
Marksman Executioner

This is the story of one man taken from his boring life in a blatant kidnapping to become a hitman across the multiverse. Will be cross posting this as it's redone and updated on scribblehub under Marksman Executioner, with some worlds planed out for simple but random destinations now after certain parts are reached for a world. Planned worlds so far are Shield Hero, Pokemon, Cyberpunk, Sword Art Online, Solo Leveling

BiazarKaiser · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


Well I am currently in the process of setting up an actual patreon, if you're interested even with things being a bit bare bones for now here's a link



After unlocking a rather neat series for the kid, I ended up finding a level eighty bandit and her gang. So while Kizuna was off getting monster corpses, I was currently razing a bandit camp to the ground. It helped gain levels quickly and well it was just amusing to think a level one was being a menace. Ripping the heart from the bandit leader and collecting her corpse I looked at the other corpses. My gun shifted forms as I began to feed every corpse and body part to my gun. The gains from this was absolutely worth it as I got stronger and a new and last Subclass slot opened up. So with a grin promising mayhem and a mischievous gleam in my eyes due to the flames around me I created my last subclass.

[Subclass: Chimeric Warden Created]

[Chimeric Warden

Description: One does not need to limit themselves to only one category for companions. Beasts, Undead, Sapient, Divine, Demonic, ECT it doesn't matter what your companion is, if you want to be together then nothing is stopping you.

Active: Chimera Creation, Sovereign Subspace, Nurture Life, Death's Embrace, Valhalla, Toll of War, Embrace of Nature, Necromancy, Druidism, Livomancy, Create Elemental, Summon Elemental, Hunters Mark, Familiar Bonding, Bioengineering, Genetic Creation

Passive: Myriad of Tongues, Familiar Connection, Soul Regeneration, Soul Reinforcement, Chimeric Sense, Chimeranomicon, Aurora of Life, Aurora of Death, Bioengineering Knowledge, Genetic Knowledge]

It probably seemed like an impressive class, but it wasn't. It was just a way for me to circumvent some stuff regarding familiar summons, or just something wanting to tag along with me for the long run. Plus if some incompatible species wanted to have a kid, then I'll fucking help them. Familiar or not, they'll get a happy ending with a blood related child. And with this new subclass I felt my familiar restriction suddenly flare to life summoning wise. As if the ability was begging me to use it to summon a new familiar or familiars rather urgently. Heeding the slowly creeping in feeling of if I don't something may happen to what or who the ability wants to summon.

Next I knew I watched as my physical body turned into motes of lights. My feet hitting the ground within my soul, my physical body somehow dragged into here, as the outside world was cut off. Looking around I could see the others staring at a mist rolling in quickly, the same mist they'd once come from. However, something was different. There was a trail of black seemingly after what soul or souls were being summoned. Looking at that black trail I felt TRUE death from it, and without thinking I grabbed a saw off shotgun that flew towards my hand.

The gun was entirely clockwork in design, with a single concept attached to it due a wave boss in my previous world. Conceptual Time. As soon as a flaming fox like cat, a dog, and a bison came barreling out of the mist followed by literal Reapers. I fired as soon as Kuruma slammed them into the ground of my soul with his tails. The gun barked both quietly yet loudly as if time was shattering with a violent end, but also beginning. As the bullets impacted the Reapers, time seemed to turn carnivorous within an instant. The Reapers simply ceased to exist, their entire timeline of existence flashing through my mind.

"Well shit… you three escaped total erasure of your timelines with just your souls intact… you have no home to return to…"

The three that were brought here by my gun seemed to use my ability to summon familiars to find souls needing help. Then it simply nudged the ability into making a call. All due to their desires and having encountered Executioners, they were all also iconic in a way to me. Kuruma even knew a version of one. Appa, from the Last Airbender, Akamaru, from a different Naruto timeline, and Kirara from Inuyasha. Each of them looked aged, and tired due to running through both time and death until now. With Reapers formed from the decrees of Executioners hounding them. Akamaru's world was cleansed by a cleric with a chainsaw, Kirara's a Dragoon, and Appa's by a Technomancer.

