
Marakyuu Madness

Remembering how I died was such a pain, but that's what I get for trying to chase a Tanuki. I was reborn, so that's great. What isn't is the fact that I'm in DxD without any way to defend myself. And with an ability that I could do without. What's a man to do? Open a coffee shop! The supernatural doesn't attack people that fix them their morning coffee, right? (Harem, Human MC!)

SwitchBlad · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 9

~• Tsubaki •~

It was a fairly normal day as far as the Vice President was concerned. Normal patrol around the school, greetings from all of the students, the pervert trio on the prowl. But admittedly, she had been seeing less of Issei around his friends lately. And more around Kusora.

Kusora certainly was a name that got a few talking while in the girls locker room. While almost unheard off in the Student Council room, Kusora seemed to be the only other boy girls seemed to talk about apart from Kiba, who was more popular.

Personally, Kusora looked a fair bit better compared to Kiba. And that's saying a lot since his competition is a literal devil. That opinion may be because she was forced to interact with him daily as partners of running Kuoh.

Tsubaki wasn't very much privy to human gossip, but she won't deny that all the talk about him got her a bit curious.

So one could only imagine her surprise when she chose to make way to the storage room early, only to be roused by a noise that had her staring at that very man having sex for the past thirty minutes.

Normally most students never got up to this sort of behaviour. She suspected some of the girls may be hiding something of this nature, since Sona definitely did not condone this act. In terms of what she was seeing through the small gap in the door, it was definite grounds for action.

She could've skipped out and told Sona, and she would've been there by the minute. The sheer fact that said President is standing right next to her as she remembers this silently should've clued in as to what she chose to do. Her president has enough to stress about in terms of Rias and her god awful arrangements. A couple of humans weren't much for her, at least right now, on this day.

At this moment.

Yes. This is her argument, and she's sticking with it.

"Something smells off." Sona said. "Has this been cleaned recently?"

"I don't think so." Tsubaki replied. "It is part of the Old School Building, and is often tucked away from the sight of the janitors."

"I thought Rias would have used this space to at least store a few old things." Sona said. "Looks like the only thing she took from the area were the sofas. Probably had Sirzechs get them cleaned."

The Sports Festival wasn't too far off. It might only be a matter of a month, and the students might have had to go through Golden Week and midterms afterwards. But Sona didn't seem sure when she would get the time to at least make the arrangements for the Sports Festival easier by moving some equipment to the Gym.

Her sister didn't play around when it came to spending free time with her. She might not be available for Golden Week as she's making way to Kyoto, but afterwards it's free game. Not that Sona knew about it. Serafall made sure to swear her into secrecy.

Sona stepped on something and made a scrunched face. As she turned her heel up to see what she stepped on, she reflectively churned her nose back. "Oh that's unpleasant." she groaned. "This must've happened a while ago."

Tsubaki didn't know what to be sorry for at this point, the fact that she was hiding Serafall's arrival, or hiding the fact that what she stepped on happened far sooner than she likely thought. And her queen just sat and watched.

What compelled her to do so? Tsubaki couldn't answer.

She might have to catch him in the act again just to be sure. Although this time, she won't make the mistake of watching, and she certainly won't make the mistake of remembering it this often.

~. Grayfia .~

"How many times do I have to tell you? I won't marry you Riser!"

This meeting was going swimmingly, though Grayfia supposed only her mind would get the sarcasm at the moment. In truth, the meeting between Rias and Riser which Sirzcehs planned to be peaceful and arbitrary was going about as well as she predicted when she broke the news to Rias last night.

Kiba and Akeno seem ready for a fight right now while her strongest chance of boasting strength lay flat on ground. Folded by a bishop faster she folded Millicas' clothing. Issei Hyoudou still seemed alright, and better than what she was led to believe when she consulted Akeno for ideas.

Riser himself was putting on a show however. Presenting his completed peerage to Rias which somehow included his sister. Grayfia found herself analysing them by sight, and out of almost what she can call sheer concern, matched them against the strength Rias had.

Considering the Red Dragon Emperor was still lying on the ground. And through observation, Akeno still dwarfed her own king in magic power, although exaggerated, the difference in power seemed practically hopeless. Which made her husbands failsafe all the more of a viable option with a lot of risk bearing to the red dragon emperor. It screams favouritism however, a trait that the enemies in the crowd, devilkind and the ones they buried would most likely chance upon to denounce him. To be fair, he lacked sleep and this seemed to be the only idea he could come up with that somehow didn't violate the contract.

