
Marakyuu Madness

Remembering how I died was such a pain, but that's what I get for trying to chase a Tanuki. I was reborn, so that's great. What isn't is the fact that I'm in DxD without any way to defend myself. And with an ability that I could do without. What's a man to do? Open a coffee shop! The supernatural doesn't attack people that fix them their morning coffee, right? (Harem, Human MC!)

SwitchBlad · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 11

~. Kusora .~

What the hell do I make of this?

I must've already arrived back at Marakyuu, for the better part of 20 or so minutes ago. And I'm still looking at this very order right at this moment.

Name - Miki Hyoudou

Job - Once-Off

Location - Kuoh, Japan - 424 Shentengai Ave

Time - 12:00 AM

Amount - 42,000 Yen

It didn't change in the slightest, she typed her full name. That address itself is unmistakable, many a time did i pass the very sign that showed this on the road. Issei should be gone by now, tomorrow is Friday and since exams are close we don't come on Saturdays anymore, by the mercy of God, Golden week starts right before midterms so that's brilliant.

It still doesn't take away from the fact that I'm currently having a fierce battle with my moral sanity right at this moment.

As I analyzed it and attuned it with the many cases of 'cheating housewife' I had experienced in my time as a gigolo, a few things hinting at me started to make less and less sense. I look around the café, it's night time. Sirzechs will be here any time soon, but since I don't see any glowing red light, I should still have enough time to make the lightest sense of this.

Moreso to relive my consciousness of not being an NTR-loving bastard despite how much of a cuck Gorou looks like in the anime. You would think during the many times this has happened to me on the job, that I would opt away from such offers. I guess it took Issei's mom literally doxxing her name on my site for the notion to take root in my screwed moral compass.

For starters, I know for a fact that Issei's mom isn't rich. And while Japanese Salarymen certainly rake in the cash, I know it's not enough for a housewife to pry 40K from outside their wallets without him even noticing. If that's actually what happened, then I'm duty bound by the rules of murphy to not give a fuck if it's on the cause of you being a total idiot.

That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it. It may not be as air tight when used in the case of screwing Issei's mom, but I'm hearing nothing from my moral compass when it comes to using this on Rias.

As much as I could deliberate on what this means, there's only little I can know while staring this order in the face. And as I could see a faint crimson glow at the side of the street, shy just at midnight. I decided that my only decision is just to go there anyway and blame it on the job.

It's not like I'm stealing her away, that implies her actually having feelings for me. And besides, what Issei doesn't know, certainly won't hurt him. Maybe him staring at Rias's tits all the time might actually count for something.

Oh god I'm such a bad friend. But then again, Issei is usually killed for his Boosted Gear long before this point so maybe me going supply and demand on his mother during his absence is bad, but certainly not the worst of the spectrum this fandom has to offer.

Besides, I'm just doing my job.

Sirzechs ended up strutting his way forward. I didn't even see him pass the few tables I had stationed before he's suddenly right at my desk. "Good evening, Kusora." he greeted.

"You're here early." I said. Dunno what I mean by calling midnight "early" but this situation with Issei's mom must've had me more stumped than I originally thought at first. He looks visibly better than yesterday, his hair is actually straight for once.

Though I do have to wonder, why does he keep staring at me for so long?

"Would you like anything while I go and fetch the things we need?" I offered.

"Some of that coffee, if you will."

I turn around and go beneath my desk. The cards are still there, and the beans too. I add a gracious handful while pouring water from the kettle and stirring. The vapour that poses from the heated coffee is a testament to how deep into the winter we've come. Golden Week is probably the last vestiges of a warm summer I would enjoy. Thankfully, the Winter comes with a substantial lack of bugs that bother me while I sleep.

I'll have no need for the bug net soon.

I drop the mug of coffee right before Sirzechs and move about taking stock and fixing up Marakyuu for tomorrow's rush hour. Miki's order happens in the morning to the afternoon so when I return, It's a straight dash to the bathroom without fixing anything. Thankfully the break time in the Academy is anywhere between 1- 2 hours these days, so I might have enough time to make the trip.