Executioners who upon entering each world immediately judged all life collectively, even children, and started killing everything. Their worlds literally falling apart at the seams due to the Executioners. Each of their respective partners threw them into the space between worlds where they lost their bodies. As while they likely knew they'd die anyways, they each knew it was better than dying to the monsters that just appeared even if that moment sealed their own fates. Sighing I let the gun go and looked at the three new souls to come into my own soul.

Sitting down upon a seat of guns that rapidly formed, I rubbed my face tiredly. Great… I definitely am going to run into three Executioner's, and I have three souls of beings who shouldn't have died just yet.

"Look… I honestly can't imagine what trauma you three have, but you're here and if you want to stay let me know. If not then I wish you peace and a chance to find those you lost in the next life. Staying though means joining a merry band of multiverse weirdo's living in my soul and people who can understand somewhat."

Saying that I left my soul, landing upon the grass in the physical world once more. Yet I placed my hands on my knees and started puking as certain scenes replayed in my mind from those Reapers deaths. I'm a sociopath yet even I can feel disgusted and disturbed by what that gun showed me.

"If we meet those FREAKS, we're killing them. Fuck the consequences, they must die… that's final."

A click of my guns trigger was the only response as fuck, if those are the Executioner's Keltson wants then I'm definitely going to commit treason. Although the messages that appeared in my vision were welcomed and understandable.

[Kirara the Solar Fox Demon has become your familiar]

[Appa the Alpha Sky Bison has peacefully went into the next life]

[Akamaru the Feral Ninkin has become your Familiar]

Sighing at Akamaru's choice I felt as if he stayed because he couldn't accept everything. For if I remembered right Ninkin of a certain clan were partners for life with their companion, even in death. And Kiba, his partner in his world, definitely ceased to exist spiritually anymore, as those Executioners seemed to have decided to just erase everything. Which had to be against what Executioner's are meant to do, otherwise what's the point if we just ERASE everything?

"I wish there was an out so that I can freely kill those assholes if that's what they want…"

[.... Acknowledged …. Subsystem Tyrant sending request to STREAM to unchain Executioner Lockhart…. I'm sorry….]

"What? Subsystem Tyrant? Stream? You've got to be kidding me, a part of THAT is helping me meaning…"

[.... Request acknowledged …. Plead your case to me and I may make you a deal you can NEVER return from unless you die as you'd be my Streamer of Salvation]

Although I didn't understand what the fuck was actually going on, I knew one thing.

"I won't beg, but if you can help me not become like those assholes then I'll dance your dance. Because frankly I don't get what is going on, however, if a fucking Subsystem of the one monitoring me is giving me an out. I'll bite as unlike its main system the sub actually said sorry, which is worrying, and my new instincts as an assassin are telling me to run. Just leave my fucking new family alone, I'm up for the chopping block, but not them."

There wasn't any screen for a bit until a new one popped up, one styled like a swirling vortex with only one option followed by a purple one.


[Well aren't you just the perfect fit for the entertainment I have planned for the Multiverse? I acknowledge your request, and extend a hand to you, TRUE NAME: DAKOTA, ALIAS: KAISER. Should you accept now you'll be immediately pulled from your current universe and thrown right into the action of your new home. However, to be fair and to let you finish your current task and to stay in touch with two of the children you have met. Naofumi and Kizuna to become viewers for your stream.]

"Fuck it… I was going to get killed sooner or later and might as well go jumping into the deep end."

Accepting the deal I watched as the screen shattered into countless particles before swirling around together. Then without warning they pierced my heart, my body feeling as if it was burning up suddenly, flames combusting from my skin suddenly. My Transmutation ability suddenly flaring to life and creating two items that were linked together. A rather normal looking android smartphone and a pair of glasses. Glasses that were deceptively compact that contained an intensive amount of machines for just connecting to the phone and using its functions. As soon as the two items were made my body stopped combusting.


"Fuck that hurt… and two days huh? Then I'll at least kill the book and send the Paragon to Naofumi…"