
Marked by the Devil

In a world where the love between evil and good leads to destruction, the passion between the holiest queen of the seven nations and the legendary devil was disrupted by an agent called death. The devil waited... he waited 500 years and more to see his love again. Twentieth century Elliot Vile is a ruthless businessman owning a shady past and a shadier future with unknown sources of his ridiculous wealth and power, everyone calls him The Devil. Alexa Halton is an incomplete average girl with the beauty of a goddess and the undiscovered powers of an army who she has always believed is, The Holy Queen. Their greater and tragedic history trailed down to the present century. Their love has been forbidden and cursed by the holy and evil realm, which causes challenges but they battle to keep their love alive. Even though, one will have to make a mighty sacrifice to keep their love alive as the deadly prophecy states. Will the prophecy overrule a witch's curse? Will Elliot be given an second chance into holiness? Will their love prevail and will their forbidden love be accepted by the realms?

Cinderevie · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter Five

Lexa didn't blink before he made his move. How can he move so fast? That was speedily scary. He was on her, chest to chest, nose to nose and lips to lips.

Elliot's inner devil—Lot—wanted to be released. He wanted to have a taste of his mate. He controlled his devil's hunger for her.

He couldn't move away. It was such a difficult task for him as all he wanted to do was eat her up.

Lexa couldn't move either. Elliot could hear her heartbeat. Her heart raced. Her breathing was held back.

"Alexa…" Her beautiful emerald eyes shined when he called her that. "… Be more careful next time."

"Elliot or Lot?"

She entered that head pain again. She was seeing things that were hidden deep in her memory. She was familiar with the name… even him but she couldn't even imagine that they met before.

"People call me Lot but I am Elliot."

She nodded, still eye-locking him.

"Elliot, can you please get off?"

He grinned. "Why, don't you like it here?"

"Yes… I mean No. I don't. I'm very uncomfortable. Do you mind?" He gave her gloss-pasted lips a last look before getting off her. He took her hand and helped her up. "I'm very sorry, sir."

"As I said before, call me Elliot. That's a command."

As she cleaned up the rest of the room, she couldn't help but admire him. He was so beautiful, handsome and gorgeous all at the same time. His striking appearances could drive any girl crazy.

No one could be this perfect. He was just too perfect. But she also realized he was a jerk. Who did he think he was?

Forcing her to clean his room in his presence. Driving her crazy even though he didn't move a muscle. And that charming smile, she didn't know what he was up to but he wouldn't win her over that easily.

"I'm done, Elliot."

His eyes met with hers.

Her heart was beating fast again. <Why is this happening to me?>

"Are you sure?"


"Are you sure you're sure?"

Lexa raised her lips. "Yes, I'm sure."

"Are you sure you're sure, you're sure?"


"Don't raise your voice at me. Who do you think you are?"

She bit her lips. "You're the one who's driving me nuts."

"Am I?"

She took a great exhale. "Can I leave now?"

He dropped his phone and got on his feet. "Why are you so anxious to leave?"

"I'm not. I just want to get back to my mum."

Back in the palace, she didn't have any parents. "Your biological mum?"

Lexa bowed my head. "No." She faced him again. "And why are you asking?"

He circled her like a starved shark. "No reason. I love the length of your uniform. Perfect." She was about to do something that could cost her, her job so she stepped back. "That's what I thought." He handed her a plain envelope. She took it and felt for what was inside. "Open and read it when you have time." He turned away from her—which was the hardest thing for him. "Take your leave." He rested on his bed and continued using his phone. She hesitated to leave because she was mesmerized by his touch on her skin. "Why are you still here? Get!"

She held her lips not to say anything stupid and walked out of the room.

Lexa's POV

Finally, I could breathe. I thanked goodness that I was out of that room. That one hour of my life was the roughest.

I put attention on the letter he gave me. I studied it, trying to notice anything out of the ordinary. Nothing. There was nothing.

I shrugged and tore it open. My lips rose when I saw its contents.

Dollars. Why did he give me money? I counted five thousand dollars in it. I hoped it wasn't from my salary. The money wasn't the only thing inside. I saw a neatly folded note inside. I kept the money in the envelope and placed it safely in my pocket.

I was eager to see what was written in the note. I unfolded it and read its contents.

Alexa, or is it Lexa?

Just as he said, People call me Lexa but I am Alexa.

<This money isn't from your monthly salary. I need your assistance in a personal meeting I have with a close friend of mine. I want you to be our waitress. You cannot refuse this offer nor return the money.

Be at The Red Velvet Restaurant by nine pm.

Do not be late. ;) >

"Unbelievable. Elliot is just unbelievable."

I already familiarized him with the name. I loved the rhythmic movement that the name gave to my tongue.

Anyway, I reported to my locker and kept my utensils in it. I removed my dress from the locker so I could change but two friends of my newest collection came unto the scene.

"How was it," Wendy asked calmly.

"Tell us everything. We want the full detail. What did he say? What did he do? How did he do it?"

I closed the locker in anger. "He's such a jerk!"

"Sshh. He might hear you."

"Enough Ana. He literally tortured me."

Wendy and Ana faced themselves in worry.

"Well, are you okay?"

"He made me clean his room in his presence. In summary, it was sexual harassment. Elliot needs to be dealt with."

