
Mantle of the Absurd Crown

On January 1st, 1230 years after the split of the Great Kingdom; at the height of his power and on his birthday King Azariah of the Western Kingdom, Deodalion, dies at the age of 73 due to unknown causes. He leaves a will to his 3 children for the last things he’ll ever give to them. To his oldest son, 26 year old Richmond Bela, he gives his crown, as the truly rightful heir to the throne and someone worthy of the title of King. However Richmond politely refuses to accept the crown until his spiritual journey and his search for immortality and a dragon is over. To his second oldest son, 23 year old Jeremy Bela, he gives him the temporary crown until Richmond returns from his journey. If his lazy son succeeds in running the Kingdom he will be rewarded with the royal beaches and resorts. However the voices in Jeremy’s head along with his laissez-faire attitude toward everything makes him question whether he’ll make the right decisions or the easiest ones. Finally to his youngest child and only daughter, 21 year old Athena Bela, he gives her to the Prince of the Southern Kingdom, Amenti-Aaru, for an arranged marriage. However her distaste for the hierarchy system in place, along with her not identifying as a Princess, and the recent inspiration from a recently killed rebel leader named Pandora; she finds her father’s death as the opportunity that she’s been waiting for and begins her reformation plan. This alongside a growing fear of the barbaric beastmen that reside in the Northern Kingdom, Gradipid, causes a shift in the world's demeanor. The whole world watches as three siblings adapt to their newfound responsibilities.

CarltonThe · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Rune Speak 101 {Challenge in Author Thoughts}

This is a translation for all rune speak used in the world.

To cast a spell, one must first bleed, then chant a spell by spelling out a word to be created in reality using rune speak. If their soul can hear the word their body says (if they have enough MANA), then the soul will repeat the word but translated back into the user's native language. Once the caster of the spell's soul speaks and sacrifices a bit of their own soul into the word spoken by the soul. The word becomes reality, and takes shape in the form of a spell.

MANA Stands for Metaphysical Acoustic Numerical Amplitude

For example, if I wanted to cast a fireball spell. I would first prick my finger to make it bleed. My soul would have to have enough MANA to hear 8 letters in rune speak. After that I need to say, "Paz Eye Ruh Une Bem Ack Lah Lah". If my soul hears this it will repeat, "Fireball" then let's say I want to sacrifice my soul's finger to cast it so it'll be a small fireball. My soul loses a finger, (my body's finger is still functional) and I then can cast a fireball.

Dreaming allows the soul to recover.

A -


B -


C -


D -


E -


F -


G -


H -


I -


J -


K -


L -


M -


N -


O -


P -


Q -


R -


S -


T -


U -


V -


W -


X -


Y -


Z -


I have written the following in rune speak. Please translate it to receive a hint about an antagonist.

Teh Hah Une Kye Ogb Lah Daj Paz Ack Qig Ogb Ruh Snu Teh Hah Une Hah Une Ack Teh!

I wonder if I scramble the ordering of some words people will try and get it? Please translate and unscramble the following to receive a hint about a protagonist.

Mih Eye Eye Une Voh Teh Teh Daj (SPACE) Qig Eye Snu Daj Ogb Une Kye Teh Eye Snu Eye Ack Une Snu (SPACE) Ogb Ruh Daj Eye Ruh Daj (SPACE)

CarltonThecreators' thoughts