
The Spark

Ursula drove into the Vincenzo Santoro's mansion in high spirit. Her day had begun just like any other of the past two days. She woke up angry and frustrated. It didn't take a genius to know that her heart was burdened. However, in just a few minutes, everything had cleared up. 

She was once again happy with her best friend. She was assured her brother will no longer be disturbing her. She even got Tanika of all people complimenting her. 

It was indeed a beautiful day. To crown all of these amazing feats, she would be seeing Marco again. She was yet to understand the kind of connection she felt with Marco. It wasn't like how she normally knew what she felt at any given time. 

With Marco, it was different. That's why she was glad Maria had brought her back to reality. No matter how handsome and devilishly complicated he was, she would guard her feelings with all diligence. She would forget the fact that his poetic tongue spoke words that fascinated her.