
Mark of the Moon

After his alpha father's death, Dhruv stays away from the pack and lets his step brother take over. His parents broken marriage stole away the joys of his childhood. When he decided to stay away from love, he meets his mate Poornima - their deemed enemy. Poornima who lived her entire life in a sheltered cocoon. What will she do when she finds the mystery of her birth? Does she have the courage to shoulder the responsibility of being selected by Goddess Moon? Above all, do Dhruv and Poornima have it in them to fight against all odds and go against their entire clan to live a happily ever after life?

anusha_alla · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

There was no missing the lovestruck look in Dhruv's eyes. Now he replayed the previous events in his mind and understood Dhruv's actual intentions. He now understood why Dhruv came to his office the other day to help Poornima with her report. He also understood why Dhruv's expression turned sour whenever he mentioned his interest for Poornima. "Undoubtedly, Dhruv is in love with Poornima that could be the only reason he refused to help me advance further with her." Arjun thought.

He was happy for his friend who never showed interest in any woman though his entire team had only female employees. He was joyously surprised that finally his friend found someone to his liking. "Dhruv had always been like a good brother to me. If he already has his heart on her. Then its better to not to be the hurdle." He smiled at his misery and felt grateful that he had realized this at a much earlier stage before his feelings for Poornima deepened. At the moment he valued his friendship more than his budding attraction towards Poornima.

Meanwhile Dhruv summoned Lisa to his office and asked her what she had been doing that day. Lisa handed over the progress of her tasks that she had been working on since her last meeting with Dhruv. He was studying her expressions and paying attention to every detail to try to find anything fishy. But he noticed that she didn't seem to know that he went out with Poornima. The way she behaved while she spoke to him cleared his suspicions that he had about Lisa. She definitely could not be behind the attack on Poornima. This worried him more. It would have been simpler if the attack was orchestrated by Lisa. But now he had to think of ways to figure out the master mind behind the attack.

The next day Arjun was having coffee with Dhruv and he casually brought up Poornima into discussion. He noticed Dhruv's face change color. He then laughed at him teasingly and said, "Bro! Relax. I know you love her. I was just kidding a while ago."

Dhruv's expression went solemn from angry. He said, "I don't know what you are talking of. She is just one of my subordinates. What makes you think I love her?" he replied nonchalantly.

"Quit the chase champ! I saw you both yesterday in the parking. I know there is something brewing between you two." He said.

"Oye! Don't you get it wrong and spread the rumours. We went to review a vendor. It was purely professional interaction." Saying so, he pulled out the gate pass he got from Zenith Hospitality Services and showed it to him as proof. It had the entry and exit time stamped on it.

Just then Poornima walked into the pantry and sat down at a table with her cup of coffee. All the while, Dhruv's gaze subconsciously moved with Poornima while conversing with Arjun. Arjun noticed this and smiled as he thought with a mischievous grin, "This brat is living in denial. Looks like I have to set a ground for them. Let the game begin."

He knew that with Dhruv's character, he would not take the initiative to approach or flirt with a woman. Whats worse than this is that Dhruv doesn't seem to realise that he loves her. From the way Dhruv was looking at Poornima dotingly, it was clear to Arjun that his friend was smitten. Being a good friend now Arjun took it upon him to play cupid between these love birds.

That evening it grew darker early. It was five in the evening when the sky was covered with dark grey clouds. In few minutes it started pouring heavily. Arjun had a glint in his eyes as he was struck with an idea.

In few minutes everyone was leaving in a hurry. As per the weather forecast, it was a cloud burst and few parts of the city were predicted to be flooded in few hours. Everyone wanted to go home and be together with their families rather than being stuck on the water logged roads. Poornima, on the contrary who lived alone was in no hurry to leave. It was already 7 PM when she reached the parking. Now she started panicking as her car wouldn't start. Most of the people she knew had already left. She tried to book a cab but failed as most of the cabs were stuck on the roads due to the heavy rains.

Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she was running out of options. Just then she heard a familiar voice. "Whats up? Are you waiting for someone?" as he drew closer to her, he noticed her troubled look and understood she needed help.

"Do you need my help?" Dhruv asked genuinely concerned.

"I need help. But I don't think you can help. Thanks for asking." She said. She did not forget how he had rejected Lisa's request for lift few days ago and wanted to spare herself the humiliation. Apparently his house was on the other end of the city. Since she lived in the same locality as Lisa she knew he could not give her a ride back home.

"Okay. Even if I might not be able to help I want to know what is bothering you." he asked.

"My car isn't starting. It was fine in the morning." She said. "I know that you are headed in the opposite direction of my house so I cant ask you for lift. Do you know anyone who lives near Timothy colony so that I can hitch a ride?" she asked.

"I can give you a lift. Don't worry." He said as he grabbed her bag and walked towards his car.

She hesitated for a moment but followed him as she had no other option.

Seeing this exchange between them Arjun who was hiding behind a pillar, chuckled softly. His plan had worked and he had an ear to ear grin all along. After he saw Dhruv's car leave with Poornima, he walked towards Poornima's car and removed the stones from its silencer. "I have set the ground now. All they have to do is play along." He smiled.

In Dhruv's car, the passenger and the driver sat silently listening to the radio which was giving live traffic updates. The roads were flooded already. Poornima grew anxious as she saw the water level covering half of the tyres of cars around them. Thankfully Dhruv's car was an off roader. It had huge tyres and the car was built to travel even on hills and rocky terrain. On the road, amidst the other cars his car looked like a monster. Even if she could drive her car here, she was sure the engine would fail due to the raising levels of water on road, leaving her in the middle of nowhere. She was grateful for the turn of events. She knew that with this monster car of his, she could definitely reach home.

"The roads that are blocked due traffic and clogged water are -Spring fields, Vasanth vihar, timothy colony, TBD junction ….

" came the radio announcement.

They have been driving for more than an hour now but due to the present situation, the drive to her home that usually took her 30 minutes seemed to take eternity. It was already more than an hour yet they hadn't covered half the distance. There were many cars that stopped midway on the roads due to water clogging their engines. This caused massive traffic jams everywhere. Hearing the announcement on the radio, Dhruv looked at her and said, "I think going home is no longer an option open to you. Do you want me to take you to any of your friends' place instead?"

Poornima turned pale. She did not have any friends. When a child, her mother was extra cautious of her safety and never let her out on play dates. She had made one friend with her neighbour but that friendship did not last long as they constantly changed places.

She did not have any place to go now. She did not know what to tell Dhruv. She could spend the night at any hotel nearby but she knew there were no hotels anywhere close to them. She fidgeted for a while searching for an answer. Sensing her hesitation Dhruv enquired, "You can tell me if something is bothering you."

"Nothing. You can drop me at any hotel nearby." She said.

From this he discerned that she did not have any close friends. He took a U turn and said, "I will head towards my home and I will stop by the first hotel that comes our way. Does that sound good?"

"Sounds good to me." She smiled and said "Thank you." and she really meant it. She could not think of what she would have done if she were to be driving alone in this situation.

Poornima was a proud woman and seldom asked others for help. This was partly because she was used to doing things alone since childhood. She was used to loneliness and did not find anything wrong with it. Back at office, she had her coffee and lunch alone. She preferred it that way as she could spend the time introspecting her next tasks at hand.

But lately she realized that she was much relaxed with Dhruv around. "Sometimes it pays to have company. Whats more to ask if the one accompanying you is none other than your devilishly handsome boss?" She thought to herself and smiled.

Dhruv happened to catch this sight and felt that given the present situation, her smile was out of place. Because he could see that she was worried sick until now as she had no place to go to. He wondered what had changed in such a short time to make her smile. Yet he relished the sight. Though most of their journey they remained quiet, he enjoyed the drive because he liked the way he felt with her by his side. At the moment both of them were caught in the bliss of love. Though both of them never wanted to be tied up into a relationship, here they were engulfed in emotions unknown to them.