
March Into Hell

From that day on, secret realms descended upon the world. Bizarre creatures cried out for nourishment, and strange rules lay in wait for the fortunate. These individuals were lured by supernatural abilities and treasures, entering the game for wealth and power. Yet soon, they would go mad with the roles they played, consumed by the savagery. But he was different, always relishing the thrill of fear, savoring the joy of despair. In the razor-sharp twists of fate, "Fantastic, thrilling!" he exclaimed. Then he turned around, smiling and even more expectant— Striding towards hell. [Modern mysteries, rule replicas, heartwarming healing, Sbarazzi.]

I added mushrooms for you. · Urban
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361 Chs

056 Dragon King Sets Out

"But I didn't earn any GPA points today, alas… The older I get, the less I can endure wasting time." Daylight said, propping up her chin again and staring intently at the white wall, "Anyway, Han Chun's background is all laid out here, there's no way he could have done this on his own. He must have received something from the outside, there must be a channel for information that hasn't left any traces in our security surveillance system... Could it be the dark web?"

Irina shook her head, "There's nothing related to the dark web on any of Han Chun's devices, and indeed, just like you said, not even a... not even an erotic movie, it's all stuff about Secret Realm, I swear even my brother Nakata isn't as clean as him."

"??" Nakata's face flushed with anger, "I, a law-abiding citizen, only watch anime!"

"??" Irina's face also flushed with anger, "What's there to be proud of in that!"

While their faces were turning red, a deep female voice came from the hallway.