

(Mature contents)

Okibe_Junior · Realistic
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49 Chs

Chapter 19

Do you think Mohammed Ali will employ me? 1 asked almost in tears. She told me that she thought the issue of my employment was dead and buried long ago. When he orders anyone to Sweep his room, it means such a person has lost his chance of working In the company' she said. I told her that in my own case he had told me through a letter to the Director of Lake Chad Research Institute to check in four months time and get the job in spite of the fact that I had made a mistake and swept his room.

Then I think he has special interest in you. Because he does not waste time with erring applicants! I told her that it might not be

because he had any special interest in me but because I thoughtvthe Director of the Lake Chad Research Institute could have been lobbying for me. Our Managing Director cannot be influenced by any lobbyist in the world' I heard.

Can I pay you visits in yous working place?" I asked. Mmembe warned me against making such a mistake. He hates to see an unmarried man visit an unmarried woman, I heard. It is against the injunctions of Allah.' I asked her to tell me what system I could use to get this job. She told me she was going to release to me the secrets which I had to know that would make me secure the job.

If you drink alcohol, stop it' I heard. If you are a smoker, stop it. If you watch blue films, discontinue the habit. If you have any girlfriend, sack her. If you have acquaintances who are females, strain your relationship with them. If you have any friend who takes alcohol, declare to him that he is your enemy. If your parents take alcohol, renounce them... I cut in to tell her that she should not tell me more because I was

reconsidering the whole idea of working under Mohammed Ali. "No matter what he pays me I cannot stand his ethics' I said.

She told me that I was certainly going to loose a lot by not working in the company. 'As a university graduate you would be paid exactly two thousand naira a month, with a rent-free accom-

modation and a car for nothing' she said. I thought I was hearing this in a dream. 'Do you mean that I Akaa Iyortyer will get two thousand naira a month if I secure this appointment?" I asked.

She nodded and said there are other miscellaneous allowances that you will be getting as you work for him.' I nearly ran mad. I wished I was given the job on the spot. I may agree to work in the company after all'

This was an understatement because I longed more than ever to work in the company. 'You better agree to work there, If you need money' she said. She then told me that it was necessary I

know all the secrets of how to conduct myself if I was to work there. I agreed with her. Do not quarrel with anybody' she said.

Do not be offended in face of provocation. When you get a car, do not drive recklessly. If you work under him, forget about this idea of fundamental human rights. There is no fundamental human rights under him.' This was the thing I did not want to hear. I cannot stand being told that I had no fundamental human rights. Why do you say I should forget about fundamental human rights when it, is conspicuously enshrined in our constitution?" I asked with grave concern. Do not talk about constitution. The Imam is a constitution himself." I heard. I told her I didn't know what she meant by that but that I knew of

course that anybody whose fundamental human right was infringed upon had the right to take recourse to the court and that my experience showed me that the court often listened to

such complaints. Do not think of the court. You lack fundamental human rights.' I heard. I protested against this with vehemence why do you habour the idea that I lack fundamental human rights? For all I know I don't lack it. I have it.' She shook her head and said "You don't seem to be ready to work with us.

You do not have any human rights.' I heard. I told her it appeared she was telling me I had no human rights in a general sense and not even in relation to Mohammed Ali. 'Oh no' she said. You may have the rights elsewhere. But you do not have it with the Imam'.

You are telling me that Mohammed Ali is above our legal system?'

I asked. I told you before' she said the Imam himself is a system.' 'You are being vague' I said. 'If I take him to court over an issue in which he is wrong, what would happen. Is he going to be right even though he is wrong?' I asked. I heard from her that if I take him to court over an issue in which he was clearly wrong, I would end up being imprisoned.

'How do you survive in his company when he is so powerful?'

I asked. That is simple,' said Mmembe. 'Be a serious man. Do not wear smiles like a seducer. That will make you loose your job.

He distrusts those who wear handsome smiles. If he begins to insult the hell out of you, do not be annoyed. Behave as if he is showering praises on you and do not betray the slightest trace of

being offended. His wife stays with him in the same office. Do not take a glance af her. He will consider you a threat to him.

The Imam is the most jealous man in the tropics.

You must use your initiative to the fullest because he detests those who lack initiative. And this is the trickiest of them all: if you use your initiative correctly and he questions your idea, and you are sure you would be proved right by events, do not shirk in your idea as far as you know you are right. If he insults you and threatens you on that account, insult him and threaten him too. Tell him that he is wrong and that you are right. But this must be done at the right a situation. The situation is that time when you are sure your idea is impeccable. Do not misfire by telling him off at the wrong situation, that will be suicide.'