
Chapter 33

Married in spite of me

Author :

Part 2 chapter 12


I was in bed when Nabila calls me in tears to tell me that it's like his Khalil left with their child yesterday and threatened to take custody of him but how dare he do something to him the same ? Who does he think he is to behave like this?

I feel so guilty for pushing him to tell him the whole truth, I thought he was different from the others, now I was wrong on his account, these men they are all the same children of the same father and same mother

I was so mad I got up and took my car key to his house I'm sick of these men thinking they can play with us without being punished I'm sick of them take us for objects, I may have thought they thought they could do anything with us, fortunately Nabila had told me where they lived, he lives at the millennium residence not far from my house, that's good even