
Mannequin City

What if death is not the end of it all, but the beginning of a different kind of existence? Yes, they are among us, we see them everyday yet the truth is still far from us. Who, you ask?...more quicker, stronger and far more powerful life forms. They told us 'the walls have ears' and forgot to add...'but the mannequins have life'.

Milton_Mars · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1_ Trapped in the dark

'I am alive but what is the essence of life?

'This feeling of turning into a lifeless vessel with a non-existent consciousness during the day, and waking up again in the night is sickening. Why won't I die? If my memory serves me correctly it was on that day when that fateful tragedy took my life with it's inescapable blade of destiny. I need release, I'm tired of death'. That was the line of thought Samuel had every single lonely and dark day of his life, or death to be more precise.

It all started on that day, when he bought flowers for that girl as a way of professing the way he felt about her. After a painfully long time racking his brains he finally summoned the courage to approach her because every time his thoughts wandered away he would always find himself thinking about her, like an addict always thinks about when he'll get his next fix. 

That destructive smile, and whenever she parted her lips to form a smile, a chain reaction of sorts was always bound to happen to those with weak wills. She was so beautiful that she looked as if she walked straight out of a beautiful canvas painting. Putting it simply... Tessa's beauty was that destructive, and oh yes, that was surely her name. 

And whenever a certain someone thought of her, his brain would turn into mush and his circulatory system as a whole would become akin to a nuclear explosion, with his heart as the nuclear reactor and that was all owing to his uncontrollable heart rate, all because of that Tessa. 

If you leaned on Sam's chest you would get convinced that you had regressed back to the stone age where beating drums was the 'it thing', because that was how hard his heart beat...and that effect was proudly sponsored by Tessa.

The pressure had piled up and it had gotten so immense that Sam could no longer contain his desire...the man was no longer himself.

That image when she was wearing a red dress which perfectly shaped her perfect molded body was deeply ingrained into Sam's heart and attempting to remove that memory was akin to ripping off a chunk of flesh directly from his lustful heart...or perhaps it was love and not lust?

Definitely not a love story.

Milton_Marscreators' thoughts