"You're calling him by his name. Did he give you the permission to? If you didn't, he will murder you."

"Stop being so dramatic. He forced me to call him Elliot." The two of them looked shocked. "Take this." They took the sheet of paper from me. "Read what's inside."

Ana put on her glasses as they read the contents.

"He hired you for tonight?"

"Yes, he paid me too. I don't know what he wants from me."

I was truly confused. I didn't know why he was after me. I couldn't think of one good reason.

Nora walked up to us. "This is what sir wants you to wear tonight."

I picked the slit light blue dress from her hand. It was beautiful. I didn't know if he wanted me to serve or if he was indirectly asking me on a date.

"This is beautiful. I'm sure it's worth a lot. It's even in my favorite color."

"Sir, said you would like it."

"Really? How does Elliot know my favorite shade of my favorite color?"

Nora rubbed her face. "How do you know sir's name?"

"He commanded me to refer him as Elliot."

"Is that so?" Nora asked with mixed thoughts. "He also asked me to remind you to be early." She looked at the other two. "Miss Axton, Miss Grader, get to work." They scurried away. Nora faced me. "You should go home and take rest for tonight. Have a good day, Miss Halton."

I nodded as she walked away.

I hoped he was giving me the dress. I sure wouldn't return it to him.

Lot's POV

I found it hard to believe. After so many centuries… I saw her. I talked to her. She hadn't changed. She was still the same Alexa I knew.

I could always force her to sleep with me or hypnotize her instead but my human heart didn't go with it. Besides, where'll be the fun in that?

I'll make sure that nothing happens to Alexa. Nothing can happen to her. She didn't know that I cast a spell on her when she couldn't take her eyes off me. It was a spell of protection.

It would make sure that no harm came to her.

Alexa didn't know that she was as powerful as me. She could summon the trident if she trained herself well. I first wanted to win her over.

That would be the easiest and first step. She already fell for me. I could tell from her body movement, her face expression and her eyes.

She wanted me. I knew it. She might not realize it but she was already in love with me. No magic required.

After, I would regain her memories naturally. I wanted to take everything nice and slow. I wasn't rushing into things as I thought I would. I'd have to wait a little longer so I'd make my wait worthwhile.

"Come in!"

I already knew Nora was there. I wasn't patient enough for her to knock before letting her in.

She walked into my room. "Sir, may I ask who Miss Halton is to you?"

It was a quick and straightforward question. But there were many answers to it.

"Take a seat, Nora." She sat on one of his wooden chairs. He shifted closer to her. "You are the only one who knows everything about me. Do you remember your reaction when you first found out?"

She bobbed her head. "I screamed and kicked you in the middle."

"It hurt a lot. You wanted to tell the cops but I used magic to stop you. Because you needed money at that point in time, I bribed you and here we are."

She adjusted on the seat. "But sir, that doesn't answer my question."

"I met Alexa… Lexa 547 years ago. She was a Queen then. She needed my help to win a war so I gave her three conditions. She completed the first two but killed herself before completing the last. Alexa reincarnated into Lexa. She hasn't changed at all."

Nora couldn't blink during the summary. "I find it very unreal but ever since I met you, I know anything's possible. What was the third condition?"

"She was to be my mate. My Queen. My first and last love."

"Why did she kill herself? Do you want her back?"

I gave Nora eye contact. "I waited for 547 years for her. And you ask me if I want her back?"

She bowed her head. The eye contact was unbearable for her. "So you love her, sir?"

I stroked my chin and stood. "I do. I really do. A day won't pass that I won't think of her."

"You can always get her back from this second on."

"I know but… I want her to genuinely love me back."

"Do you think she loves you back?"

I smiled. "I know she does but she doesn't realize it. Sooner or later, she will and I'll get her back."

"You seem so kind-hearted sometimes, sir. Were you always… the devil."

The horrible memories of the past came in. "I wasn't. I never wanted to be. I was a noble servant of God before the crown was forced on me. That was something Alexa and I had in common. The Lord turned his back on me. The memories of the former demon kings are with me. Even that of the real Satan. I am now of their lineage. I tried to run from it. I did my best but they got me."

"It's been years, sir. Won't you be yourself again or…"

"I can but there's no use. He'll never take me back."

Nora also stood. She held my hands. "He forgives all. Give the crown to someone else and became a noble servant of the Lord again."

I pulled away and turned my back on her. "Thank you for coming, Nora. Please take your leave."

Nora sighed. "Can I say something before I leave, sir?" I didn't turn back to the brown-haired, short, plump but pretty woman. When I didn't give her reply, she took it as a yes. "Sir, open the bible and go to James 3 verse 11, 19 and 20." She dropped one on the bed, suspecting that I wouldn't have.

That was the last thing she did before leaving the room.

I considered it. It was centuries since I even saw a bible. Was I even worthy enough to open a bible? Was I?

Lot was boiling. He didn't want me near it but he couldn't stop me because I was already looking for the verse.

Opening the bible gave me memories of the church. I used to be in the choir. I missed those days. All the seats of the church would fill up every Sunday. It was because of the choir. Our style of signing was superb.

It even drew sluts, drug dealers and lost souls to our church. We changed so many lives… till that evil man transferred his devilish rights to me. He had to choose me. Why me? My life was perfect till he came.