
Chapter 5

~• Kusora •~

Why the fuck won't she leave?!

I'm standing here in the back of the counter fake stocktaking because I'm trying to gauge what else Grayfia could possibly want from me.

Coming into DxD with this power, I already knew that I was probably gonna meet some heavy hitters like Ophis before season two. But how am I catching Grayfia before even Issei gets killed? This has got to be the quickest time that DxD ever forcibly dragged someone into the plot.

Right now, I'm just trying to leave the cafe and head back upstairs when I see her. Grayfia is sitting right there. Making herself comfortable, looking at me with that expressionless face of hers.

She was sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, similar to where Akeno was sitting. A bag of my coffee beans at her side while sipping on the coffee I made because I chose to be a good host. I can pull a Shiro right now and make a big deal as to how she just busted inside.

But firstly, Akeno already let me know that someone was coming.

And secondly, I am not Kuro. I don't have the balls nor the charisma to pull off stripping her bare on the first night we met. He could get stronger and he still nearly got folded if it weren't for Serafall practically being a homie, all I have is a horny aura and a sadistic half-breed knowing where I live.

"Is it to your liking, Ms. Lucifage?" I ask, I don't even dare use her first name lest she punts my head off.

"It's wonderful, perfect even." Grayfia said, twirling the coffee drink inside her mug. "How did you get it this smooth?"

"Therein lies a trick, I add milk inside of the mixer while brewing it." I said. Personally, I don't favour making a drink this way. It's paramount to putting milk on your bowl before the cereal, and microwaving your tea. I didn't have to enjoy it to know that it's heresy.

Grayfia enjoys her drink while taking a few looks at me. She says nothing, but the implications are there. She most likely wants me to take a seat.

As I close in on her, I pray to the dead God that she doesn't notice the aura. It can work on supernatural entities but I didn't know if it'll work on someone like Grayfia, who's so significantly more stronger than Raynare, it's not even funny. She's chilling the very air just by being there.

Not fear chill, actual cold air. Bitch is making me freeze with how cold it got around the room, despite looking as relaxed as she could possibly be.

"So, Ms. Lucifuge. Was there anything else that you wanted to discuss?" I asked.

Grayfia stared back at me after taking a sip. And when she did, too my absolute shock, she relented to her relaxed posture. Red in the face and an aversion towards looking me in the eye.

There's no way right? There's no way my aura actually worked on her without her knowing—

"Kusora, was it?"

The redness of her cheeks faded and she stared back at me with an expressionless façade.

I'm dead. Holy shit I'm so dead that it's not even funny.

This is the equivalent of meeting a man with a rocket launcher, and then telling him you fucked his wife.

Although to be fair, with the way things are going, I'm probably going to be standing on the business end of someone's rocket soon enough.

"Yes, Ms. Lucifage?" I responded.

"Would you be fine with me taking some of your stock weekly?" She asked. "You can rest assured that I will pay you handsomely every time."

I weigh the pros and cons in my head. On the one hand, this could be a great opportunity for me to expand my business and make some serious money without being a girl's plaything for a change, Not that my horny ass actually minds per say. But on the other hand, this is Grayfia we're talking about. She's powerful, she's intimidating, and as cordial as she is being, she most likely won't take no for an answer this time. She isn't the type to just show up without Sirzechs randomly, which means that there's a reason why she wants this coffee from me.

Damnit, other OC's were stripping her by this point and I'm stuck here trying not to fucking die. No matter how stupid it was dying to a proverbial tanuki ball-slapping me into truck-kun, I would prefer that than whatever the literal wife of Satan could think of.

"Sure. I don't mind doing that." As scary as Grayfia is, she is a powerful supernatural contact.

As soon as I said that, she finished her coffee, took the beans and walked through the front door. I could make out the faintest of lights coming from where she had originally gone to. I assume she teleported back to Sirzechs.

I may not know if she noticed the aura, or why she chose to ignore it but I respectively didn't care. I'm still alive and apparently I have a repeat customer now.

Was I selling some sort of divine medicine or something? Because despite how cordial she had been, I can't shake the feeling that I have just been robbed. Like…even worse than what happens in Skyrim.

I sigh. Fuck it, I'm heading to sleep, wake me up when things make sense again.


Even in a fantasy world where every religion has come alive, I still can't escape school.

