
Mark of a Legend: Divine Destiny (part one)

Three years have passed since Team Rocket fell apart, but now they have returned under the leadership of a new ruler. While evil spreads, a young female called Lyra commences her journey and is destined to become the region’s saviour, but it’s not a path without obstacles.

Rachael_Joyce · Video Games
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Edward Blackthorn sat in the middle of the shrine with his legs crossed, hands resting on his lap, back facing the dragon idol. Every day he would visit the shrine at the break of dawn to receive a vision before their clan symbol, a mighty golden dragon. Only by kneeling before the dragon head was he able to see a glimpse into the future. His visions had given him the title of the Elder of the Blackthorn Clan, and he was revered by the people across the region.

But not all people held his visions in high regard.

High-ranking dragon tamers from the neighbouring regions mocked his visions, claiming they were simply figments of imagination from an old man's tired mind. They wanted him removed from his seat of power, wanting to turn the Dragon Den into a political place instead. It was rumoured the other clans wanted to use Blackthorn City as place to educate trainers about the path to becoming a dragon master. Naturally, the people of Blackthorn City were displeased with the news – bringing in tamers from other regions would only create trouble and would eventually lead to a sense of loss identity. He suspected there was a deeper reasoning behind their logic – there was always a sinister motive behind politics - though he could not imagine what it could be.

Despite the problems with foreign clans, it was not the reason behind his stress.

His main cause of stress had actually come from his own grandchildren, Clair and Lance. Both his grandchildren held positions of great power however they had not yet developed the maturity to fully understand what their positions entailed. For Clair, being the final gym leader meant abusing her power and flaunting her status, and for Lance that meant engaging in reckless behaviour. Edward had lost count of how many times Lance had strayed from the noble path, in his pursuit of power. He was constantly searching for a way to prove he was fit to be Champion, but had yet to find the right path. Edward hoped to steer him in the right direction before it was too late.

"Haven't I already proved myself? I'm the final gym leader before the league," Clair said, sapphire eyes narrowed in anger, fingers curled into fists hanging down at her sides.

"You have not proved your worth, Clair," Edward said, giving the Blackthorn gym leader a stern look. "I do not deny your power, but you have yet to learn what it truly means to be a gym leader and a true dragon master of Blackthorn. You will continue to carry out your tasks until you have shown me you have the wisdom of our ancestors."

The gym leader pouted. Folding her arms across her chest, she threw Edward a dark look, brows knotted in anger. "Why should I remain here in this city waiting for a worthy trainer to arrive when I could be helping you? I know the other clan leaders are giving you trouble – I could pay each one a visit and destroy them with my Kingdra. That'll teach them a lesson not to mess with the Blackthorn Clan," she protested.

Edward shook his head. "And what will that achieve, Clair? Challenging the clan leaders will only create more trouble and give them a stronger reason why the education centre is needed here in this city. They already believe us to be an arrogant, unruly lot. Do you want to add 'violent' to that description?"

Clair huffed. "You don't think I'm strong enough to take them on. Well, you're wrong. I'm the strongest trainer in the region!" she wailed, flipping her long sapphire blue ponytail over her right shoulder. She turned to her cousin for support. "Tell him, Lance! Tell him how strong I am! Tell him how I crushed the last challenger with ease!"

Stifling a yawn, Lance shrugged. "The battle was over before it even had a chance to get interesting," he said in a tired voice. While Clair was known for her overly aggressive manner to the public, Lance was known for being direct and blunt. He spoke his mind with little disregard for the thoughts and feelings of those around him, believing only his word mattered. Becoming Champion had given the boy a self-inflated sense of importance. "You should let Clair have a chance to prove herself worthy, grandfather. You know, she's almost as good as I am." He grinned.

Edward shook his head again. "Clair has yet to pass the test." Turning away from Lance, he faced Clair, a disproving expression on his face. "You cannot claim to be a dragon master of Blackthorn City until you have passed the test. You know the law."

Her eyes widened, bottom lip curled. Edward knew what was coming next; an infamous Clair tantrum. Clair restored to screaming, yelling, stomping her feet and crying to get things her way, but that would not sway him. "I am worthy! I will prove it to you!" She spun around on her heel and stormed out of the shrine's entrance, black cape flapping behind her.

Lance watched her leave then rolled his head towards his grandfather. "Do you really think that is wise? You are only inviting her to seek out danger. You can't keep her trapped forever. She's going to find a way to become involved in all of this. I say you should just free her from her leash and let her run wild," he said, arms folded over his chest, dark eyes fixed on the man.

Edward was less than amused by Lance's response. He slowly picked himself up from the ground, dusted his robes, and limped over to the table. "These are dangerous times we are living in Lance," he started, glancing down at the sheets of paper lying on the surface. Pointing at the table, he brought Lance's attention to the first of the three papers then looked at him. "What do you see?"

Each of the sheets had an image drawn on it. The first was of an injured Slowpoke, the second of a pirate hat and the third had a picture of a young female with pigtails. Lance raised an eyebrow and looked at his grandfather. "I see a Slowpoke, a pirate hat and a girl who looks like she belongs on a farm. More visions of yours, I assume?" He laughed as if it were a grand joke.

Edward nodded. "Yes. Reports of injured Slowpoke are making the news each week, and the pirate hat wearing people are linked to it. These people belong to Team Rocket. You and I both know this cannot continue."

"Team Rocket were defeated three years ago. Giovanni disbanded them, and went into hiding," Lance pointed out, frowning. "If Team Rocket had returned, then someone would've said something. I have eyes across both Johto and Kanto, and not one gym leader has mentioned sightings of any suspicious activity."

