
Marked by the Devil

In a world where the love between evil and good leads to destruction, the passion between the holiest queen of the seven nations and the legendary devil was disrupted by an agent called death. The devil waited... he waited 500 years and more to see his love again. Twentieth century Elliot Vile is a ruthless businessman owning a shady past and a shadier future with unknown sources of his ridiculous wealth and power, everyone calls him The Devil. Alexa Halton is an incomplete average girl with the beauty of a goddess and the undiscovered powers of an army who she has always believed is, The Holy Queen. Their greater and tragedic history trailed down to the present century. Their love has been forbidden and cursed by the holy and evil realm, which causes challenges but they battle to keep their love alive. Even though, one will have to make a mighty sacrifice to keep their love alive as the deadly prophecy states. Will the prophecy overrule a witch's curse? Will Elliot be given an second chance into holiness? Will their love prevail and will their forbidden love be accepted by the realms?

Cinderevie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Alexa wouldn't do something this stupid. She was smart and coordinated. It was someone else.

"Turn around, Elliot."

I could tell what it was by the sound of that beautiful voice. "Wow. I never thought an angel would visit me. It's an honor, really."

"I'm an Angel. A messenger of the Lord."

"I know who you are. Since angels have a good memory I'm sure you know we've met before. You're Liam Javeline?"

"And you are the devil."

My fists tightened. Lot wanted to come out and destroy him but I had to relax and hear him out first.

"What do you want?"

"We will take her soon."

"What do you mean?"

Liam took a step forward, showing he wasn't scared of the fumes of anger that was emitting from me. "She was sent to distract you from your mission. She is a product of us. We will take her back."

"I don't care who she is or why she is here but she isn't going anywhere. She will be with me. Understand?"

"She doesn't love you. She only feels for you because of the mark. She can only love an angel like me." His blood boiled. He wanted to transform. "Do not conceal your true identity. You are a shrewd monster."

"Shut up! She will love me. There's nothing you can do. Just leave!"

"An angel does not depart from his duty. She has spent more time on earth than she should. You have kept her here long enough. It's time for her to leave."

I laughed. I tasted blood in my mouth. It was my blood. "Is this a challenge?"

"It's the truth. We are ready to face you. Go to the temple and get the book. We won't stop you. Alexandra's work is done."

"No! I don't care about the temple or the book. I want Alexa and if you think you can stop me, go ahead. I'll show you what I'm truly made of."

Centuries upon centuries, this fight always took place. This would be my first battle with God because I stayed low but if He wanted to do this. I couldn't watch him take the only thing keeping me sane.

"Give up. No one wins against God. Not even you." He walked past him and placed his hand on the doorknob of the room. He looked back to Elliot who was on the floor, trying to control himself from blowing up. "I can make her love me if I want to. Also, if you surrender now, He might give you a second chance."

The angel vanished before I could breathe. I hit a hole into the floor. I needed fresh air, that was the only way to cool. There were too many people around for Lot to release himself. I couldn't risk it.

I sped out of my room and opened a window, breathing hardly. My blood cooled as seconds passed but my anger didn't. I couldn't lose Lexa. I had to make a move with her.

Lexa's POV

I was almost done with the study room. I just had to dust the shelves of books. The shelves were reachable but there were about eight of them, lined up in the study room. I met Nora today.

She told me that this wasn't even the library and there were numerous books here. The only time I enjoyed reading was towards the end of middle school and at high school. Before then, I didn't have need for reading.

Reading eased the pain of my family's death. I wasn't sure I would be here without it.

I started dusting them and the shelves. I had an allergic reaction to dust. I covered my nose and was careful not to let any dust into them.

I was at the third shelf when I noticed something. When I passed a part of the third shelf, light twinkled. To be sure I wasn't seeing things, I did it again. The light sparkled again.

This time, I slowly walked past the shelf to see exactly where the light was coming from. I stopped when I saw a book shine. It was nothing like I ever saw.

I picked the book of shining light. It was a big book and it had such an inscribed and ancient design. On the cover, there was an evil looking being and an angelic being. They each were on fighting positions.

It's like they wanted to attack each other. Curiosity led me to open the book.

My fingers stopped working when the pages of the book flipped open by themselves. I was astounded. It stopped at a page. A page I desperately read.

And so it was said, that every millennium. A war between the brothers of light and the brothers of darkness shall take place. The…

I was distracted with the reading when the page beside it shined. I heard the page call for me. It was like the book wanted me to read that exact page.

There was a picture of a girl there. She was in black and white. The wind blew her long hair, and covered her face and her long princess dress to hide her figure.

I was afraid to place my hand on the book. I had seen a movie like this where the girl entered the book. This book was erratic. I wouldn't take the risk.

I read the topic of the page; The White Damsel and the Black Devil.

My eyes moved to the content written beside the picture of the girl.

Thus the prophecy states;

Lo unto a beautiful princess, the devil will come to make her his. No spell, no power, no bell, no tower, can come between their inseparable love. But a sacrifice will have to be made, by one from either side. As it is a story of the hawk and gentle dove. For the challengers, none shall be left alive.

I didn't understand what that meant but it sounded like a beautiful poem. I went to the front of the book and searched for the author's name. Strange, there was no author written. There wasn't a title for the book either.

