
Marcus: Desires and Guns

Marcus, the son of a Don who was at the verge of dying (tumor of the brain), was a Nerd who didn't want anything to do with the family business.  But when the Don invited all his sons to read his will, for the progress of the family business, something unusual happened; The eldest son of the family, Howard, who was building a harem in his father's castle, brought home another bride.  But Marcus has an eye for her.  Marcus' desires to have her paved the way for many other discoveries which included the notion that; To desire her means to embrace guns, and what he dislikes, the family business...

Zuxian · Urban
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4 Chs

"Trouble does not fit you. This does."

Howard pushed Marcus to the wooden wall of the building that the weak planks creaked. Though the dusk was quickly approaching, yet the lingering light cut out the shade of darkness lurking in the corners of Howard's eyes.

His fist had a handful of Marcus' collar and it was obvious from the mean eyes that he wouldn't let go anytime soon.

"What the fuck was that about? Are you trying my patience? Really? Are you asking for it?"

Howard's breathing pace had accelerated. He was panting but he was keen on getting the appropriate answer from his younger brother.

Marcus on the other hand didn't act flustered. He knew what the eldest of them could do. Himself and the rest of the family knew that Howard was short tempered and hot-headed. Though majority don't like to cross his path, except Charles that loved to take shot at him once in a while.

But he wouldn't even do it directly.

Then all of a sudden, as though Howard had a change of mind, he let go of Marcus. He forced a wave of warm air through his nose in a forced chuckle.

He started to straighten out the collars of Marcus' clothes which he had roughed up.

Suddenly, the door of the hut was pushed open and Alora stepped out.

"Howard. He didn't do anything wrong. Please let him go."

She pleaded. She was trying so hard to keep her distance as well as reach out her hands to help.

"Alora baby? What are you doing outside?"

Howard was all calm and cool again as he turned to her.

"You shouldn't be out here in the cold."

He took two steps towards her. But then he noticed that she was slowly looking from him to Marcus.

"Oh, this?"

Howard chuckled, glancing at Marcus.

"Just having a pet talk with my younger brother. You know he's the youngest. And whenever we get to meet under an unusual circumstances, we just got to remind him of the family he's from. You know he's such a softie and must be roughened up some times.'

Words were very smooth on his tongue. They rolled out so gracefully that even he could had stunned himself.

"Isn't that right little brother?"

He turned to Marcus who forced a nod. But Alora was not convinced.

"It's funny that you think I'll fight my brother because of you. Blood comes before heart, Alora. You shouldn't make that mistake again."

Howard squinted his eyes, furrowing his brows at her.

"I'm sorry. I was wrong. I must have been stressed. I only thought that you were mad at him for talking to me. That was the impression I got when you walked in."

She apologised.

"It's a good thing to know when one is wrong..."

Howard leaned forward towards her and tried to kiss her. He had gone for her lips but she had moved her head... his lips ended up brushing her cheek.

Marcus threw his face to the side, pretending he didn't see it.

"I'll be inside."

Alora said then turned to leave. But then again she had a quick glance before walking in.

Howard remained standing at the door for a while even though it had shut. His face was to the door as though he was trying to link his thoughts.

After having enough of the dead stare at the cold wooden door, he turned to face Marcus. He closed the pace until he was standing directly before Marcus.

Marcus didn't leave the position he had been pushed against. He didn't even push his shoulders down. He was holding up the same position that his elder brother had forced him to assume.

Howard reached his left hand forward, dropping his palm on Marcus' shoulder.

Marcus could hear his brother heave a sigh. Howard looked to the side then back at Marcus. When their eyes met, Howard's eyes were deep red. They had lost the mirth which they had borrowed while Alora was with them.

"Listen closely little brother."

He started, his voice getting deeper and eerie.

"I don't have a problem with you, Nerd. But don't give me a reason to."

He took a pause for a while. Then he continued almost immediately,

"You don't stare at my woman that way."

He nodded.

"I saw the way you gazed at her back in the hall. And now you would what? Water another man's plant? Even though it's your brother's?"

There was an edge to Howard's voice when he came to an inquisitive end.

"Is my brother farming for a garden?"

Marcus tackled, carrying on the argument. Howard took a sharp glare at him. He didn't expect that Marcus would talk back at him!

Then Howard chuckled wryly, stepping back for a while.

Roughly, he removed his tux and put it across his right shoulder. Then he rolled up both sleeves of his shirt.

He lunged forward and punched the plank next to Marcus' ear. His face was almost in Marcus'. If they weren't brothers, a passerby could had made another meaning off of that.

"Even if I am cultivating a forest or trying to make a world full of thick cedars or tall fucking hickory, it is none of your nerdy effing business!!!"

Howard shut his eyes and pulled his hand back. Then he pointed one of his fingers, shaking in Marcus' eyes.

"Trouble does not suit you. This those."

He threw the tux at Marcus then walked towards the door. Marcus instinctively grabbed the tux, so that it wouldn't drop on the damp earth of the garden.

"You don't want to miss your turn."

Marcus heard Howard say then the door was pushed open. The door was slammed behind him.

Marcus remained standing there for a while. He examined the tux then wore it over his top even though it made him look weird.

A light smile paced his face and he walked in.

He joined his brother who were beginning to pour drinks. The two cousins were going wild; one had a lady on his lap, dry humping him. While the second had his dick stuck in the roof of the mouth of a blond.

There were laughs and shrieks going up and out of the hut. It was called the Boy's Lodge for a reason.

Business was usually set aside and all form of unholiness was enthroned.

It was just a matter of time before all of them got drunk. Those who were not drunk were slowly slipping into cloud nine inspired by either orgasm or other unspoken fantasies.

But Marcus was not drunk. He wasn't a heavy drinker.

He looked to his left, the second cousin was maniacally eating a lady out. To his right was even more silly activity. He got bored and got up. In a corner was Horace staring at the cold wooden wall. Marcus ignored him. For all he knew Horace was high too. He took the back door out of the hut.

He hadn't walked for a while in the dark when his phone started to buzz. He was going to answer the call when he heard a voice in the distance. Somewhere in the garden.

He slowly crept up on the owner of the voice.

"Oh my God! Mathew is dead?"

He heard the voice.


He muttered. It was her voice in the dark.

"What! Howard killed him? He killed my lil cousin? It was not enough that he took me against my will?"

She was speaking in rage and destitution. Marcus could feel it in her voice. He was going to walk towards her when suddenly...

He felt a firm grip on his shoulder then another on his mouth... then a force pulling him away....

He put up a fight for it it, but he was a little weak...