Sleep was a fucking nightmare and of course it's a Monday. Cause fuck you, that's why.

Raynare, Akeno and Grayfia took up all the time I had for rest yesterday. Fucking Raynare stupid took up my morning, coffee with Akeno blasted through my afternoon and getting jumpscared Grayfia literally held me up the whole night thinking she's going to spin the block again.

Getting through school is grueling, and honestly, despite how happy I am to be Isekaied and have another chance of living, I could've done without high school, and without the usual bullshit the teachers give. At least I don't have to worry about them, since through six months of collecting tests from me half of them are trying to fuck.

Note to self, avoid detention. My pelvis still shivers when I think back to the one time I got it.

Thankfully classes didn't take that long since Golden week was fast approaching.

Speaking of which, I didn't spot Issei anywhere today, which struck me as odd. Considering the fact that I essentially fucked his future fake girlfriend stupid, I might have saved him by complete chance.

The unusualness came from when I spotted a lack of Issei's friends in class. I was a bit bemused until I had something nearly thrown at me. Some i could dodge and others I barely managed to pull enough give-a-fuck to even dodge. It's just the usual high school bullshit with clowns, football sluts and Twitter IQ.

Huh, since I can essentially fuck the whole school as Silver, would that technically make me identify as the school bicycle?

I did a mental shrug. Not really, I'm actually important because I'm sure at some point in all of this madness, I'll end up having to save the world with my dick. Sounds ridiculous but that's what usually goes on in these types of scenarios.

The bell tolls for break time and I see almost everyone book it outside the classroom as if being chased by the devil. Only Aika and a few of the kendo girls stopped by to stare, with Aika feeling brave enough to flash me her tits.

I sigh. I bet the only reason they didn't include much of Aika screen time anywhere except the light novel was because the author fell to harem protagonist syndrome and was afraid of Issei getting laid so quickly.

Well, anyway. Right as I was coming out and taking a long stroll across the academy corridors, I found myself being blocked by a slight shadow, only to look up and see Akeno looking down on me, while I was on my phone.

"Hello there." Akeno greets.

The fucking nerve to greet me with a smile after she sicced Grayfia of all people on me. "Hello?" I greeted her.

You'd call this a beta move, holding my tongue when I'm obviously slightly pissed, but then I remember knowing that she is a sadist, then I remembered what she did in anime in order to prove that she is a sadist, and then i m reminded I am severely less tankier than Viser and she was half-dead by the first bolt Akeno threw at her.

I sighed. Okay, compromise. "Not to sound evasive, but is there any reason why you approached me today?"

"Oh? I approached you?"

I could feel my vein throbbing in my head. The very fact you are shadowing me while I'm playing Subway Surfers is proof. I'm not exactly blocking the way, Akeno was more than welcome to move past me. I may have not said anything to her out of a need to get this shit done quickly, but the motion of my head seemed to be enough for her to get a hint and cut the crap.

She holds up her cheek and at the same time holds up a woven cloth she's carrying her lunch with. Oh, god. Is she really about to–

"Fine, fine, I guess you can say I did." Akeno admits. "Now come have lunch with me."

I blinked once, then twice before I felt a curved eyebrow rise on my face. "Are you serious?" I ask. All she did was smile and hold out her hand, it started twitching when I stared at it for more than a few seconds.

The other students flocked to the field, but somehow I was still being stared at by a very good number of people in the same hallway as me. She probably wouldn't want a no, although I couldn't tell if Akeno was like that personally, I knew the other simps in the crowd gnashing their teeth wouldn't let me get away with saying no to one of the hottest girls in this academy.

Honestly, rightfully so. I may have not seen Rias yet but goddamn Akeno is making me feel some type of way. They fucking wasted her character in the anime with that daddy issues bullcrap which I should probably try to get sorted in some type of way.

Damnit, I'm mad at her. But her trembling hand is making her tits jiggle like crazy. I should probably just bite the bullet and go with her, although I do wonder where she plans to take me. "Not gonna lie, I find it a bit odd you're asking me this, but sure." I say. "Where do you want to go?"

Have you ever wondered what a deer feels like while being hunted by a pack of wolves? No? Take the nerves of handing your mother your failed report and magnify her death stare by the number of simps staring at me. Greater men would be unbothered, but I saw my death in those eyes. Honestly, considering the fact that a group of them can mess me up at this point, I should be concerned at the fact that half the faculty is going to want me dead by this afternoon.

