
Marc chapter 1 (revival)

When earth is in the mutant era, a natural phenomena that has never been seen comes and destroy almost whole milky way galaxy and also other galaxies. Some of the humans escape and go to the island where the real story started and many secrets reveals that shocked the whole omniverse. After escaping from that mysterious Island a fighter named Marc will have to revive by his disciple Trade. In this story we Will know how can Marc be revived and what happens to him.

Dark_ninja_ · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Leon's memory comes back.

A man comes out running from the headquarters. The professor asks the person what happened, what kind of emergency is Charles. Charles is actually the professor's second assistant who looks after the workings of other planets. Charles tells for weeks that a great disaster has struck. Leon asks what kind of disaster has happened.Charles says that you guys go inside, I show you people. Everyone goes inside and sees the chief of Palash Planet is on a video call. Chief looks at the Professor and says that a big problem has come up Cheri. Leon says in anger that everyone is saying that there is a problem but no one is telling what is the problem? The Chief ignores Leon's words and says look at this. After saying this, the Chief starts a video. A strange storm is seen in the video that is destroying everything that comes in the way. Samar says what is the big deal in this? Every day a new storm keeps coming in the Galaxy.The professor signals Samar to keep quiet.This condition is not anywhere else but of the Galaxy around us.Professor Cheri tells Chief to tell more about it.Chief tells that there is a liquid stone that whatever comes in its way and turns into ashes and disappears.Professor Proudly says when we killed a monster like Veer, then, it is from which farm's radish? Chief Rolled his eyes, he says that not possible.

Professor says what does it mean? Chief says that the next Galaxy guys couldn't even stop it. Whereas their technology and power is far ahead of us and much more. Samar asks why people could not run away so people could easily leave through spaceship. The chief says that the speed of the stone is more than that of the light, The people of that Galaxy tried to release the Galaxy from the spaceship but could not succeed. Even before he could leave, the storm reached him and he would kill the people. That Liquid Storm will hit our Galaxy in 4 hours. They had no way to run away but we have. Evacuate your planet as soon as possible and see you on the side of Alpha Century where we are. After saying this, the Chief disconnects the phone. After that, as soon as the professor turns around, he becomes shock. Leon is lying on the floor, blood is pouring out of her head. The professor and the others runs towards him and the try to wake him up.Despite many attempts, Leon does not wake up.The Professor quickly brings Leon to the hospital, which was on his headquarters. The doctor says that only his head is torn and he will regain consciousness in a few hours. The Professor wonder what happened that Leon fainted, there was no one there. To find out about this Professor goes to see the CCTV footage. We see in the CCTV footage that Leone starts acting strange after watching the video. Holding his head tightly, he sits on the ground. After a while his head explodes and he falls unconscious on the ground. In fact, watching the video, the blurred image in Leone's mind starts rotating again. Leon is unable to control his mind on this. After a while, all his blurred images are cleared but his head explodes and he faints. Samar comes and tells the professor that the chief has sent a message that we have to evacuate the planet within 1 hour. They will be found near Alpha Century after 1 hour. The professor tells Samar to declare an emergency and they have to leave the planet with spaceship in the direction of Alpha Century within half an hour. Within half an hour, planet starts excuvating and people starts moving towards Alpha Century. Charles asks the professor what to do with Leon? The Professor says that in the future we may need Leon therefore quickly put both him and his sword into the spaceship. The Professor's orders are received, some people puts Leon and his sword in the spaceship. Leon is put in a small hospital which is inside the spaceship. The rest of the people go to keep their essentials, food and water for 2 months. The professor was still wondering what happened to Leon. Why did he faint? The professor walks out of their group from Earth and Earth is completely excuvated. After that those people travel towards Alpha Century for half an hour. People from other planets are also seen coming towards Alpha Century. The Chief looks at the Professor's spaceship and tells him to travel north to Alpha Century. The Chief's signal is received, everyone else starts walking towards North. On the other hand, Leon regains consciousness and wakes up and gets upset.He sees that those people have come far away from the earth.Leon gets angry and thinks that people will kill themselves and will get me killed too.Just then Leon breaks open the door of the hospital and goes out.Hearing the sound of something breaking, the Professor and other also comes towards the hospital. Before the professor can say anything, Leon yells that you guys have gone mad, just stop spaceship and let me go. Professor says Leon you are mad our planet will be ruined in few minutes. What the fuck are you saying? And who is this Leon? Professor says you have lost your mind, you are Leon? You have lost your mind my name is Leon you stupid man. Seeing the situation deteriorating, Professor sends some men to capture Leon. Before that why people could do anything, Leone throws the flamethrower towards those peoples. They are unable to dodge that black flamethrower and gets hit. Some of them melt their feet and hands.One of them, who was at the back, dodges the flamethrower and jump over Leon. That's when Leon takes out his sword and cuts this man into two parts at once. Leon shouts stop the spaceship, let me go or else I will kill you all. Seeing the situation in danger, Professor stops the spaceship and opens its door. As soon as the door opens, Leon walks out towards Earth. "Quickly admit the injured people to the hospital and care them" Professor ordered. Just then, Samar asks Professor why he was telling that he is not a Leon. Professor says that Leon did not remember anything, so we name him Leon. Samar says but why did he return to Earth? His memory has come back that's why he probably went there. Before Samar can ask anything else,Charles comes and says that there are 16 more people who are not in our spaceship and have not come with us, they are left on Earth. Professor gets confused and says that Leon is also gone towards Earth.Professor asks who are those 16 people? Charles say that all the people belong to only three families.Professor says why did they stop on Earth and why did Leon also go on Earth?