
Marc chapter 1 (revival)

When earth is in the mutant era, a natural phenomena that has never been seen comes and destroy almost whole milky way galaxy and also other galaxies. Some of the humans escape and go to the island where the real story started and many secrets reveals that shocked the whole omniverse. After escaping from that mysterious Island a fighter named Marc will have to revive by his disciple Trade. In this story we Will know how can Marc be revived and what happens to him.

Dark_ninja_ · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Transformer zombie king.

Old Stryker is very shocked after seeing Trade's weapon. The reason for the old striker's shock was because the trade had chosen only the short gun. Old Stryker says why did you choose only short guns? Trade says whatever I choose, it means to you. The old striker says with an angry face that we are going to kill zombies, so it would be more appropriate to shoot them from a distance.Trade says you know more about zombie than me. The Old stryker says that everyone has got a team of three people and only two people I gave got i a team that too you have met in the team.Trade says be thankful that I found you, you will not die.Old stryker says leave all this and tell me why did you choose only shot guns?Look, zombies only have a brain that controls them and we have to destroy that mind.And you haven't forgotten that I am a racer. And I had Unbreakable Taya so i will rip his head off his torso. Old stryker wanted to say something but Trade stops him and says stop the bullshit and we have to start quietly. The rest came a long way.Trade and Old Stryker walk out with their weapons and get on a car. After sitting on the car, the trade says that the zombies have to be shoot on their heads. Stryker says that I know don't teach me much and drive car silently.I was just saying, have you ever sat in a car with a racer?I've never sat with a crazy racer like you says Old Stryker. Then Trade starts the car and says that come on today you will get a new experience. Trade was driving the car at full speed and was speeding up crushing every zombie that came in front. Then suddenly a zombie looking like a lion comes and jump on their car. Old Stryker shoot him with his machine gun but does not die.Then Trade breaks the side glass and bring his short gun outside, and destroy head of that lion in a single shot. Just then the Trade looks at the Old stryker and says that's why I told you to take short gun, bloody fool. The old striker says that it is fine but how did this lion come here, AI had told us that there will be only peoples here. Trade says that his people also meant all animals. Trade was driving very dangerously. Small zombies were flying away due to the collision of his car and was killing the big zombies with a short gun. The old striker was also going to hit the zombies but was not as powerful as the trade's hit. After some time the Trade sees that a huge mob of zombies is coming towards them, there are about thousands of millions of zombies in that group. Old striker says what shall we do now? Trade says that you notice one thing, not a single zombie is flying here.So the Old stryker says that what if we do then what does it mean? Trade says that if we fly by plane, we will probably reach the place where that transformer zombies live without fighting with zombies. Just then the Old stryker says from where will we get the plane here? Trade points out one place and says see that airport, we are going there. Actually the airport was behind that mob of zombies. Looking at that place Old stryker says that how will we reach there, there are so many zombies on the way that cannot be counted by us. And we don't even have any such weapon. So that we kill all those zombies at once. Trade says we have weapon. Then Old stryker gets excited and asks what kind of weapon do we have? Trade says I have Unbreakable Taya and you also have two swords. Then Old striker asks what will we do by this? Then Trade says to take both the swords and put them outside the window and hold on tight like me. Old stryker do as the Trade says. After that the Trade start driving the car at full speed towards the mob of Zombies. Bread reaches the crowd at full speed and speeds up the car more and starts entering the crowd.As the zombies were coming towards Trade car, they are being cut like carrots and radishes by the sword of both of them. After half an hour both people walk out of the mob of zombies. When Trade and Old Stryker look back after coming out, they find that they have killed thousands of zombies.They killed so many zombies that their car and their clothes were also soaked in their blood.After some time, when he was looking back, he sees that the rest of the zombies go to eat those dead zombies and start eating them. After that Trade and Old Stryker start walking fast towards the airport after escaping that car.Now they had reached near the airport door when suddenly a zombie comes out. That zombie was a Transformer zombie. Both Old Stryker and Trade get terrified when they see the Transformer zombie. That's after Old stryker says that the transformer zombie went here, we should finish it as soon as possible. Then both Trade and Old Stryker hide and start watching him. That's when the trade says it's not that zombie we're looking for. Old Stryker becomes shock and says what are they saying? This transformer zombie should have a key in its neck as told to us by AI. It seems to me that transformer is not only one, there are many other transformers.What does it mean? Says Old Striker. It seems to me that there is one king of all this, the transformer zombie king and we have to find him. That's when the old striker says it means that AI didn't give us all the information.Trade says Absolutely. Old Stryker says there is a spark inside every transformer, we must break that spark. The trade says that every transformer that is alive has a spark, but these are not alive, they are dead and till date no such transformer has been made which is direct zombie. Trade says that cover me, In a short time, I will separate his head from the torso with my Taya. Before the old striker can ask anything, Trade tells him to hurry up. After that Old Stryker gives him cover fire and Trade starts running towards that transformer zombie at lightning speed. That Transformer zombie looks at the Old Stryker, taking advantage of that Trade jumps high in the sky. After that, the sword of Trade starts shining with a bright flame and in a single shot of that, the head of that transformer zombie gets separated from its torso. The Old stryker gets surprised and comes to him and asks that AI said that any kind of powers won't work here, then how did it work? Trade says it is unbreakable Taya and its special ability is that it can work anywhere. Trade and Old Stryker both enter the airport and take a plane and start flying. Old Stryker asks where do we want to go? Trade point out a place and says look at that building, it is the biggest and tallest building here. I am sure that will be his fort. After half an hour they land a short distance away from the building. Only then both of them see that other people also reach there. But the condition of those people was very bad, everyone was badly injured. Just then Anu comes towards them and says that we had found a transformer zombie but there was no key in her head. Then the trade asks did you guys go inside the building. Anu says that they have not gone inside the building yet, they were waiting for them. Those people were talking when they see that a group of some zombies is coming towards them. Those people looked like dinosaurs, there were about fifty dinosaurs. Then one of those people says that these dinosaurs are the protectors of this building. Seeing those dinosaurs coming, all the people enter inside the building and hide in one place.Trade sees that the plane breaks into pieces due to the collision of those dinosaurs. All the dinosaurs are standing in front of the Gate of that building. Then Old stryker asks Trade, how do we get out of here? Trade says have you gone mad? We have to go inside the building and not go outside. After saying this, the trade starts going inside the building. The rest of the people start following him.The building was like a huge arena from inside where of people could fight together at a time. In the middle of it was a huge throne on which a zombie was sitting. That zombie was the same Transformer zombie that they was looking for and a v-shaped key is hanging on his neck. After seeing that transformer zombie king, only one word comes out of their mouth, "What the fuck is this?".