The Phoenix had truly covered their bases.

It was truly a sad thing to witness for Grayfia. On both parties. Neither of them seem too keen on wedding the other, but Rias's accusations to Riser's character was visibly starting to piss him off. Issei Hyoudou had been dealt with but his hostility and killing intent still filled the room. The pressure coming from his body raging at the peerage.

Kiba and Koneko are visibly tense standing right in front of Rias, staring down their peerage member equivalent. They're getting ready to fight, despite shaking ever so little. Rias seems angry as well. Grayfia was definitely privy to the red aura practically sprouting from her body, without paying the least bit of attention to her environment, visibly destroying the room with her pressure.

Grayfia looks towards Riser's side and suddenly he's on fire.

The flame gathers around Riser's back and forms into wings of flame. The intense heat is covering the room, enough so that she had half a mind to get Issei away from the high-class devil angry enough to have a mind to vaporise Rias's peerage by the mass.

She sighed, the situation was getting a bit out of her control. Things needed to go back to a certain level of calm/

Grayfia breathed and the entire room went silent to a chill. "Rias, Riser. Calm yourselves. If you were to continue, then for Sirzechs honour, I won't stand idle."

Riser was the first to relent, pulling back his fire. As Rias refused to relinquish her aura, Grayfia forced it back with a single stare. She stared at her as if trying to complain but her voice drew quiet.

"I'm not about to think picking a fight with the Strongest Queen is a good idea." Riser said, sitting back down on his part of the sofa. While he muttered the rest beneath his breath, Grayfia managed to catch it.

"Especially over something like this."

Rias eventually relented as well. Giving Grayfia enough time to explain a few things.

"Sirezechs, Master and the nobles from the House of Phoenix predicted this reaction from you two." Grayfia said.

Riser scoffed. "I don't know what they were expecting from either of us."

Rias didn't retort, but to Riser's word his peerage members shared a nasty look at the Ruin Princess. Riser himself may not even know that his peerage managed that, and neither did Rias and any members of hers. It might've been privy to only Grayfia at the moment, and it made it greling to go through knowing that there was nothing she could do. And yet, still be tortured by her superego that claims that there's more she could've done.

In the end, she can only recite the only alternative that all those privy have come to reach. The worst case scenario. " To tell you the truth this was to be the last discussion held between you two. Everyone knew that this cannot be solved so easily, and have unionised to offer an alternative…a last resort if you must."

"Last resort? What do you mean, Grayfia?" Rias asked.

"Mistress. It's clear that if left to your own devices, neither of you would come towards a conclusive decision regarding this contract. If you wish to pursue your own desires, then how about you settle it once and for all?" Grayfia said. "A Rating Game against Lord Riser."

Rias glares at Riser with scary eyes although she didn't miss landing her nasty glare on Grayfia herself.

She sighed. "In other words, my brother and the others decided to host the game as a last resort if I was to decline…How far are you willing to interfere until you two feel satisfied?"

Grayfia grit her teeth, if only for the sake of preserving Rias's honour. And to not highlight how her husband is losing sleep trying to pull her from this mess she put herself into. That's not to say that Grayfia isn't weary as well, her duty as a maid requires her to remain as professional at all times as possible.

But this week has been rough, she's finding herself on her last legs right now. Grayfia would have cared more about Rias's arguments and protests, they were valid in fact, but at this point, Grayfia is finding herself completely done with her shit.

"Then, Mistress." Grayfia started. "Are you saying that you would like to decline participating in the game?"

"Of course not." Rias responded. "Let's settle this."

Grayfia looked to Riser for confirmation, and there was nary a smirk on his face. Truthfully, his aloofness made it seem like he didn't care for the outcome of this meeting whether win or lose. "I guess I'll indulge you." Riser said. "A bit of advice. Your Queen is the only one right this moment that can fight on par with my servants."

Rias narrows her eyes. "And so, what's your point?"

He holds up both his hands. "Ten days." Riser said. "We'll have the Rating Game in ten days."

"You're giving me a handicap?"

"I guess you could say that," he said.

Riser smiled and chuckled as if mocking something. Grayfia suspected Rias, but she sensed a small hint of sadness behind his smile. Was he playing the fool? If so, for what? What could be driving him to fight in the Rating Game, he certainly did not present any interest towards Rias back when the arrangement was made and even now.

Since Grayfia held no answers herself, she decided to conclude and get things over and done with. There was still something else she had to take care of. "Understood. I have confirmed the opinion of both sides.. I will be in charge of overseeing the game between the two households. Is that permissible for the two of you?"