"I've been told that you favour this blend." I say, making civil conversation. Sirzechs smiles at me and doesn't answer, Instead in one gulp, he finishes the coffee right as I hand him the card.

"You give that card to the groom." I say. "I'm pretty sure the one that will appear will definitely suit his tastes. Somewhat, I believe."


I waved him off. "He'll find a use, I'm sure." Riser better, I don't give a fuck if he's an antagonist, I'm straight. And I'm 100% making sure that he's homophobic else Grayfia will just have to miss me.

I see Sirzechs take the card in hand and place it in his pocket without even looking at it. He went right back to staring at me, and this time, since he was at my desk, he stares although plain and communicates an obvious lack of malice, it was still unnerving.

"Kusora," he said. "When this is over, would you mind serving me?"

"That's an odd thing to ask."

In hindsight, It was an odd thing for the Super Devil Sirzechs to ask of me. Right up until I took a closer look as to how he was looking at me. And despite me psychologically avoiding the issue, I've started to compare his gazes amongst others I've seen.

Two questions came to mind, how long has he been staring at me, and the other, a question that brought immediate alarm bells to my head.

Why is he blushing?

What I realized in the next few seconds is part of the reason that I've grown to despise the very nature of this world. One may call what I had just discovered a sickening sort of karma for how nonchalant I was in handling Miki, despite knowing the trials and tribulations she and Gorou went through for Issei.

A sickening sort of karma well deserved, but most certainly misplaced. I try to attribute my aura working in the same way I see in some Korean novels, in which for the guys, It relaxes instead of arouses.

Sirzechs slightly bashful stare just so happens to be the worlds subtlest way of telling me to go fuck myself. Great.

Not only does my aura attract bugs, It also attracts men.

Fuck my life.

"No." I said. "I appreciate the thought, but I already have my hands full running Marakyuu." I lie, I just want Sirzechs out of here right the fuck now.

I'm not a homophobe, I swear.

But I have no idea how long he had been standing within range of my aura being effective, and I for one, am not trying to find out. Thankfully, he doesn't put up much of a fuss as the flush of his cheeks leaves while he steps away. But he still keeps his eyes on me even as he walks to the door. He freezes right then.

"I'll see you in a few days then, Kusora." he said. "Hopefully with some good news."

The moment he left I bolted upstairs to the shower, not to get prepared for a later venture, but to stop myself from feeling dirty. Again, I reiterate.

Fuck, my life.

In the end it took almost the whole night to get that thought out of my head. And even then, it felt like my first sex ed class all over again. I was avoiding all men like the plague, and yes, I might have exaggerated a bit in my efforts to dodge the average salarymen walking past but you have to understand, I have it on good authority that my powers are getting stronger.

If turning Katase into a sex-crazed maniac didn't spell that, then the fact that I could somewhat point out someone's particular kink via voice in my soul, probably hammered it home for me. Admittedly, I couldn't find time to train that particular ability, on account of Sirzechs scaring the crap out of me.

Paying attention in class during this time was somewhat of a challenge considering I was racking my brain as to the whole Miki situation. It's more so of the random thought you decided to not give two shits about until either the day for it comes and It becomes a massive problem.

Thus my situation as I stand right outside her door, my school uniform hidden in my bag simply because I didn't have enough time to make the trip back home to stash it. I added a double coating of silver hair dye and for once bought a set of contact lenses that needed to stay on me.

This time, more than ever, not even a single part of me must be Kusora.

I see the front door open slightly enough for Miki's head to peel through. She saw me and slightly shied away. Before the door closed, I could make out the facade of Gorou taking a seat on the sofa in the living room. If his distance wasn't obvious, then the muffle of his voice to the front door would've been enough for proof.

"Darling, are you heading out now?"

"Yes, just to the shopping district honey." she said. "I hear that they have some specials on mackerel."

"That chat group really is working wonders huh?"

Miki stepped out of the door, and before closing it behind her, spoke into the gap. 'Of course, see you later."