But as I walked off with Akeno leading me, I looked down and got tempted. Really tempted to grab at her big ass. And honestly, I feel like I could do it without getting electrified if Akeno knew I was doing it to show off. But then I remember that she hated men before season two and instead, I chose life.

At least watching it sway is entertaining enough. Don't blame me, I'm just watching my footing.


Naturally, there were two choices as to where Akeno could have possibly taken me. Either the rooftop like they do in anime or the ORC like they do in this specific one.

They masked it in a slightly gothic style, although the room did have a modern touch with the big ass green couches in the centre. Now that I think about it, being a student here, it's pretty obvious that the ORC is some kind of front, since it's literally the only club in this academy with an entire school building as its clubroom, although very old.

Rias must've masked it with the green drapes along the walls and windows. Not that it did much to mask the small etches on the walls. Akeno sat opposite me thankfully as we took our spots at either side of the sofa's. To my surprise, not much of anyone was there. No Rias, no Kiba, no one. Part of me thought that she brought me over here because she could sense the aura but I was starting to think that she was just playing me. But even so, this goes a little beyond just toying around with a junior. The hell is she playing at? Did I do something to somehow make her interested?

No, impossible. She was death glaring at me at the store yesterday. Even if it's Dxd, insta-love was too unrealistic to put on the air, much less receiving the full experience being transferred into the world. Was it the aura then? Was it? It usually doesn't take effect this quickly.

"Ufufu, is there something on my face perhaps?"Akeno asked.

Oh shit, I was staring. "Oh don't worry, I was just a bit dazed." I say. "I didn't manage to get much sleep last night."

She smiled. "I can only hope that whatever doesn't keep you up too often."

Bitch you're the one who caused it. Grayfia knew me by name which means that she sang like a fucking bird. Queen folded faster than the simps that bowed in the corridor.

"Oh my, is something wrong?" Akeno asked.

I don't think I managed to hide my annoyance well enough on my face. You may think that I'm overreacting but I'm barely stronger than Issei's two friends at the moment. I don't plan on keeping things this way, but essentially at least those two idiots learned how to take a beating. Not that it would help, given that Grayfia was in my house last night. And no, not in the way you could flex about.

"It's just nerves." I lied. "I haven't really been invited to lunch before."

Most of the clients just jump me from the get-go…horny bastards.

"That's hard to believe." Akeno said.

"You think so?"

She places a hand on her cheek and then smiles as if realizing something. Whatever she had thought of, Akeno didn't seem to want to tell, instead she leaned slightly over the table. Enough so that I could see her breasts dipping low despite being fully buttoned by her uniform.

I could barely tear my eyes away, and as she gave that signature giggle of hers, I knew I had been caught. If there was displeasure in her eyes, she didn't show it, despite me knowing very well that she hated men at that point. Instead, she bore a mischievous smile, one that looked as if she had found a new toy. I don't know whether to be scared or aroused by the way she is looking at me…

But what I do know is that under no circumstances should Akeno get her hands on one of my cards. God, I can imagine the whip right now.

Why do the hot ones always have to be so batshit crazy?

Before she got closer, I observed Akeno proceeding to get the horny bonked out of her by a thick book covered by the greens on the wall. "Bad, Akeno."

Without needing an introduction, Koneko makes herself known by stepping to the side. She held a fairly monotone gaze that despite converting no apparent emotion, still made it seem as though she was a disappointed mother.

The anime certainly did not do her justice. Firstly, she wasn't nearly as short as they portrayed her. Mostly coming up to the middle of my waist, considering I was on my way to 5'8. She was chewing on a breadstick, and like many of the characters, she looked far cuter than her anime appearance.

Nothing showed on my face though, since I was puzzled as to how she could appear without anyone hearing her. I mean, she is a nekoshou, and cats are fairly silent. But she was wearing those heavy-ass school shoes, so that part is invalid.

"Is something the matter?" Koneko asked.

I waved her off and looked at my own lunch. Lucky me, I actually had enough of a brain to nab a muffin from the store. Wasnt planning on actually giving it to her like im metagaming a dating sim, but fuck it, id rather start on relatively good terms with one of these devils. Dunno about Akeno but at least Koneko was always straightforward…right? God, I hope I'm right.