I quickly put the book back in the shelf. Nora wouldn't take it lightly if she found me reading instead of cleaning. I went back to work, ignoring the priceless words I read.


Lexa was done with the study room. She went out of the mansion to see the garden again. This was her favorite place in the mansion. She could stay there all day.

"It's lovely."

That voice? Lexa knew that voice. "Liam?"

She turned to see a beatific smile.

"How are you?"

She looked around her. "What are you doing in the mansion?"

"I came to talk with Elliot."

She rose up. "That means you're good friends?"

"No. We're not."

"Then you came for business?"

"I came here for work. How is your mother?"

Lexa's smile reduced. "She's been admitted to the hospital. Home will be very quiet without her."

"Everything happens for a reason."

Lot had relaxed, so did Elliot. It was hard to control his anger. Anger from him is something that can destroy his chances on earth. Which meant he'd have to be away from Lexa. Lot was his demon, he had to put him under control.

He looked out of the window and saw that Liam was still in his compound. He got angry again by just looking at him. He picked another scent and saw Lexa. He went mad when he saw Lexa talking with Liam.

She was also smiling with him. He wanted to destroy everything in sight. He couldn't go down there to get her from his company. If he did, someone would end up dead.

He sped out of the mansion before anyone could blink and ran into the forest to let out the burden on his chest.

"We live close. Come around for dinner."

That was fast for Lexa. "Sure, that'd be great."

"Here's my number."

He gave her a piece of paper with his number written beautifully inside. "You have wonderful handwriting. I wish mine was half as good as this. Who taught you how to write like this because this is no ordinary handwriting?"

"I learnt it from my father."

"I'm sure he's a great guy."

"He is more wonderful than you can imagine. I will make a move. Bye, Alexa."

I waved. "Bye."

He was a sweet, charming guy. I haven't met one like him in years. Elliot on the other side had a dark spice to him. He could be sweet too but he had his own shady way of doing things.

I didn't know why I compared them. I sighed and continued admiring the garden. Elliot did great work here. I'd thank him the next time I see him. He deserved it.

Rica's POV

"Lookie! Lookie Kids! We've got another bequest so that means…"

"Cookies for everyone!" the kids shouted happily.

They were excited because this was the only time they'd get snacks and goodies.

I loved these kids. I've always loved kids even when I was one. Taking care of these children reminded me of Alexa. I wondered how she was doing.

A call entered. I left the room to pick the call. There was much noise in the main room.

"Rica speaking, this is the official line for the Happy Hearts orphanage. How can I be of service?"

"We can help each other." This was unusual. I never received a call for the orphanage like that. "Meet me outside."

The call was cut. I had many questions but there was no use asking myself when the answers were outside. I went out of the room.

"When will we get the cookies, Miss Rica?"

I rubbed Kim's head. "I'll be back in a jiffy, popcorn."

Kim chuckled and ran back to her friends. I used that opportunity to walk out of the orphanage. I went outside, looking for anyone out of the ordinary but I saw no one.

"I'm here."

My eyes suddenly met with his. My senses tickled. I knew what he was.

"What do you want here?"

"We can help each other."

"Why would an angel help a witch like me?"

I turned to leave. About to enter, he said something that provoked me. "It's about Alexandra."

I stopped. "Come in."


"Your memory blocking spell is potent."

I opened the secret door and let him in. "I can't risk her remembering me."

He entered, looking around her secret compartment. "What is your grade?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I sense your power. It's hard to ignore."

"Grade five. The highest." I led him to a seat. "Why do you want to help Lexa?"

"I was sent. It's time for her to return home."

I was confused. "Return home?"

"She is a product of us. She was sent to distract him. Her work is done. We want her back."

"That's why you came to a witch?"

"Anyone is better than him."

He was straightforward and sharp in talking.

"I'll help only because of Alexa. She's like my daughter. I can't watch the devil turn her into a demon."

"Do you hate him?"

Surprising question. "He doesn't deserve a precious gem like Alexa. I won't let it happen."

"You cursed them."

"It was the best thing to do at the moment. But I'm afraid that destiny cannot be averted, it can only be delayed. How will you help Alexa?"

There was no emotion on his face. I couldn't tell what he thought.

"She must love me. It will erase her memories of him. We will take her after."

"Tell me what I can do to help."

Lexa's POV

I was so alone at home. Normally, at a time like that I'd talk with my mum. I felt so lonely. The last time I felt this lonely was in high school.

I wondered how I'd be when she was gone. My mum was my best friend. Apart from her, I only knew the orphanage. I realized that I never socialized. I was sure that mum would want me to have either a boyfriend or someone I could confide in when I'm down.

Mum would want to talk to me about it but she couldn't. Maybe because not to trouble me or because she wasn't brave enough. That's what every mother wants for her child.

Perhaps I'm an introvert. Besides, I was in the mood to talk to someone.

I picked my phone and thought of the people I could possibly call. I lost contact with everyone once I stepped out of high school. Things haven't been great for me after.

Wendy would be busy with work as she worked double shift that day. Ana was sick. I couldn't bother mum. Elliot was… available. I wasn't sure if he was available at that moment but I tried him.