

(Mature contents)

Okibe_Junior · Realistic
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49 Chs

Chapter 25

Professor Ibrahim thought for some minutes and told me 'If I give you a graduate Assistant job, three embarrassing inmpressions would be created, One, although you said you came Out of

the university in flying colours, your nine years in a company has robbed you of all academic orientation. Because of this obvious acedemic

incompetence on your part due to dissociation from the world, you will be an object of derision to students. Two, my credibility as a thorough person in scrutinizing would-be lecturers would be seriously dented since you are obviously going

to look ridiculous to students due to your obvious incompetence..

Three, the academic reputation of this University would be seriously injured in such situation. And I don't want to be indicted in the event of such a situation. Since you said you did very well in economics, I know you must be brilliant,

Brilliance is not all we want. We want continuity and experience, You are deficient in both. I sympathise with you but there doesn't seem to be anything I can do for you.

In my desperate wish to get a job, I requested to know if he could help me get a job in the Administrative section of the University. You seem to be in love with the campus Professor

Tbrahim Usman observed. I am not particularly in love with the campus. I only need a job said with an edge to my voice Ironically, said the professor, I can only help you get a job

outside the campus, that is, in the town. "1 am ready to work any. where I said. 'Good he said, and picking a biro, he started to write something.

Professor Ibrahim Usman wrote for twenty minutes, completely oblivious of my presence. When he finished writing he dropped his eyeglasses on the table. Then he looked up and said 'where is our assignment on Econs 204 he are with a professorial threat. I was dumbfounded that the professor who had just discussed with me should mistake me for a student. I think you can better leave my office', 'I don't want any student in my office. I said to him with some contempt "You have just said you can help

me get a job in the town." Professor Usman picked up his eyeglass from the table and put it on

"You were the person who read Economics, the guy who came yesterday looking for the job as a

graduate Asisstant?' I told this forgetful man that it wasn't yesterday I came looking for a Graduate Assistant job, but less than forty minutes ago. I said this with an edge to my voice. 'I see' said the professor as he started to arrange some files.

After that he fidgeted with many things, and forgot once more about my presence.

'I am waiting for you about the job you promised to help me get' I reminded him. Professor Ibrahim turned to look me in the face and nearly doubted ever seeing me. 'Oh. I promised to help you get a job. I see' said this queer man. Then after moving

around in this small room with his hands in his pocket for about two minutes, he sat down, facing me. He looked very different in his ways now, very different from how he behaved when I

met him.

The suggestion he put forward to me concerning the job he wanted to get for me repulsed me. There is a company training and recruiting night soilmen in town' said the professor 'you

might like to go there and apply. I can give you a letter to the man in charge of recruitment.' I didn't believe my ears. So this professor believed that I would accept recruitment as, a night soil

man. Although I needed a job badly, almost everybody, I thought, should be able to guess that I would not stand the job of Are you aware that I hold a university degree at a night soil man all?" I asked. Professor Ibrahim Usman told me he hadn't l forgotten that I said so. 'If I had the power' he said 'I will ensure that all night soilmen are degree holders... You see, we need educated corps in this area. I began to feel that either this

professor was mental, or he was deliberately looking for trouble.

I told him I wasn't interested at all in the job.

Give a critical thought to my theory of intellectual Night Soilmen.

You will see the rationale By this time I was

becoming convinced that this man was approaching madness


Where does intellectualism come in the job of a night soilman?"

I asked. 'A good question! A very good one' screamed the professor. But he was interrupted by the entry of a middle aged woman. I seized the opportunity of their exchange of compliments to get out of his office. I was not going to stay there any longer because I wasn't prepared to be an intellectual Night soil man.

I took a taxi from the University to Leventis stores fromwhere I bought a novel. From Leventis I took another to Kwagh-tagher's house where I ended up in my pigeon hole and started to

read the novel I bought.

It was when Nancy woke me up from sleep that I discovered that I had read only a page of the novel. I joined her on the table and we started to eat. 'You've got your appointment letter from

the Christian Bookshop?' she asked. I told her I didn't get any appointment letter. "Raphael Ekanem is a liar. He claimed that a man posted from Lagos had occupied the seat he wanted me to occupy." I said in a bitter tone. 'If he told you so' said Nancy

'then it must be true.' I told her it couldn't be true that a man came from Lagos to occupy the seat.

The truth is that no man come from Lagos. Raphael Ekanem had no vacancy for anybody.

He merely wanted my thirty naira. Nancy was amused. Still amused, she said, 'Raphael Ekanem did not take thirty naira from you.' I didn't say a word. Instead I continued to eat. We ate in

silence for about three minutes, then she asked 'Have you ever looked for job in Natchen construction company?' I told her i was hearing the name for the first time. I will give you a note to Hajia Tahira Dan, Fulani. She is the managing Director of the company and a very close friend of mine.' I told her I would be happy to get a note from her. She wrote it after the meal and i

pocketed it.