
Chapter 11 Different

"Fayra you don't have to leave" Cedric said. "But I do," she told him. "I've been here far too long and if Bennett finds out I'm here it could put sterne in danger" she added. As she turned to Armaros.

Over the past few days his growth had increased dramatically. "I thought dragons grew much slower than this," Kyra said, walking over to Fayra. "I believe it takes them years to become full grown but at this rate he could be grown by year's end" Ella said.

Fayra climbed up on her horse. "Armaros Up" I said and Armaros took off into the air. Fayra turned to Cedric as Ella, Ian, and Kyra got onto their horses. "Until we meet again Prince Cedric" Fayra said before she turned around and began to trot away.

"Take care of her" Cedric told Ian who only nodded in return.

It took Fayra another month to get to Qwan in that time they hunted in order to survive. Armaros grew double the size he already was and had begun to hunt for his own food.

"How much farther" Ella asked as they continued to ride. "Not much I'm sure," Fayra replied. "Stop there" an unfamiliar man's aid jumping in front of them. "Your surrounded" the man added as more people jumped out of the brush surrounding them.

Ian looked at Fayra, her face cold and uncaring. It was something he hadn't seen from her before. "What is it you want?" Ian asked the man. "Give us everything you have!" He told them. A smile came across Fayra's face. "And if we have nothing?" Fayra asked.

"Then I shall kill you here and now," he told them. Fayra looked at Ian, then Ella, then Kyra, before looking up into the sky. "Armaros" Fayra said and. Armaros landed behind them. The people surrounding them took steps back as the man's eyes went wide and he fell back and landed on his butt. "Your highness..." Ian said as if having a feeling of what she was about to do next. She just stared at him as Armaros walked closer to her, stopping at her side. His look just as cold as hers.

"If I were you I'd run" Fayra said. "Even I don't know now what he's fully capable of when angry" she told him. Those who surrounded them quickly ran and after another moment the man finally got up and ran away as well.

Ian, Ella, and Kyra were silent as Fayra began to move forward.

The last little bit of the journey to Qwan was simple. And before they knew it they stood in front of the tall gates of Qwan.

Qwan was a territory on the edge of sterne. It was more like a small duchy that was ruled by high ranking officials from different countries. It was mainly the spot where they would buy and sell slaves among other things.

"Who dares to approach the gate of Qwan?" A small group of people said as they walked out from behind the gate. "Fayra Alden, First Princess Of Alden and second in line to the throne" she said "the cursed princess" one mumbled. "I heard she died... jumped right off a cliff, she did" said another. His manner of speaking was much different from what she had heard before.

"Whether I jumped or not does not change the fact that I stand in front of you" she told them. "And what is it you wish to buy from here?" The first man asked. "Slaves," she said. "I wish to buy slaves" she added

"Prince William" a knight said from behind William. "She isn't the first one," William said. 2 months ago William decided to secretly travel to Bennett with a small group of knights. He wished to find out what happened to his little sister. To find out if she was truly dead.

And now he was at the bottom of the cliff she had fallen from. He stood at the altar staring at the countless other decomposed bodies that were there.

"Your highness," the knight said again. William turned to him. "Have you found any trace of her?" William asked the knight. "There is a village that seems to have been burned down not too far from here and blood going in that direction as well!" He told William.

"Let us head there then" William told him. "Yes, your highness," the knight said.

"You expect me to believe The first princess of alden who is said to be dead is here to buy slaves?" An old man said "yes sir" a man replied.

The old man stood up from his chair and walked out of his office, out of the building and through the large gate where Fayra had been waiting. "Princess, it seems the rumors of your death have been greatly exaggerated" the old man said "Count Palouse how unexpected it is to see you here of all places" Fayra said. "It's said that you're here to buy slaves, how many do you need?" He asked her. "Do you wish to get rid of me so quickly?" She asked him sarcastically. "Of course not but if our other... customers... hear of a royal being here they won't take it so well" he said to her "so I'll ask again how many do you need Princess Fayra" Palouse added. "All of them" she told him

"Do you even have the money to buy any?" The man from before asked. "Of course we do," Ian said. "We do, right?" Ian whispered to Fayra. "I was thinking we could trade," Fayra said. "That's over 7000 slaves," Palouse said calmly. "what exactly do you have that's worthy of such a trade?" He asked "7000 slaves aren't exactly cheap" he told her.

"Yes that is true isn't it" she said "Armaros" Fayra said and Armaros landed behind her. Palouse's face dropped in shock but his face wore a smile. "I have a dragon," she told him. "Your highness," Ella said, shocked. "I'll give you him if you give me all of your slaves, what do you say?" Fayra asked.