
Marked: Bloodlust

J_Tri · Fantasy
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4 Chs

An awkward feeling

The darkness dissipated and I found myself in a lush green forest. The moon hung high in the starless night. The numbness had also faded away and all I felt was a void in my chest. I pushed my energy away causing my grab to fade away, all that was left was my common clothes. I looked down at my hand, the birthmark burned.

I fell to the ground, resting against a tree. My body ached all over my felt thin and the very air burned my lungs. I reached for the contraption that all hunters receive. A small bracelet. I activated it using a command phrase and it beamed with life. My mission status was the first to appear, I put in my answer. Mission failed target escaped. I knew that if my father knew it was me who conducted the mission, he would have had my hunter mark revoked and my status as his heir removed. Luckily to everyone, the person who conducted the mission was Reaper, a mysterious hunter who people both respected and feared. I had spent every waking moment keeping that life away from mine. I only hunted at night, I skipped formal events and the like. I always wondered what would happen if everyone knew that I was the reaper. Will they hate me, resent me, or perhaps fear me? I will never know the answer to that question, because I will never let them know.

I tried to rise but the attempt led me to a coughing spree with blood gushing forth. It seems whatever that girl did to me will stick for a while. As I tried to weigh my options, I heard rustling in the bushes nearby. Not taking any chances, I summoned my blade. A blue and silver sword with my family crest blazoned upon its flat. I lifted it weakly into a fighting stance, whatever came to me will have to fight me to eat me.

I waited for a time, the rustling became louder and louder until it suddenly stopped. I tried to peer beyond my sightline, but the darkness of the forest made it difficult. I tried to stand again, only to bring about another coughing spree. Then she came out. Sis. "Oh my god, what happened to you." She said as she rushed to my side. I lowered my blade as she grasped my body. She tore off my shirt, and preceded to look for injuries, but found no physical marks. Then she forced a blue glow around her hand and my body and searched for magical aliments. "How did you get so injured by magic? Why are there signs of corruption in your blood stream? And why…..." she rambled on and on, but I had no answer to her questions. None that wouldn't incriminate me.

"Can you patch me up or not?" She looked at me with frustration. Then she sighed and the color of her power turned into a golden ray, my body slowly felt rejuvenated. The void in my chest left and my birthmark slowly calmed down.

After patching me up sis sat down next to me. Her eyes looked distant, lost to her worries. I grabbed her hands and placed that amulet inside them. "Thank you, for everything sis." She placed her head onto my shoulder and held close, which only brought anxiety to return. Her heart felt cold compared to that girl. An embrace that captured my mind.