
Everything I need to satisfy you is right here with me...

After what was supposed to be just lunch and turned into a huge ceremony, Eunji and Hyejin were finally in a room prepared for them.


Eunji had already been told in advance that she would be sleeping at her grandfather's house, so it was no surprise to be guided by the old man's staff to the place where she could spend the night.


Nan Woojin didn't call anyone else, mainly because he had a lot of business to take care of with his granddaughter in particular and it was only bearable for him to have his granddaughter and her girlfriend.


His daughter or the other idiots he called his grandson?! No you own a car and your own lives why should I care about where you sleep?


Well, it was nothing more than expected the strong rupture within the family, the moment old Nan opened his hand and passed it on to the next generation he loyally offered all that was the dedication of his life to a single person.