"Yes." Rias answered.

"Yeah." Riser answered.

Grayfia bowed. "Understood, I'll inform the two households at once."

Riser didn't intend to stick around, as the moment Grayfia's words left her lips Riser stood up and turned his back without a word and recalled his peerage. He left one last glance at Rias and her peerage gearing for a fight, but soon he too disappeared in a veil of fire. Leaving the room feeling empty.

Rias made way towards her unconscious pawn who was only just beginning to reel himself awake. While the other members were busy, Grayfia spotted Akeno taking back the cutlery from the desk.

Grayfia slowly approached her. "Miss Himejima, I would like to thank you for your support the other day." she said.

Akeno blinked. "No problem, it's my pleasure."

"Would you happen to have some way to contact Kusora?" She asked.

"Unfortunately not." Akeno answered. "But you should be able to find him at the Cafe you went to before the evening. I'm sure you won't be intruding."

"Thank you for your advice."

Grayfia noticed Akeno staring for a good few moments before a concerned look in her eyes was shown. She couldn't help but ask. "Miss Himejima, is something the matter?"

"Forgive me for insinuating, but you seem a little tired." Akeno said.

Her weariness must've been showing on her face. Maybe she wasn't as in control of her mind when tired as she usually is, this isn't the sort of mistake she'll make in public. "I don't feel anything of the sort however." Grayfia said. "But I do thank you for your concern."

She can only hope Akeno can buy the lie. Or at least keep a bit silent while she goes on with her duties. Grayfia bowed. "Well if you would excuse me, Miss Himejima."

"Of course, I'll see you soon, Grayfia." Akeno said.

There's still a few hours before evening, she could've been getting rest, but bad news happens to have a tendency to keep everyone awake.

~. Raynare .~

Raynare genuinely questioned why any man or human would have a need for Church to happen on a wednesday. Sure it was a confession but she can't help but wonder why the humans can't tell the truth to themselves. Not like they had anything to say, being Fallen as they are.

She normally doesn't care about such things, but today just so happens to be her turn running the Confessionary at the Chapel, which means she gets stuffed, not in the way she likes, but instead in robes heavier than the wooden cross in her room, talking to other people from the otherside of a room hotter than hell.

If they can put her through all of this tribulation they can at least make the confessions she hears interesting. Most of the people that frequent the confessionary during the weekday afternoon often range from the elderly, the butter housewives and the people that so happen to be senile.

Raynare waits in the room until she feels a draft in the curtain from behind. "Rae. We're heading out." Kalawarner said. "Azazel said that she'll be in Japan within a couple of hours."

"Whatever happened to Donnaseek?" Raynare asked. "Haven't seen him in a few days."

"Didnt you know?" Kalawarner asked, surprised. But then she held her hand onto her chin in thought and began mumbling. "Mittelt was supposed to tell you on the day when Silver came over, but obviously neither of us was in a state to be doing any sort of talking."

Raynare shrugged despite the heavy robes. "True. So what happened to him?"

"He was killed by that Gremory." Kalawarner answered. "Went picking a fight with one of her servants, got destroyed as a result."

"Good. Our mission is just to observe and watch over any Sacred Gear users in the area. Don't know what he was thinking ignoring Azazel's orders like that, but I oughta thank the Gremory for doing my job for me." Raynare said. "Do you think that Silver has a Sacred Gear as well?"

"Doesn't seem possible. We were literally in the closest proximity to him, and sensed nothing. His skill is all natural." Kalawarner said with a sultry voice. "I feel like ordering again soon."

"Not in front of the contact." Raynare said. Kalawarner laughed her off and waved her hand as she started walking out the Chapel along with Mittelt, waiting for her there.

Right at that moment, Raynare felt someone on the other side of the confession booth. "Forgive me O, Father. For I have sinned."

She would've never imagined that a large majority of the people in this town would be Christian, but she wasn't about to complain. Neither of them felt like training, so this was the easier way to power. It seemed fitting, although Fallen, she's still an angel.

"My Child, thy prostrate yourself before my forgiveness, but I know not of thy name. Who are you, child?" Raynare recited. Bareilly holding in a wild smirk of her own. If there was one good thing about the Confessionary, it was that it fed into whatever God complex that had started to fester within her.

"I am Miki Hyoudou, My lord."

A woman? Most likely another bitter housewife. "Miki, my dear child. Behold onto your father, what ails you so?"

"I feel unsatisfied within my own marriage."

Raynare raised an eyebrow. "In what manner does your husband lack?"