Her façade changed the moment her eyes bore on mine, they lacked indignation and instead communicated how nervous she was. Surprisingly, I could see an awkwardness in her eyes as well, did she suspect my age? Thankfully, she didn't recognize me. Even if she did, Miki did not voice it aloud. Instead she turned to me in a shaky voice.

"Y-you're, Silver." she said. "Right?"

I stared at her for a few moments, weighing my options before finally voicing a small sigh.

"Yes." I said. "We would want to do this somewhere private."

Both of us are now in this alleyway, without a person in sight. This isn't usually my optimal location for business such as this, but I suppose tradition will uphold better than simply rearranging for a later date. Miki is fidgeting, she had been ever since we had left the house, the neighbors think that I'm simply accompanying her, goes to show that I should really spend some time in psychology.

She's definitely new to doing something like this with how often she's looking around. I don't have the heart to tell her to stop lest she up and bolts on me. She already paid online, but it's a problem if I don't give her the optimal service she paid for.

I sigh.

Should I really go through with this? I mean, I'm basically at the point of no return. My principles wont allow me to return without giving optimal service, especially since she had paid in advance. Probably to make sure that she wouldn't back out. Her house was the last opportunity for me to stop this.

Fuck it, the longer I drag this out, the more susceptible to my aura Miki becomes. With how strong it's getting, she'll probably begin to mistake her arousal for affection. If there's one thing that I can salvage here, it is her love for her husband.

"S-So, how do we do this?" she questioned. "I…I don't have anything expensive on me, like you said."

"And that's good." I say as I approach her. Slowly, she backs up against the wall of the dirty alleyway. Her eyes are widened with apparent shock, and equal parts expectation. Was she surprised that I didn't turn away? The shock is lost on me, since I fully expected things to come to this eventually. "That shows that you know how to listen, and keep yourself safe. There's something else, however."

"What do you want from me?" Miki barely breaks eye contact as she looks at me. Without answering, my fingers slowly drift towards her clothes, unbuttoning her white blouse one by one. She watches each and every movement, each and every finger as they deftly reveal inch after inch of her pale skin.

"We aren't exactly gifted with time." I said. "I imagine you want this done quickly."

Her modest breasts are covered with a rather risqué addition of white lingerie. She most definitely prepared for this. "I'll make it worth the price you paid, so turn around and bend over." I said. "Hands on the wall."

Miki is silent, but she nods and starts to turn around. As she bends over, the hands holding up her frame are covered in dust and grime. Thankfully I could see the heavy stain on her panties as I pulled her long skirt down to the floor with the panties following suit. I undid my trousers roughly around the same time her panties hit the floor and while I fondle her breasts, I press myself against her slit.

The age of her body is apparent, and yet it still is very stimulating. One would notice unless staring at Miki like this. And I would give my left foot that Miki thinks like this as well, that she didn't think that I would find her old, used body so stimulating. Maybe that's part of why she was nervous.

The bulbous head pressed against the pliable, soft pussy lips, and all I could think about was how smooth it felt on my glans, and how much smoother it would feel if I thrust inside. So she did, just the tip. Didn't want to rock the boat and ruin things too soon. And it turned out to be a good choice as well. My dick stopped for a moment due to the tiny size of her entrance, but soon it forced its way inside.

Miki froze as she felt my hardness enter her, she was about to protest but her complaints died in her throat as she felt her vaginal walls stretch wide around the too-wide cock. I hissed at her increased tightness. "Fuck, you're so tight," I said.

This lasted for only a few moments before I saw Miki's eyes suddenly begin to widen "Wait! You're not wearing a - ahh - condom are you? Put it on before… hng~ please," she said in between lusty moans.

Oh, shit.

Not that I think about it, I've made quite the habit of not wearing condoms every time I get an order. Since my dick is still attached to me, I'm confident that I don't have a disease, but the problem is that I've had a good chance of impregnating my clients. I haven't exactly measured how fertile I am, there was little to no risk with the Fallen Angels, but what about my human clients?

