
Marked Bullet

Kim's company is a huge real estate empire, with wealth and power there's nothing they can't do. Dong-hae is the second eldest son of the Kim family and he was the one who sat in the highest chair in that empire. But everything changed until a major scandal was exposed involving him and forcing him to resign as vice president. Kim Eun-ji is the youngest daughter of the Kim family and she is in charge of taking over the family businesses in Dong-hae's place. Kim Dong-hae wants revenge, humiliated and completely disowned, he just wants to completely exterminate Eun-ji and everyone else who got in his way and for that he hires Jeon Hye-jin an assassin for hire who kills for money and is willing to all to finish a job. Now Eun-ji has a bullet marked with her name and a countdown begins. Protagonists: Kim Eun-ji (Eunji), Jeon Hye-jin (Hyejin) __________________ Support me and give me a gift! https://www.wishtender.com/moonsside __________________ I don't own the rights to the cover image, it's an image taken from the internet and I couldn't find the author to offer the due credits.

moonsside · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
102 Chs

I want you

Eunji, when she finished climbing that huge staircase, couldn't help but think how that girl looked like Hyejin.

Maybe she was really freaking out.

She sighed feeling exhausted.

The meeting was still more than half an hour away, and while she wanted something cold, she wasn't going to force the poor soul she occasionally called secretary down those stairs.

She kept herself centered and thoughtful about what was happening with her life.

After all, what could she say seemed like everything was upside down.

She signed some papers, looked at others, and finally sat down on the chair at the end of the table, feigning some interest that bunch of clowns had to say.

She hadn't felt this feeling of wanting to go back to sleep since college.

When things at first seemed boring and life was boring, she wanted to sleep and sleep.

Ah, she missed the cloudy days of London.

Well, maybe the problem was her, right?!

But now she had something about to come crashing down on her head and if she dared sleep she would wake up buried under rubble and half a dozen desperate people who wouldn't know what to do.

She sat inertly inside her meeting room, watching him come and go.

Until a certain time someone started talking and showing a power point that was clearly done at the last minute, but it didn't matter.

Well, 10 minutes.

It was what she endured.

After 10 minutes of chattering she abruptly raised her hand and took the floor for herself.

The meeting didn't have many shareholders and those who were there also held positions on the board, most were lower-ranking employees.

Eunji wasn't seen very well by them... Actually by anyone.

She looked at the boy and smiled as if she were at a joke. It really did seem like a huge joke to her.

"I don't even know who you are, but this one fired..."

People looked at each other in despair, for them the presentation was going well and there was no denying the mental fatigue of the shareholders. Of course Eunji would make a scene.

Eunji let out a loud sigh and stood up as if she was being asked to do so.

She approached the guy she was introducing and pushed him away so she could take care of the Powerpoint herself.

"... This presentation does not match the reports... This land costs 25% more than the amount you are reporting, and you are not even taking into account the costs of the work that we will have with the unevenness of the land, besides the construction limit according to environmental laws... I really wonder where you guys are going by building something like a mall in such a limited space..."

As she spoke, people were checking the reports and she was really right, the data presented was inconsistent with the official reports, it was an inadmissible mistake at the level that Eunji wanted for the company.

"By this time in the championship, you should already understand that the taller a building, the more expensive and difficult the engineering... What I want is very simple: look for land with better locations... The one you are proposing has long-term potential. term and we need money in the medium term..."

Young Kim knew that to make money she would need to spend a lot of money, that business was not for amateurs.

Even she already had half a dozen meetings with banks to get a loan that would help her continue with some of her projects in mind.

She had a lot to do and fix.

Really troublesome.

Staring at that little botched slide made her feel like a huge joke.

"... With this absurd value of this land we can find better things at the same price... Stop wasting time..."

She let out a loud sigh as she tried to hold on to what little patience she had left.

Or she could fire not just one, but everyone who was there.

She pointed to one of several legal suits… Yes, this year she would have a lot of work with them.

"... Legal sector, study the possibility of entering the field of tenders for the construction of housing projects in the state, a contact told me that they should start a selective soon."

She ran the power point to its end and stopped exactly where a random photo of thanks ended the presentation.

She walked to her chair and grabbed her coat.

She stared at everyone still seated and completely frozen without reaction. "What are you waiting for? Meeting is over, you can leave."

She left with hurried steps along with Junseo and the two soon went to the presidency's room.

She sat at her desk and stared at her cell phone still without any sign of Hyejin.

It irritated her so much.

She looked at her secretary shyly organizing some papers and finally decided to talk to him. "Is the ice cream truck in front of the park again?"

He stopped briefly to think and quickly remembered that he hadn't seen that truck in a while.

Well, that the saleswoman had said that she might not stay in that place for long… It was really a pity, he had liked the ice cream. "No, I think they changed the route."

Eunji sighed, she wanted lemon ice cream.

She wanted and she would have lemon ice cream.

Yes, you could understand lemon as Hyejin.

She got up from her chair and turned off the computer.

She could work at any time, it could be there or at home, noon or midnight. Who cares? "Cancel my schedule today, I'm going to do some shopping..."

Junseo was a little unresponsive, but nodded in agreement.

Now he would have all the trouble of rearranging Eunji's entire schedule for another time.

This was such a huge inconvenience.

He sighed wearily and the work hadn't even really started.

"All right..."

She walked to the elevator and it was finally working again...

That employee from before didn't get out of her mind, how could someone look so similar and smell so similar.

Well, Eunji spent many hours glued to Hyejin to know exactly what her smell and taste was like that woman.

She was exhausted and that situation only bothered her even more.

She took out her phone in a last attempt to communicate with Hyejin and didn't even hope to get her call answered... Until she heard a brief 'hello'.

Hyejin had the husky, sleepy voice of someone who had just woken up.

Kim smiled at the brief thought of being able to see her wake up and had a little regret in her heart that she hadn't had the opportunity to do so.

She closed her eyes in hesitation, she wasn't willing to live anything like a relationship with anyone.

Not at that moment.

But she always seemed to run desperately towards Hyejin, as if her life depended on it.

"What do you want from me Hyejin?"

There was silence and it truly felt like an eternity.

How should Hyejin respond to that? She didn't even know what time it was, her body was in snooze mode. She stared at the closed curtains of her room and could see from the small trails of light that there was sun and the day was probably beautiful.

She probably didn't sleep much more than half an hour.

Maybe Eunji had really discovered that she was the woman she held by the wrist.

She didn't know what to think or what to do... Hell, Mark wasn't online either, when she needed him most he was out there somewhere on the deep web.

Should she continue this dangerous game? Or surrender to the charms of sin?

That game was dangerous, but she wanted more, what was she supposed to do? Sin was beautiful, with red lips and silky smooth skin.

Eunji could hear the sound of the elevator going down floor by floor and she knew that if the post opened she was about to run into something that wasn't hers.

But it would. Yes, if she wanted something, she would definitely have it.

"I want nothing from you Eunji... I want you."

Young Kim could feel her cheeks hot and when the elevator doors finally opened... She didn't have the It even seemed laughable what all this was doing to her.

The few employees who passed by didn't even understand, they didn't even know that Eunji could smile like that.

"Come to my house, let's eat pizza and watch movies... I'll give you exactly what you want."

It was possible to hear a hearty laugh on the other end of the line and Eunji could even have the dazzle in her mind of that smile in her mind.

"Okay, see you later... Use that money for pizza."

The call finally ended and Eunji didn't run like she thought she would and Hyejin didn't go back to sleep like she thought she would.

They felt uneasy with the new discoveries that life seemed to offer them. strength to run, she wanted to sit down and calm down.