"It's less of what he lacks, and more like he underperforms." she said. "I-I don't know if you can understand, my lord?"

Oh ho, that's something Raynare could definitely understand. She imagined the soft-spoken housewife blushing beyond the black curtains of the confessionary. Raynare's cheeks were rather rosy themselves after Miki's words made her recall Silver's stellar performance.

"I understand well, you are not at fault my child." Raynare said. "In fact, it is a very normal thing to occur as a part of the life I have bequeathed onto human kind. If thou find thyself unsatisfied, you are not obligated to root yourself to the garden of your own making."

Oh how blasphemous. She was practically telling this housewife that it's okay to sleep around. Raynare should've felt guilty, but to be honest, she was having entirely too much fun doing this. The moral dilemma of putting her on the right path was there, but she already had her fill of good karma for this week. Time to make training enjoyable.

"But father, I don't know how to accomplish your words." Miki said.

"At ease child, I offer the solution to your troubles." Raynare said. "In my words, I bore onto humankind the task to be fruitful and multiply. Think not of this as infidelity, for you still love your husband, do you not?"

"I do." Miki said, without a shred of hesitation in her voice.

Raynare dug into the pockets of her robe and pulled out the things she was looking for. A copy of Silver's card that he had left behind the last time she requested his services. She slid the card through the small slit in the confessionary room and felt Miki take the card from her.

"Go forth my child, with nary a fear of sin unmade. Be fruitful in your life and fulfil my testimony in my name." Raynare said. "And as my name is proclaimed onto the heavens, I shall lay thy with many blessings upon thee. And I shall proclaim my angels upon thee, to watch over you and all those that bask in your radiance with the courage to stand against sin. And as the almighty says…"

"Amen." Miki finished.

~• Kusora •~

I'll become the greatest whore.

Isn't that what most protagonists say before they undergo a massive training montage and gain a new move on top of that? Sadly, that doesn't seem to work on any type of workout dished out from Koneko.

She seemed usually aggressive today. She often brought her punching bag with her wherever I went to exercise. Punching it so hard and fast that it often made an ear piercing sound with her fists against rubbery plastic, or was it woven masking tape?

Koneko apologised later, and proceeded to say that she won't be available for the next few nights. Although i'm getting a break from her training, that didnt mean I was about to skip out and suddenly find myself unwilling to head back to the Gym the next time she's available. That sounds like a recipe for a brutal workout, and honestly at that point I might be stupid enough to mistake that her asskicking might be better. Until she sends me across the room on some true demon timing.

I was on my way back home and came across the front porch for Marakyuu. Although to my surprise, I spotted Grayfia just standing there outside and watching through the glass panes of the store. She didn't jumpscare me this time, thank god, but she must've noticed that the door was locked.

"Ms. Lucifage?" I greeted. "You must've come for the coffee beans, I apologise for making you wait long."

"Do not worry about it." Grayfia responded.

Something was wrong, and the closer I look at her the more tired she looks. Holy shit she looks worse than me, I don't think she has noticed that there is a slight amount of what looks like cinder on her clothes. Suddenly everything makes sense, ranging from Koneko's aggression to Grayfia's weariness.

Good God, Riser is here. Did fucking the Fallen Angels somehow end their whole arc? What happened to Asia? And where the hell is Freed?

You know what, now isn't the time to question the random butterflies fluttering in the wind. Considering i'm somewhat friends with Akeno and Koneko, any future knowledge I have is pretty much fucked now.

I open the door for Grayfia and allow her to take a seat. While I was at the back, I returned to her table with a mug of warm coffee. She looked like she wanted to refute, but the words barely left her mouth.

Damn. She can't even hide how tired she is from me. This was a far cry from anything I was expecting from a titty anime. Grayfia is normally the aloof serious type. But right now, she's looking like me during Uni days with that fuck-ass professor. That is to say, she didn't seem to be doing good.

This is something I've noticed since I came into DxD, but the characters are more than just the Anime. I wasn't expecting Koneko to have a gym, I wasn't expecting Issei to be an enjoying person to talk to, neither did I expect Akeno to have more emotions than just Ára, ara.

But these people have their own entire lives they are living. Outside of what I recognise as the plot to DxD. I only saw the Riser arc from the perspective of Rias and Issei, not once did I realise that Grayfia had her own perspective as well. Nor one that can manage to put her in this state, where she hasn't even the strength to put up her professionalism.