"They've returned. I have seen it."

"Then I will search the Slowpoke Well myself, and see it with my own eyes. You can't rely on these visions, grandfather. Perhaps in your old age, your abilities have waned." He turned around and prepared to head towards the exit, but Edward grabbed his arm and held him back.

"Do not be a fool. You may have earned the title of a dragon master, but this is a fight you cannot win alone."

Jerking his arm back, Lance glowered. "Have you forgotten who I am? I'm Lance, the Champion of Johto and Kanto. Unlike Clair, I am the strongest trainer in the region. I passed your stupid test. You say Team Rocket has returned. Who better than I to ensure they are stopped?" he challenged.

"You are a fool if you believe you are the strongest trainer in the region," his grandfather replied calmly. "There is always going to be someone stronger than you – you just haven't met them yet."

A muscle jerked in Lance's jaw. "You talk to me as if I were nothing but a child!" He drew a deep breath in, holding back his temper then said, "I can stop Team Rocket."

Edward felt his heart sink. It was moments such as these he wished that both his daughter and her sister were still alive so they could guide their children in the right direction. Lance was maturing into a young adult, but he was becoming too much like his father, and that bode ill consequences for the clan and his own future should he continue to follow that path. He wished Lance had taken after his mother instead. Unfortunately, tragic events had happened which claimed the lives of two young women who had died before their time. "And you talk to me as if you are my superior," he replied, his voice low, commanding. "You are the Champion, but you do not have power over me." Lance grumbled. "I am trying to help you, Lance."

Although Clair expressed her opinions in an abrasive manner, she always followed orders (after throwing a tantrum of course). On the other hand, Lance was convinced that he knew better than everyone else and often did things his way just because he thought it was right. "Help me?" he scoffed. "You're trying to hold me back from reaching my full potential!"

"I'm trying to guide you in the right direction. Your arrogance will be your downfall if you are not careful," he snapped. "Even a Champion can fall."

The original Champion Blue had lost his title after boasting to everyone how he could never lose. The boy, the grandson of the infamous Professor Oak, had lost to an inexperienced child called Red. Red claimed the throne, but retired only after a month of service, giving the title to Lance instead. His current whereabouts were unknown, but there was a rumour he was living on the peak of Mount Silver. That was something he hadn't seen in a vision yet.

"You should have a little more faith, grandfather."

"You will not be the one to defeat Team Rocket," the man said curtly.

Lance snorted. "Let me guess, the girl in your vision will be the one to defeat them?" He tried to make it sound like a sarcastic joke, but he had failed to conceal the edge in his tone. Lance didn't like the thought of anyone else being better than him; it's why he made sure the current elite four members had no type-advantage against him, to stop comparisons being made by the public.

With a sigh, Edward lowered himself to his chair, hands gripping the edges of the table to maintain balance. In his old age simple actions such as sitting down had become difficult tasks, but his mind was still as sharp as it had been many long years ago. "Her name is Lyra. She is the girl on the paper. She will be the one to defeat Team Rocket and claim the throne as Champion."

Lance scowled. "Tell me more about this… 'Lyra'." He spat her name as if she was something foul.

"She is a fourteen year old teenager from New Bark Town with no family trainer history. She is a late starter to the world of pokémon."

Lance gave a curt laugh. "You are expecting someone with no experience to defeat Team Rocket and myself?""

"Red defeated Blue. Do I need to remind you Red came from a small hometown?" He paused, allowing his words to sink in, knowing any mention of the name would remind Lance how not all Champions came from high-status backgrounds. "You may have passed the test, but you do not truly understand it."

"You insult me."

"You did not earn the title of Champion the way one normally should, Lance. Red gave it to you. There is a difference."

The smirk on Lance's face faded. He didn't like being reminded of that. It was a well-kept secret that only his grandfather knew. Everyone else, including Clair, thought he had defeated Red to earn the title and that's why Red had resigned. The truth? Red turned down Lance's proposal for a battle. He simply handed the title over to Lance claiming 'he wasn't interested in fancy titles anyway'. "I'm strong enough now to defeat Red."

Edward ignored Lance's previous comment regarding Red. "If there is any part of you that still respects me you will listen to my words. Please keep an eye on this girl and do your best to protect her without revealing your true identity until the right moment comes. This is all I ask of you."

"I have better things to do than watch a rookie trainer." Lance headed towards the exit.

"Aren't you just a little curious to learn more about Lyra?" Edward called out. Lance stopped. "Do you wish to share the same fate?"

Lance rolled his head back towards his grandfather. "So you're threatening me?"

He saw defiance in his eyes, and was reminded of his own son, Jacob, who too had challenged his visions. He didn't want the same fate of banishment to fall upon Lance. "I know what is best for you."

"Right, because you've 'seen' visions of the future," he said curtly.

"My visions have not lied to me, Lance. If you are going to listen to me just once, now is the time. Protect Lyra." Lance shifted his gaze to the door. He could see the impatience in the boy's posture and knew he had little time left to persuade his grandson to do the right thing. Many people wished they had his ability, but if they could see how they were going to die, they would think otherwise. His visions were both a blessing and a curse.

Lance considered it then nodded. "Fine," he snapped. "I'll keep an eye on her, but don't expect me to do anything else for you." He stormed out of the shrine in silence, the sounds of his footsteps echoing throughout the den.

Edward closed his eyes, took in a deep breath and exhaled, reopening his eyes again. Lance doubted his visions, but one day he would come to fully appreciate the lessons his grandfather had taught him.