
Chapter 9 Perspective

"Why does the world hate me?" A young Fayra asked her father. "The world does not hate you Fayra" the king told his daughter. "They fear you," he added. "But why?" Fayra asked.

This would be the first lesson Fayra ever learned.

"Power runs in our veins," he told her. "It is our God given right" he added "but the world believes you, Fayra Alden, are the one the prophecy follows" he said. "And because of that they fear the unknown power you may hold" he finished.

"Princess" Ian said behind her snapping Fayra back to reality. 12 hours had passed and Fayra, Ian, Ella, and Kyra had made it to the border of Bennett. "It's a good thing the border to Sterne is so close to the capital" Fayra said to Ian. "Yes I suppose it is," he said.

"How do you intend to get people on your side, princess?" Ian asked. "Power," Fayra said, turning to him. "I'm sorry but do you even have any?" He Asked her. "When I was young my father told me Power Ran in our families veins, it was our God given right, he told me those who are weaker would naturally follow those who were stronger" she told him. "But you're right" she added "I have no power" she said.

"If I wish to Free Bennett and make the royals of Bennett suffer for their sins then not only must I gain the people of Bennett on my side but I must gain allies and return home" she told him.

"HOW DID THIS HAPPEN" the king of Bennett yelled. "TO FALL FROM SUCH A HEIGHT AND SURVIVE IS IMPOSSIBLE" he yelled. "As is taming a dragon yet it appears she has done that as well" the queen said annoyed. "SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A CURSED PRINCESS, ONE NO ONE CARED ABOUT ONE WHO WAS SIMPLY MEANT TO DIE" he continued to yell. "BUT YET NOT ONLY WAS ALDEN THREATENING WAR BUT SHE TAMED A BEAST THAT WAS MEANT TO DIE WHEN SHE DID" he added.

"Perhaps it's not to late dearest" Amara said. "Whatever do you mean?" The king asked. "The beast is still young and she is still connected to it... perhaps if we kill one of them the other will still die" she explained to him.

"Yes" the king said. "Yes, perhaps you're right," he said again. "Zander!" The king shouted. "Yes your majesty" Zander, his secretary said entering the office. "Hire as many assassins as possible. I want that bitch Fayra Alden dead," he told him. "Yes your majesty" Zander replied, before exiting the office.

He closed the door behind him. And hesitated for a moment before walking away.

"They still haven't found her body?" William asked his father. "No," Alexander said solemnly. "Perhaps there's still a chance for her to be alive," William said hopeful. "They believe her body was taken by wolves, according to witnesses from a nearby village" Alexander told his son. "Perhaps it would be best if I went to that village myself to ask them what happened," William said. "You would have to go alone," Alexander told him. "If you go there with their knowledge they'll do everything they can to stop you from finding the truth they so wish to hide" Alexander said.

"Then I won't go with their knowledge" William said. "Something tells me that Fayra is alive and she needs us" he added. "Father," a little girl's voice said from the doorway. William and Alexander turned to the door. A little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes just like them was standing in the doorway. "What is it Arabella?" Alexander asked his youngest daughter. "Is big sister truly alive?" she asked.

William and Alexander just looked at each other, but neither knew what to say to the young girl.

"Who are you?" A man asked pointing a sword at Fayra and her small group. "Fayra just stared at the sword, then looked at the man holding it. "I am Fayra Alden, First Princess, and Second in line to the throne of Alden" Fayra spoke honestly. "What is the Princess Of Alden doing here in Sterne Near the border of Bennett?" The man asked. "And what is that creature on your shoulder?" He asked.

"Do you truly wish to know?" Fayra asked "tell me quickly before I alert the guard" he demanded. "As you wish," she said, taking a step forward. "I Married the Prince Of Bennett, Branded, and pushed off the cliff by my husband as a sacrifice, survived the fall that no one else did and now I am here to ask Sterne to help me destroy the Bennett Royal family" she told him. "Is that enough explanation for you?" She asked. "And the creature?" he asked. "Armaros... He is a dragon" she told him. "A Dragon..." he repeated staring at Armaros who only tilted his head at the man.

"Yes, a dragon," she said again. "My name is Edwin," he said, putting away his sword. "I'm a border knight," he said. "How am I truly to know you won't cause trouble?" He asked. "Send a hawk to the capital and they will tell you what to do next" she told him. "We will stay here so as not to cause the trouble you worry so much about," she added.

"You wish to stay here?" He Questioned "what better way to ensure that we both get what we want" she told him. He hesitated for a moment. "No," he said. "Go," he added. Kyra stepped forward. "Why?" Kyra asked. "Something tells me to trust you" he said. "Plus Bennett is always causing trouble along the border," he said. "Thank you," Fayra said.

"I'll send a letter to the capital that you'll be arriving in 3 days so don't dilly dally on your way" he told them. "Of course not" fayra replied.

Now that they were in Sterne her plan could finally begin. What she had to do now was simple. Convince Sterne to go against Bennett. She didn't have the power to start a rebellion but she did have the power to convince them to.