I sighed. I was making all this noise about avoiding the plot and the supernatural. But fuck it, if im going to be having sex with all of DxD's women, the least i could to is at least try to fix some things on my end. Besides, prostitution can only get me so far into the beds of gods and angels. I need to at least put effort on my end.

I say that, but my experience playing Visual Novels is going to be carrying me this time around. I dunno if Grayfia will fall for such words, but right now I probably have the charisma of a peanut. I have to do something though, looking at her hurts my heart, and also gives me campus PTSD.

Yeah, Fuck you and all of your wack assignments Professor.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I ask.

"It's fine." Grayfia responded.

I place a plate of chocolate muffins right beside her mug of coffee. She seemed surprised by this as well, but also chose not to relent. "You caught me while I haven't managed to do stocktaking and put aside a bag for you. So time is definitely abundant."

I look around the empty cafe in the dead of night. Grayfia follows my sight across all the empty seats and tables. "No one's here. And I'm not one to kiss and tell." I said.

She opens her mouth to relent, but words never come. Instead her lips fall flat as her gaze wanders down into the swirling of her mug. Barely taking a sip from her cup of coffee. It might've been an effect of my aura in close proximity to her but she let the fragile facade of her professionalism drop just slightly. But it was enough for me to get a grasp at how weary she really was.

Finally, Grayfia sighed. "Something must be wrong, for even thinking that this is a good idea." she takes the cup of coffee into her hands, and takes a sip before placing it down.

"How to explain it in a way you would understand…" she mutters.

"Feel free to lose it and blow your top instead." I suggested. "I speak tired crazy."

"Tired crazy?" Grayfia asked. "That's a new one."

She sighs. "There's someone I care about being pressured into accepting a marriage she doesn't want. My husband and I tried about everything to break it, but we're on our last legs and out of options. A lot of people will be…upset. If this marriage goes through. Everything is building up, but I'm not sure what to do about it."

Yeah…that's definitely Rias's arranged marriage. I've got to respect the lengths she went to downplaying the situation for a human like me. But I know for sure that 'upset' is one hell of a euphemism for what Sirzechs would do to Riser if he so much as touches Rias.

"Does the groom want this marriage as well?" I ask. I've well learned my lesson on perspectives. And I'm kinda tempted to see what Riser's perspective is, maybe with some effort on my part, I can even change it.

Grayfia thinks about it. "I'm not sure. There's a chance he doesn't but I doubt he's willing to listen. His family's honour is on the line."

Wow. I just decided to stop being a bitch about the plot a few minutes ago and I'm already acting like he can't reduce me to ash. Oh well, go big or go home.

"Well, believe it or not Ms, Lucifage, I have been in a situation much like this before." I said. I'm lying, I'm just feeding off the Manga. I actually have an idea, a good one, but one that I'm not gonna like.

"You have?" Grayfia questions, and suddenly there is a bit of strength in her facade. I walked towards my backshelf and came out with her coffee beans and a pen.

"Yes. I also may have an idea as to how to help you." I said. "You said you and your husband are on your last legs? Tell you what, do you have a cellphone on you?"

Grayfia raised her eyebrow but pulled out a simple cell phone. Shit wasn't even touchscreen, but it made sense since she probably has a habit of communicating via magic circles. I take a piece of paper from my notebook at the reception and write down my number. "You can come over tomorrow and hear what I have to say. It might not work, but I can at least guarantee it's better running dry on ideas."

She eyed my number with a hint of confusion and a small touch of suspicion that vanished as quickly as I spotted it. I can tell she wanted to ask me why, but instead of answering, I pushed her coffee beans towards her. "Whoever comes through that door is a customer, and I'll do my best to help my customers to the best degree I can."

Grayfia remained silent, but her eyes communicated a small wave of gratitude as she walked towards the door. Before she left however, she smiled at me. It barely showed any of her teeth, but that was nonetheless a smile from the professional, aloof, wife of Satan, Grayfia.

Yeah, the thing I said earlier to her is a load of crap, although it is something I want to embody as I grow more comfortable having these supernatural entities around me, not like I can just decide I'm okay with them overnight, but it's a good progress I want to ascertain. I wanted Grayfia to be indebted to me. And it feels good seeing some pep in her step once again.

Besides, I do want to have a good relationship with Grayfia.

She's hot, enough said.

This was tough to write while sick, may take a few days off to recover.

For those who cannot wait the two weeks for updates, or want an easier way to commission something from me, in addition to my Kofi link that has the next two chapters in advance. I've also set up a Patreon for anyone that wants to support my work, with also two chapters in advance.

With that being said, see you all next time.



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