
March to the Capital

They deserve what happens to them. Ever since they enslaved us, ever since they shackle us underground to bring them their ore or chain above ground to harvest their grain. We suffered, while they fattened their bellies. No more, now we deserve justice. We will ravage through their countryside, we shall burn their homes, and slaughter their young. For now, our rebellion has begun. The time of my people’s slavery ends with me for I will lead my people to greatness. The Cinari will do anything to stop me, with their ancient war machines and pathetic armies. But I will push them back and claim what is rightfully mine. We built their Empire with our blood and tears. It is time we take it back. When I was a slave, they called me M-24:6. But as a free man, they know me as Marak. Content warning: This story mentions and features mature content. Which includes sexual assault, torture, gore, genocide, slavery, racism, and more. (Book 1 of 2 of the Capital series) (New chapters every Thursday)

Elijah_Talbot_3693 · War
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45 Chs

Chapter 13: Gatecrashers (Marak)

The Dogs next to me are anxious, questioning about the fortification that stands strong in front of us. They ask if we can take it, and if it is even possible.

We are only separated by an open dirt field, a no-man's-land, soon to be graves of the Cinari.

The guards haven't noticed us as we surround them, but in the meantime, we have to wait for Alex.

While Alex's plan seems possible, having only one point of entry will be difficult. If his plan fails, then we lost the war. We have will scale the walls and break down the gate, even if it means it will cost lives. I don't think anyone can successfully climb the walls, but they'll serve as a distraction.

I walk past my people, keeping my eye mostly on the younger soldiers, as they seem to be more nervous about the battle itself. I can't blame them, but it's a battle we can still win, for the Cinari are weak.

A young woman shakes as she taps on the wooden log. She is no older than Alex, and she is meant to lead the ram to the gate.

'What is wrong?' I ask her.

She looks at me in shock but soon catches herself hiding her insecurities.

'Nothing Chieftain, I am as ready as you are!' She spoke, her voice trembling in anxious fear. I can tell this is her first battle, she must've volunteered to be leading, but she is too much of a liability in that state. Though her willingness to fight for me is admirable.

'What's your name?'


'Jen, I will take your place. You stand behind me and watch.'

She looks down in shame, as if I told her she is unworthy to do this role. 'Don't look down like that! Keep your head up, you are still here to fight the Cinari,' I calmly say to her.

She looks back up to give a gentle smile. 'Understood Chieftain!'

I look at the hill looking down on the fortification. A figure pops up, and another, and another. I don my black helmet to prepare for battle.

Around me my people ready themselves up, their weapons at hand. Their lust for blood flashing in their eyes as the Cinari are now in our sights, to be pillaged and plundered.

'Attack!' I order, as we rush to the Cinari fortifications.

I pick up the log with six other Dogs as we sprint before Alex attacks the guards. The other Dogs from the forest charge, howling their war cry.

The guards leap to their walls as they face us in bewilderment, their watchtowers shower arrows at us as we advance through no-man's-land.

I raise my shield to deflect them. The person next to me isn't so lucky, an arrow strikes his neck.

We almost drop the log, but Jen takes the place of the fallen Dog as she helps us continue our charge.

Alex and his force release their arrows from the rear. The guards split their attention as my horde scales the walls and assaults the gate.

'Brace yourselves!' I shout while we slam the log into the gate.

We bounce back from the impact, barely doing any damage.

Again, we slam the log at the gate, this time cracking it.

The guards take notice of our efforts; they throw spears and arrows directly at us.

A spear slices the side of my right arm, making me drop my shield. The gash on my arm oozes blood, sending a sharp pain through my body. But I can't give up.

We ram the log against the gate one more time, and finally the doors burst open. We are in!

I drop the log, drawing my sword while I charge towards the defenders. Cutting down anyone that stands in my path.

A foolish guard rushes at me with a short sword. Before he can get too close. I slash at his stomach, cutting him in half. With my free arm, I grab onto the top half of his body, using it as a shield.

The Cinari bastards look at me in horror as I flail their comrade around like it's nothing. It is funny to watch them try not to hit their dead friend.

Such cowards. They are unable to do what is necessary to kill me.

We butcher more of their kind, moving deeper into their defences. Some surrender to us, dropping their weapons, while some run into the mine itself.

I smile as my people kill those who gave up the fight against us. They couldn't hope to hold us back. Not when we are enjoying their slaughter.

When the smoke clears, I throw the half-battered Cinari corpse to the ground as I take a deep breath to sooth my mind. We won, and now I have more troops to serve my cause. Even if I have lost some good Dogs today, their sacrifice is needed for the greater good.

I enter the mine, unshackling their chains, they all cheer as they welcome us as heroes. They are larger and bulkier than my people, their faces are flat with cheeks hanging with saliva dripping down. It is like they were hungry from the scent of blood in the air.

They are different from my Dogs. Why? How is that even possible? They have to be a different species, there is no way our kind are the same when we are both radically different.

When I to the center of the mine, a large room with a white circle painted onto the dirt ground. Clapping echoes from the entrance of one of the tunnels.

The largest of them all steps out of the mine with his birth brand seared on his forehead. C-3:5.

I swear he is twice my size. I watch in awe, understanding why the Cinari needed that wall.

He smiles and slowly claps at me. 'Well done!' he laughs in a croaky tone.