"Nothing much, Akeno just wanted to try more stuff from my store." Not saying which, but there you go, Akeno, a lifeline. "Would you like this muffin? I'm not too fond of chocolate myself—"

That was a fucking lie, I would happily fuck the whole school for some chocoate. But honestly if i can have a peaceful supernatural connection and all i have to do is sacrifice some chocolate then go ape shit. Not gonna lie though, it was painful watching Koneko devour my muffin, she didn't even wait for me to finish before the whole thing was halfway down her mouth.

"It's good." Koneko said.

I know it was…

While I didn't know if I made a positive enough impression, she did seem visibly less tense than before. More like how someone would've been around an acquaintance. She did happen to bring her own lunch though, many more sizes bigger than both of ours. Not that I'm surprised, or that I blame her in the slightest, since I know very well that I'm eating just like her right when the store closes up.

I need to find a gym nearby. My stamina is decent, but I would like more of it so I don't find myself running on fumes during my 'night runs'.

We did get around to enjoying lunch together, and while they seemed vastly different from the characters I knew in the anime, they were more or less the same in my eyes. Less monotone, Koneko was instead antisocial and Akeno was just a flirt, but I knew very well that her flirting was a façade.

I might be a human, but maybe there is a chance that I can get around to helping the two of them recover. It took a hopeless pervert like issei to turn them around in the strongest of ways, but as I'm here right now, I can't help but be curious as to what could happen if I gave it a shot. Screwing canon over is a bad idea considering the limits of my future knowledge, but my intrusive thoughts always win.

And lets be honest, fucking the fallen angels must've screwed with canon in someway already. But, I should still try to avoid any supernatural confrontation, because me being here is paramount to a Dragon Ball tournament arc being real, and we all saw what Majin Vegeta did to the poor fools sitting in the stands.

Curiously, right as I thought that, I got another notification on my phone. Once again from the app I created. I need to come up with a name for it soon. I can't keep calling it 'the app.'

Name - blackRay49

Job - Once-Off

Location - Kuoh, Japan

Time - 22:00 PM

Amount - 102,000 Yen

Note - Inside the Chapel on top of the hill.

Raynare, again?

Odd, I didn't think she would be the type to enjoy what happened enough to ask for a second round. Of course it might be a trap to get me, but goddamn look at the cash. A whole third of a month's work in one night. If she's offering this much, then she definitely has something planned.

Regardless, I accepted anyway. Mostly to check a curiosity of mine. I couldn't stop thinking about whether supernatural beings can notice my aura or if they were just playing dumb for the sake of being cordial. Raynare is one thing, but I refuse to believe that Grayfia didn't notice it. If its something that not even someone the likes of her could notice, then what the fuck happened while I was being reborn? And why don't I remember it?

I sighed, screw it. It's not like I'm in any position to be investigating anything of that sort right at this moment. If i can still get beat up by issei's friends, i don't deserve to be investigating anything concerning how I got here. For the time being, I'll just take solace in the fact that I'm at least getting some and that apparently I'm good at giving it back if Raynare's second commission was anything to sneeze at.

I placed my phone back in my pocket and made way to leave. "Something came up, I'll need to get going for today."

"Aw, so soon?" Akeno whined.

You know what? Quid pro quo, she's been a flirt for a while now and I've been taking it far too often, even if it isn't much, I would like to get some get-back at the very least." If you feel that strongly, you are always welcome to invite me back." I said back.

"I guess you are right." Akeno said. "It's not like you're going anywhere."

I don't like how serious she looked while she said that. At least Koneko was fairly tame about me returning, albeit it was most likely because of the free chocolate muffins she knows she'll get.

Looks like I'll need to bring an extra muffin from now on, and some coffee while I'm at it, just enough for Akeno to stop giving me those dangerous eyes of hers.


I apologize for taking so long on this chapter, but I was busy working on a secret project I had in mind. I've decided to attempt to keep to an updating schedule for fics, an update every two weeks.

For those who cannot wait, or want an easier way to commission something from me, in addition to my Kofi link that has the next two chapters in advance. I've also set up a for anyone that wants to support my work, with also two chapters in advance. The secret project I mentioned will also be going up on those sites before hand since I don't plan on releasing it until this fic is up to snuff.

With that being said, see you all next time.

patron - https://www.patreon.com/SwitchBlad

Kofi - https://ko-fi.com/switchbladzero