I asked you something!"

"..." He... Did he ask her to read the title? Merrily was surprised in her heart, stunned, and pointed at the exam book, "This topic."