
Maou: Summoning

When you summon a hero to save your world, there's always the risk that something might go wrong. But when you summon an overpowered Demon Lord from another dimension, that might just be fate.

Road_to_Oblivion · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

New World

"Everyone , please take a seat . " [Warmer]

Right now , we are in the big temple like building . The outside was quite humble but the inside is more luxurious than I could have imagined . A red carpet that glows with a calm , soft light , hundreds of candles illuminates the room , beautiful drawings of warriors in the middle of battle fills the walls . Glittering curtains that look like they are made out of pure gold threads are situated at every window . It looks like the glass is not a thing in this world because the windows are made out of some sort of yellow crystal that is quite dense .

In the middle of the room, there is a big round table with a purple diamond-shaped thingy floating in the middle . From the formations that are inscribed on it, I could deduce that it looks like some sort of primitive TV created using magic .

Around the table, there are 16 chairs . From those , two are already occupied by an old looking man with a big beard , a long pompous robe and a crown on his head sitting next to a beautiful young girl . From his attire , he might be the king or the emperor of this country . Interesting . Still , a young girl ? She doesn't look older than 15 . I hope she is not his wife .

Warmer leads us to our seats. After everyone sits down he goes and occupies the right seat near the king .

"Thank you, everyone, for listening to my words . As promised , everything is going to be explained now . Before starting I would like to present to you his majesty , King Abdel and her highness , Queen Ellaine . " [Warmer]

Holly shit , she is his wife ...

"Everyone thank you for your cooperation . As the king of this country I can assure you that you are not going to be forced to do anything against your will , so please listen to my words to the end !" [King Abdel]

Uhhhh ... This is annoying ... I don't want to listen to this guys talking two hours about their worlds and so on . Although I consider this place quite fascinating , I really don't want to get involved too much ...

What I have to do right now is to return to my former world and go for a long fishing trip with a few beautiful girls and my beloved fishing road ! In this conditions , I can't afford to waste god knows how long on this guys ...

It might not be very polite , but let's barge in !

"Yo , King-san , may I ask you something ? " . The king looks at me, but there is no trace of anger on his face . He seems to be ready for this kind of situations . Good !

"Oh ... Yes sure ! Whatever you want to know just ask me and if I don't know there is definitely someone in this country that is informed about that matter ." [King Abdel]

He looks very confident in his knowledge and information gathering abilities . This makes things easier . Initially, I thought that he might try to talk to me about manners like those kings I knew in the past , but he seems to be slightly different ! Maybe everything can be solved before I get entangled in this thingy ...

"Can you send me back to my former world ? [Maou]

It looks like I am not the only one that was thinking this . Looking around I can see others that pay 100% attention to the king now although a few moments ago they were looking around restless . There are few people in this universe that are ready to give up on their worlds , families , friends and lives to help someone else .

Considering that we were summoned with a magical formation , it should be possible to use a reverse spell to send us back . I would do it myself , but formation manipulation is not my forte .

Still , king-san expression is not what I was expecting ...

His face changes in an instant . That smile disappears and , for the first time since I've seen him , seriousness fills his eyes . He opens his mouth a few times before he answers in a low but grave voice .

"The answer to that question is : NO . Unfortunately , once summoned you can't go back to your world . Your soul has been locked in this world's stream so not even a god can allow you to go back to the world you came from . I am sorry . " [King Abdel]


"Uhhh ???" "What ?" "Noo ..." "Why ???"

I can hear all kind of answers from the twelve youngsters . To be honest , I didn't see that coming either . I thought that it might be difficult , but in the end, I could go back .

Maybe he is lying ... No! He is not ! I can see that in his eyes . Still , he said that not even a God can send me back to my former world ... Then all I need to do is to find someone stronger than a God !


To summarize what came after that : the country we are in is called Marderitia . Is a medium sized human country at the border of the dimensional plane .

In the recent years , the demon race has conquered over half the territories of the other countries around here and are now slowly approaching king's Abdel country . In a desperate attempt he used a forbidden ancient spell to summon a hero from a mythical planet called Earth .

The ritual went bad and instead of a single hero , 13 have been summoned . To make things worse , those 13 have not been granted any divine blessing and are not true hero candidates . Still, the king looks like is ready to take responsibility for his mistake .

Away from that , there were a few other pieces of information about this world . Because this is a dimensional plane and not a planet , the size is a few million times bigger . King Abdel didn't know exactly how big this plane is , but the known maps show over 20 billion kilometers . Damn !!!! That is huge !!!

As for what races live here ? Pretty much all of my previous world plus another hundred or so . The stronger a country is , the closer it is to the middle of the plane .

Each country has a number that shows it's ranking from 1 to 9 digits long . Here , at the edge , almost every country has a 9 digits rank , including kings Abdel's.

Still , the edge is usually peaceful . Unfortunately, 52 years ago a Demon Lord from a 7 digits country came here , gathered a demonic army and started killing anything and everything in his path .

And here we are ...

For now , considering that I might really be stuck here , let's start with the most important things .

"King – san , may I ask you one more question ?" [Maou]

He looks at me with his usual smile and replied in a light tone . I must say this much at least : I like this king . The demon lord is close to his country , the hero summoning didn't go as planned but there is still a smile on his face . Quite admirable .

"Of course Andel ! I already told you that you can ask me anything anytime !" [King Abdel ]

King – san , I am sure that you have a lot to deal with but this is extremely important for me . Oh , yeah , Andel. That is my name . It's been thousands of years since I haven't been called on my name but I like it .

"Where can I find a big pond around here ? " [Andel]

"Eh ???" [King Abdel]

He looks with a shocked expression at me . Yeah , yeah ... I know . It is quite an unusual question . But this is important !

"Uhh , Andel – san , there is a big pond about three kilometers north from here ... " [Queen Ellaine]

Unexpectedly , the one answering my question was the queen ... Now that I took a better look at her , she is actually quite beautiful . Waist long black hair , with a symmetrical face , big green eyes, and an alluring body . Not bad .

Wait a second ... Her ears are pointy . She looks like she is not a human , but some elven species . I see ... She might look 15 years old , but she might be older than me . In my former world elves could live for thousands of years without aging . When they have less that 100 years to live , they would start to age quickly and then die . At least king-san is not a pedophile !

" Thank you ! " I rise from my seat and start walking in the direction of the pond under the dumbfounded looks of everyone in the room .

After ten breaths worth of time , just before I exit the temple-like building , I can hear King-san calling me from behind .

"Andel , excuse me but can you tell us what you want to do at that pond ? If there is anything ..." [King Abdel]

"Fishing . I am going to fish for a little bit . " I interrupt the king in the middle of the sentence but I don't care about that right now .

""""EHHHHHHHHHH !!! !!! !!!! .... !!!"""" [Everyone]

Everyone is totally dumbfounded by that answer except the king . He looks at me and asks slowly .

"May ... I ask you ... Why ? " [King Abdel]

I turn my head around and with a low voice , barely loud enough so that the king can hear me I answer to his question : "Relaxing . Fishing is relaxing . I need to think about some things right now ... " [Andel]

This is the truth ... Too many have happened that I had no control over today . I need to make a choice : should I stay here or do whatever is in my power to go back to my former world . There are many things to take into account . And fishing is truly relaxing ... You need to chill once in a while .

After a few seconds, I can hear from behind me Kings-san's dispirited voice ...

"I see ... " [King Abdel]