I stand up straight, trying to make myself look bigger. Not like it would do much. Regardless, I need to show my authority to this behemoth.

'I am Marak! I came to free you from the Cinari. In return, I require you to follow me to-'

The beast laughs, slapping his knee at my proposal. 'You think I will follow you? I am the Chief of this mine! Why should I follow you? You should follow me, for I am the strongest!' The Dogs from his mine cheer and howl in support of their master.

I frown at his ignorance; I need his mine and the resources within it if I want to carry on with the war.

Dust rushes towards me, stopping in his tracks when he notices the size of this beast. 'Darn, he is big.'

I ignore Dust. I need to focus on what's in front of me. I fear he is the sort to think might is right, that action is his only kind of diplomacy.

'What is your name?' I shout at the beast.

He smirks as he folds his arms. What a cocky idiot.

'I am Midrax, your new Chieftain.'

'Don't be foolish, Midrax! We don't have time to pick out who is the chieftain or not.'

'You must've misunderstood me? I am your new Chieftain because I am strong enough to lead both of our peoples. You can lead yours, but since you got here. I'll take over for now on.'

'Marak, I don't like how this is turning out.' Dust says.

'I don't either, friend.' I whisper to him. 'Midrax, we are at a point in time where we need to work together. If you can't do that, than you are a threat to me.'

Midrax scoffs, 'Than I suppose we have a problem,' he clicks his fingers, signaling his people grab their tools in preparation for a possible fight against my people.

'I suppose we do, but our people don't have to fight to prove who should lead.'

The beast smiles, licking his lips at the sight of battle. 'Oh? Than how do you suppose we settle things?'

I point at the white circle in the middle of the room. 'Here! Against me!'

Dust looks at me mortified. 'You can't be serious, boy. He is twice your size! You will get yourself killed!'

'I will not let him ruin my plans. No! He will follow my rule. He is the sort that I need to beat to teach a lesson.'

'There are better ways to do that Marak. This will only get you killed.'

'Not always Dust, not when we are at war.' I throw my sword and armour to the ground while I take a step forward to face him. Alone.

Midrax laughs at my advance. 'This will be easy!'

'Don't bet on it, raka.'

Midrax snarls at me from the insult. Without warning, he charges towards me, his hands wide open, his teeth grinning with rage or twisted excitement.

I leap to the side punching the side of his head. He didn't even flinch before he grabs me by the arm to slam me to the ground face first.

I try to get up but a hard kick to the chest knocks me to the other end of the arena.

Midrax raises his hands in triumph, the Dogs from his mine cheering him on. My people stand from the sides in silence, shock, and afraid of the outcome.

I get back up to face him again. Lifting my hands for another round.

Midrax smiles and gestures for me to come at him.

I sprint towards him. Before he can grab me, I slide between his legs to punch the side of his right knee. He wails as he drops onto one knee while holding onto the injured one.

I jump onto his back, holding onto his neck as I beat the side of his head with my free hand.

He frantically swings his body around, making me loosen my grip. He elbows my side, causing me to gasp for air as I fall to the ground. Midrax, in a rage turns, and punches me in the jaw.

Blood spills out from my nose, my vision blurs, my hearing dampens while my head bangs against the hard earth.

He laughs as he drives his finger into the gash on my right arm. I scream in agony while he digs into my flesh.

Alex tries to break through the crowd to get to me, but Midrax's Dogs held him down. This battle is between me and Midrax.

Dust tries to step in to stop them, but they point their weapons at him as to not intervene.

'Leave him alone!' Alex begs.

Midrax looks at him and laughs as he walks away from my broken body.

'You came to stop me? You must be his son. I will love to make you my bitch! And maybe I'll let you kill yourself when I eventually get bored of you.'

My blood boils, my heart racing as my mind screams for me to stand. How dare he!

I struggle to stand up, using all of my might to face the beast one last time.

I wipe the blood from my face, spiting out a broken tooth.

'Hey!' I shout at Midrax. 'I'm still the chief.'

Midrax chuckles. 'You are persistent. I will gladly use your skin as my coat!'

He raises his hand above his head to finish the fight. Before he can swing, I jump up to slam my right knee into his throat.

He stumbles back, holding his throat as he gasps for air. I charge at him, knocking him to the ground.

Once he is on the ground, I sit on top of him to unleash my wrath upon the bastard.

Every blow strikes his face and head. He tries to knock me off, but his efforts are hopeless as I knock his hands away to continue the beating. His eyes and cheeks swell, he struggles to breathe and move.

His people look at me in horror as I beat their leader to a pulp.

An outsider, a small man with dark fur. Beating their mighty brute.

He stares at me, waiting for the killing blow.

'Enough!' I say aloud.

I get off him, standing in triumph as I look down at the large beast.

'I won!'

I reach my hand out for Midrax. He looks at me in confusion, hesitant to take my hand.

'But I am not your people's ruler. I am only here to ask for your help, Midrax.'

His people look at me and back at Midrax. Waiting to see what Midrax will do next. He can follow me, he can even lead another army so we can take more land. Or he can die here, and I will take control of his people. Either option works for me.

He looks back with a sense of pride in his eyes and takes my hand. I help him back to his feet.

'What's next?' He asks me.

'Listen closely, and I'll tell you everything.'