
Mario Becomes The FIFA My Career

Mario Balotelli was in his penthouse inside a building in Manchester, it was currently the year 2012, it was now June and the transfer market was buzzing with talent going up and down. But Mario wasn't paying attention too all that bickering he was just sitting on his couch as he sighed.

"This season was very exciting, that assist I gave Sergio to win the league was super tight! I could win the Ballon d'or just for that stellar sportsmanship."

Yeah, this season was very exciting for Manchester City fans, the town is literally being painted blue. But now with this momentum on our side we can surely with the Champions League. I can just taste the champagne...besides who's going to stop us? Messi and Barcelona? Manchester City>Barcelona. Real Madrid? I can take care of Sergio Ramos. AC Milan? As long as the fans don't start trouble, It'll be easy.

"But seriously, this next season I should stop trying to make trouble, it might as well come to me but I won't start it...I won't be young forever you know? I need to get onto the Ballon d'or top ten atleast this season... what's the point of playing football if I don't be known as one of the best players? But I'll need to first change how I react about unfair slurs thrown at me.

"As if that could be easy." Mario muttered to himself as he laid back on his couch as he remembered all the things that happened to him as a kid.

Being in Italy as a kid was tough for Mario, losing his parents who where from Ghana at a young age was very much heartbreaking for him and when he was put in the orphanage system he never got the love he always wanted which is why he always made a lot of trouble. He just needed to be noticed for once. When he was eventually put in foster care his foster parents didn't even pay him no mind they would continuously say that they only had him since the government paid them to and that he was never their child. Mario had it tough as a kid which is why football was his escape from all the torment he got back home. All of this trouble he caused was just for him to be noticed and so that he could be loved for once, but it never seemed to work whatsoever. Which is why he always adored the anime character Naruto as he was just like him. Lonely, misjudged and only conceiling their true feelings with a smile...well Mario conceals his feelings with true mayhem. For example, that time he played for Inter Milan he wore an AC Milan shirt while in public.

-Mount Footlypus

"My poor child...why should he be one of many...he must think I have forsaken him." Footy, the god of football, the creator of the beautiful game that had brought the sport to the people of Earth stated as he sat on his comfy cloud chair.

"Father, do you think we should help him? His future seems to go downhill after this thought." Ovaro, the god of Overhead kicks, volleys, scorpion kicks etc, asked as he saw Mario's future threw a crystal ball. "I agree son...I can't have one of my children go down this path and especially him...he has seen enough suffering for once. Call Donny and tell him that he should give him that Game Device he's always flexing about."

Ovaro nodded as he went to find his brother, Donny the god of Defense was busy doing his godly duties of messing with the referees that had gave his defensive children red cards when they were just doing their jobs. "Take this for what you did to Sergio Ramos!" he shouted as he cursed a poor referee.

"Donny." Ovaro called out to his brother who stopped his antics as he turned to the man. "Father wants you to give up that FIFA system of yours to this one mortal."


"I'm sorry but you know father's word is final."

"But Ovaro you know I've been working on this for eons and now you want to take it away from me." Donny whinned.

"Eons? You came up with the idea just a month ago when we went down to Earth to play that FIFA tournament," Ovaro reminded his brother, who sweat dropped. "Oh yeah...but still it felt like eons, I haven't left my room while working on my system. Plus I'm not finished with it."

"Yet you have time to torture a poor referee...I pretty sure you wouldn't do this if you weren't finished. So come on hand it over."

Donny grumbled as he huffed. "Fine. But this mortal better become the GOAT with my project."

"Oh I'm sure he will."