
Many children, many blessings: I become stronger by giving birth to ch

In the world of immortality, which is becoming increasingly competitive, monks are engaging in intrigues in order to seek the path to immortality. Wang Xuan was only a low-grade spiritual person. He left to take care of his friend's wife and daughter. Unexpectedly, he awakened the system of many children and many blessings. When you give birth to a child, you will receive a random reward. Treasures, elixirs, peerless ferocious beasts, ancient inheritance, immortal secrets, cultivation, etc... The more children Wang Xuan has, the more powerful he becomes!

Daoist6fyQts · Eastern
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11 Chs

Chapter Six: My Third Wife

"Wang Senior Brother!"

"Feng Senior Sister, are you all right?"

"Everyone, work together, don't let this Colliding Mountain Earthworm escape!"

Everything happened so quickly that, by the time the others reacted, they saw sword energy piercing through the Colliding Mountain Earthworm.

In their haste to provide backup, they were entangled by the lone surviving Colliding Mountain Earthworm.

It seemed to sense its mate's life vanishing and desperately wanted to flee.

"Beast-Slaying Talisman."

Once again, a massive sword materialized in the air, slicing the Colliding Mountain Earthworm in half.

Wang Xuan flew out with Feng Xiaoxi in his arms. "Search the area, make sure nothing was missed."

The four junior disciples remained composed.

The Grade 8 Colliding Mountain Earthworm was comparable to Foundation Establishment peak cultivators but was no match for a single move from Wang Senior Brother.

They split up, each using earth spirit talismans to search for the Colliding Mountain Earthworm's lair.

"Are you all okay?"

"We're fine."

Liu Yuanyuan flew over, anxiously asking.

When Feng Xiaoxi realized what happened, her cheeks turned hot, and she broke free from Wang Xuan's embrace. "Yuanyuan, let's go find the Colliding Mountain Earthworm's lair together. There must be spirit herbs there."

The other Colliding Mountain Earthworm was over twenty meters in size, not far from being a Grade 7 monster. Their lair undoubtedly held valuable spirit herbs.

Wang Xuan chose a direction to search for the Colliding Mountain Earthworm's lair as well.

"How's it, Senior Brother? Is it warm in your embrace?"

"In that situation, you charged out without hesitation. People like Senior Brother, who have compassion and courage, make the best partners."

Liu Yuanyuan rode her flying sword and chatted incessantly.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Yuanyuan!"

Feng Xiaoxi scolded and, recalling Wang Xuan's warmth, her face blushed slightly. "I'm solely focused on cultivating and have no interest in such matters."

"Then why did you fly off so fast? Wait for me."

Seeing Feng Xiaoxi's flying speed suddenly increase, Liu Yuanyuan called from behind.

After half an hour of searching, they finally found the Colliding Mountain Earthworm's lair five hundred meters underground.

"Dragon's Fragrance Grass and Earth Dragon Fruit, quite a harvest."

Feng Xiaoxi picked the two spirit herbs and sealed their properties with restriction talismans.

Dragon's Fragrance Grass had anti-aging effects, while the Earth Dragon Fruit could help one advance in cultivation.

"Wang Senior Brother, you should choose first. Without you, we couldn't have slain the Colliding Mountain Earthworms so easily."

"Wang Senior Brother should choose first."

Feng Xiaoxi suggested, and everyone wanted Wang Xuan to choose first.

They all knew that this mission wouldn't have been so easy without Wang Senior Brother. What's more, Wang Senior Brother could create intermediate-level spirit talismans, which were comparable to a full-strength attack from a Foundation Establishment peak cultivator.

The four junior disciples wanted to leave a good impression on Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan wasn't overly modest and chose the Earth Dragon Fruit. With the next breakthrough, he wouldn't raise too many suspicions.

As for Dragon's Fragrance Grass, he also wanted it since he had two women at home. Youthful beauty was the goal of any woman.

"The Dragon's Fragrance Grass is worth six hundred low-grade spirit stones, and I'll purchase it privately."

"Each of you will receive one hundred twenty low-grade spirit stones. Any objections?"

"Sounds good to me, following Senior Sister Feng's suggestion."

The four junior disciples exchanged glances and had no objections. Completing sect missions came with allowances, and discovering spirit herbs was considered extra income. Even if Senior Sister took all the benefits, they wouldn't say anything. Besides, Senior Sister was sharing spirit stones, proving that she and Wang Senior Brother had good characters.

With the mission completed, Wang Xuan was ready to return. He missed his children.

"Feng Senior Sister, when you return to the sect, please apply for me to become an external disciple."

External disciples of the sect received spirit stone allowances.

Although not much, Wang Xuan didn't want to miss out.

"Senior Brother, aren't you coming back to the sect with us?"

Feng Xiaoxi furrowed her brow slightly. "Yuanyuan is returning to breakthrough into Foundation Establishment soon. I'll notify you when the time comes."

"There are still children at home, and with Liu Senior Sister's talent, she's sure to succeed in Foundation Establishment. Farewell."

Wang Xuan explained and bid farewell to everyone before leaving on his flying sword.

Watching his departing figure, Feng Xiaoxi had words on her lips, but she hesitated to speak.

"Don't keep staring; he's already far away."

Liu Yuanyuan waved her hand in front of Feng Xiaoxi's eyes. "Why are you looking like that? Should I suggest that Senior Sister become Wang Senior Brother's partner? In that case, I'll call you Sister-in-law~"

"Foolish girl, what nonsense!"

Feng Xiaoxi's face blushed at Liu Yuanyuan's words, and she mumbled softly, "In the cultivation world, there's no such thing. Maybe only in the mortal realm."

"I'm just kidding. Let's go."

The disciples of the Xuanti Sect returned to the sect.

Back in Fengcheng, Su Yuanru and Yun Niang breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing about the Colliding Mountain Earthworms, they felt as if they were right there in the situation.

Only now did they understand that immortals were not invincible and had their share of dangers to face.

Especially such terrifying creatures that could break mountains—what kind of existence were they?

They were even more infatuated with Wang Xuan, as their husband was the immortal who had easily slain the Colliding Mountain Earthworms.

A few days later, Wang Xuan selected a woman who met the system's requirements from the local elites in Fengcheng and took her as a concubine.

The Wang residence was extravagantly prepared, with a wedding procession featuring drums, dragon and lion dances, and a lively atmosphere.

"Having Wang Immortal permanently reside in Fengcheng is our good fortune."

"This time, he's taking a second concubine; it seems he's starting a family."

"It's a pity he didn't choose my daughter; otherwise, I would have been able to witness the immortal's charm with my own eyes."

The establishment of an immortal's family in Fengcheng was a significant event. With an immortal's protection, safety was guaranteed. The people of Fengcheng celebrated with song and dance, and nearby bandits promptly fled upon hearing the news.

Wang Xuan's elite gatherings in Fengcheng were attended by many nobles and dignitaries who paid their respects.

"Congratulations, Wang Immortal..."