
Chapter 7 Boss Rewards

His body was bitten by Kiritani Kazuto.

The Slime King immediately releases acidic venom to attack Kirito.





Red numbers symbolizing damage continued to float out of Kirito's body.

Only lost 10 blood points?

Kirito was overjoyed.

He immediately sped up his eating action.

Eating in the game is just a concept, and players do not need to actually eat the monsters. As long as the corresponding action is taken, the system will forcibly deduct 1 point of the monster's life.

With the continuous loss of life, the Slime King gradually fell into a violent state, spraying acidic venom on Kirito's body crazily.

Kirito possesses advanced poison resistance skills.

The Slime King's acidic venom can only cause 10 points of damage to him.

Kirito replenished his blood.

While eating the body of the Slime King.

The previous explosion magic had knocked out 80% of the Slime King's health, and its remaining health was only 2,000 points. Kirito only needed to bite it two thousand times to kill it.

[Ding! ]

[You killed the Slime King BOSS (level 50) and gained 5,000 experience points! ]

It took less than an hour.

Kiritani Kazuto 'bitten' the slime king to death.

As the HP was exhausted, the Slime King's body turned into fluorescence and disappeared into the air.

at the same time.


Kiritani Kazuto also received system prompts one after another.

[Ding! ]

[You gain skills: Material exemption. ]

[Skill effect: Immune to all physical attacks. ]

[How to get it: Chance to get it when you kill the Slime King by taking HP. ]

[Ding! ]

[You obtain the skill: Universal Change. ]

[Skill effect: You can freely change the shape of your body. ]

[How to get it: Chance to get it when you kill the Slime King by taking HP. ]

[Ding! ]

[You gain the skill: Predator. ]

[Skill effect: Inhale unconscious life forms into the body, and obtain the target's skills and attributes through decomposition and absorption. When used on inanimate objects, it can be converted into magic power. ]

[How to get it: Chance to get it when you kill the Slime King by taking HP. ]


Close the pop-up window in front of you.

Kiritani Kazuto breathed a sigh of relief as if he had survived a desperate situation.

His ability to defeat the Slime King was pure luck, thanks to the Slime King's lack of physical attacks. Otherwise, he will be the one who dies. With Kirito's 42 points of defense, he would definitely not be able to block the BOSS's attack.

His eyes turned to the treasure chest dropped by the Slime King.

The hidden data of the treasure box was immediately displayed in front of Kirito's eyes.

[Hidden data: Epic treasure chest. Chance of obtaining epic equipment: 0.02%. Chance of obtaining legendary equipment: 0.1%. Chance of obtaining excellent equipment: 1%. The chance of obtaining rare equipment: 88.88%, the chance of obtaining other items: 10%. ]

Is the chance of opening epic equipment only 0.02%?

Kirito walked towards the treasure box with some disappointment, the moment his hand touched the treasure box. The hidden message on the treasure chest suddenly changed.

[Hidden information: After opening it, you can get: Dexterity Cloak (rare). Attributes: Agility +30. ]


Kirito subconsciously retracted his hand.


What happened just now?

When he put his hand on the treasure box again, the hidden message on the treasure box changed again.

[Hidden information: After opening it, you can get: Amplification Book (rare). Attributes: Magic +20. ]


Kirito blinked in confusion.

He took back his hand and pressed it on the treasure chest again. Sure enough, the hidden information of the treasure chest changed again.

[Hidden information: After opening it, you can get: Light Boots (rare). Attributes: Agility +30. ]

This time Kirito finally confirmed.

The rewards in the treasure chest are not fixed.

Instead, it is randomly generated the moment the player touches the treasure chest. .

In other words, you can refresh the equipment in the treasure box by constantly touching the treasure box until you refresh the equipment you want.

Kirito's eyes lit up.

Put your ideas into action immediately.

1 time.

2 times.

3 times.


It took more than three hours.

Kirito finally acquired an epic piece of equipment that has special meaning to him: the Interpreter.

[Equipment name: Interpreter. ]

[Equipment type: One-handed sword.]

[Equipment quality: epic.]

[Equipment attributes: Attack +700.]

[Equipment skill: Killing growth. Effect: By killing monsters, you can improve your own strength. ]

[Equipment slot: 5.]


[Equipment Note: The sword with the highest white value in the game. It was born purely for killing, and continuing to kill may lead to unexpected improvements. ]

[Hidden attributes: Kill 10,000 targets and unlock: Demon-breaking skills. Kill 100,000 targets and unlock: anti-magic skills. Kill a million targets and unlock: Demon Devouring Skill. Kill tens of millions of targets, Demon King's skills. ]


The appearance of this sword is exactly the same as Kirito's impression of the Interpreter.

Equip the Interpreter on the right equipment slot, and a black one-handed sword immediately appears on his waist.

Kirito glanced down.

The interpreter hanging around the waist looks awkward.

However, if you want to hang the sword on your back, you need to go to the store to buy a special back-hanging prop.

Returning to the door of the BOSS room, Kirito waited for more than an hour, as the door of the BOSS room slowly opened.

Maple put on new equipment, with a confident smile on her face, and quickly rushed into Kirito's arms: "Brother Kirito, I defeated the Poison Dragon BOSS. I also got very handsome equipment!"

Kirito hugged Maple and spun him around twice before he could relieve the impact of her attack.

He happily placed Maple on the ground, and Kirito looked at her carefully. Maple looked cute in her novice uniform. Maple, who wears a dark night suit, adds a touch of heroism to her cuteness, giving people a heroic feeling.

Kirito looked at him like this.

Maple's face turned red again.

Kirito reached out and touched her head, and said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad! After putting on the new equipment, she became even cuter!"

Hearing Kirito's compliment.

Maple lowered her head shyly.

But he saw the interpreter hanging on Kirito's waist: "Hey. Brother Kirito, why did you change to a new sword?"

Not wanting to worry Maple, Kirito did not tell the truth. He scratched his head and said casually: "Well... I just defeated a mini-boss. Let's not talk about it anymore. It's getting late, and we should go home." Got it!"

go home?

Maple's body froze instantly!


Kirito felt that he had lost his words and was about to give Maple a few words of comfort.

Unexpectedly, she suddenly blushed and hugged Kirito's arm, squinted her eyes and nodded: "Well, brother Kirito, let's go... home!"

[Hidden information: Maple...Mood: Pleasure, happiness, shyness, anticipation...]