Funny how it takes me dicking down a mother for me to realize my need to practice safe sex.

I let out a hum before reluctantly pulling out. I was moments away from suggesting that we instead go back to her house for some, but surprisingly enough Miki seemed to have come prepared. Having some in her purse.

I heard the crinkle of a condom wrapper being opened. And slowly, I put the condom on. Looks stupid, but it's far safer than anything that I've been doing. The material is thin enough for it not to matter when I slip my dick back inside. With only a few inches left, I hit a spongy ring with the tip of my cock. Unsatisfied with the feeling of bottoming out, I frowned and tried to plunge deeper, mashing my cock against the sensitive barrier.

I didn't think it was possible with how nervous she seemed at the start, but Miki squealed in ecstasy. I felt something bending inwards at the force of my cock, I wasn't thrusting at all. It was a steady, firm, well kept pressure. A sensation that apparently drove her wild and had her eyes roll back in euphoria.

Needless to say that any reservations Miki had about letting me fuck her were gone to the wind, and apparently housewives have the best looking ahegao face.

I found immense satisfaction in her moans, The forbidden aspect of this was as much a turn on as I initially surmised. Naturally my instincts craved for me to pound her tight little pussy, not just press into it. So I aptly pulled out of her warm snatch, the stretched wide pussylips sticking to my dick like glue, kissing its entire length affectionately.

The overstretched inner folds tried their best to stop it from leaving, applying an exquisite tightness to it, but that only served to fuel my departure.

Thankfully, I didn't promise to be gentle. But I did promise to make this worth Miki's time.

With only my tip remaining in her dripping wet pussy, I didn't just thrust back into it, I pounded it like a hammer to an anvil, driving the iron-hard rod into the tender cervix with mad abandon, my pelvis hitting her ass and sending it rippling. I stared at her face, trying to glimpse at the slightest hint of displeasure so I could stop, but I didn't see hide nor hair of it.

So I kept going.

Miki's limbs dropped to her sides, limp and her body quivering violently, instantly orgasming over and over at the mind blowing sensation of her cervix being pounded. I took hold of both of her hands and pulled them back while I continued thrusting.

Luckily a bullet train was passing by when I did that. Look what I managed to do with just one thrust.

I stuck a few fingers inside the milf's mouth, covering her fingers in saliva as I ran them through her drooling maw, just to show that she could. I let my guard down and I nearly burst like a dam, I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from cumming so soon.

Shit. Milf pussy is no joke.

I resolved myself to at least get a few more thrusts in before I blow. I raised Miki's upper body by my arms, stretching them to her sides and using them as reins, delivering more devastating slams to her womb's entrance. The Hyoudou housewife became a blubbering mess, her voluptuous figure bouncing in a mouthwatering manner, completely overwhelmed by pleasure.

The inevitable calling of an orgasm got too much for me to bear, so she hilted myself inside the narrow cocksleeve with a groan, my instincts demanding I press forward to bottom out, only to be stopped by that damned condom.

Miki had her eyes rolled up in ecstasy, her tongue falling out of her mouth and dangling uselessly as she lost control of her body, mind utterly wracked with pleasure. It was a sight I thoroughly enjoyed, though it was missing the usual overflow of cum.

I suppose I could settle for the small puddle that remained when I pulled out of her, and her pussy kept some part of the used condom inside before dropping it to the floor. Miki herself was standing on shaky legs, barely keeping herself up right. It made sense since I was holding back a little and we couldn't exactly take our time.

Thankfully despite my quick service, I know that neither of us will cave into doing this. I know I definitely won't try to do this again, My closet is full, it doesn't need anymore skeletons.

Being sick is still mood, so I apologize for Miki's scene being a bit short. I added some plans to have more of her at a later stage so this most definitely isn't the last you would see of this in the slightest. 

For those who cannot wait the two weeks for updates, or want an easier way to commission something from me, in addition to my Kofi link that has the next two chapters in advance. I've also set up a for anyone that wants to support my work, with also two chapters in advance.

With that being said, see you all next time.



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