

It was a peaceful day for Christian, when a catastrophe strikes that resulted in monsters popping up out from the world. Elves, Dwarfs, Dragons and monsters started to appear in the world making it a crazy place. Gods are fighting. Demons causing havoc in the world. With this problem Christian needs the strength to survive this crazy world and protect his loved ones.

Four3yes · Action
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3 Chs

1 The Change

Saturday morning at 12:30. Christian was a student of CDSS, a senior high school student studying for programming.

In a room of an apartment he's currently living in, Christian is currently doing his assignment that is due this Monday.

While he is typing, he can't stop thinking about what kind of future he will achieve, "I wonder what kind of language will I specialize in when I finished this school year?"

It was hot this Saturday; especially this apartment without even an Air Conditioning Contractor. He was even thinking about going to the Internet cafe or the Mall to cool off. Christian, however, has to finish the homework his teacher gave to him.

This apartment that he settles in, although without an Air Conditioning Contractor is very cheap. He only needs to pay 800 pesos to live here, he also only needs to buy an electric fan to withstand the heat of the day.

This Saturday, however, is very different from any other day, the weather today is very hot, it's like you're being cooked in an oven. Christian turned on the electric fan, and sets it number three to cool off, but even with this he can still feel the heat of the Sun.

Christian while typing suddenly feels hungry, and wonders if he stand up and go to the refrigerator or finished this work first. "No, I'll finish this work first before I eat, I'm almost done anyway".

After he was done his task, he goes to the refrigerator when suddenly a strong earthquake hits him. Immediately Christian runs to the table to hide underneath it, but because of how strong the earthquake is, he lost his balance and hit his head on the table immediately losing consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, Christian woke up, he quickly notices the words floating in front of him. It looks like a game system that you see from video games. At first, he thought he was hallucinating because of hitting his head, but no matter how many times he blinked or rub his eyes it won't vanish.

[ Name: Christian Navaja

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Level: 1 0/50

Class: None

Title: None

Strength: 8

Dexterity: 7

Constitution: 8

Intelligence: 9

Wisdom: 8

Skills: None ]

Christian is amazed and afraid as well. He didn't expect after the earthquake, the world suddenly became a game.

Looking at the floating words, he notices there is a flashing icon on the bottom right corner of the screen. When he clicks on it, a message immediately appears.

[ Congratulations on unlocking the Battle System. With this system the user will be able to defend themselves from the terrors they encounter. Because this is the first time the user unlocked the system, you were bestowed with an uncommon item. Please get the item immediately. ]

When Christian clicks the icon that represents the item, the item immediately manifests itself in front of him. Christian immediately grabs it and notices it to be a knife.

[ Steel knife, new equipment. An Uncommon item. A knife forged by a novice blacksmith, with a durability of 100/100, and damage of 0-7. It can cut small creatures or possibly big creatures if used properly. Please make good use of this item to survive. ]

Looking at the knife, Christian describes it as a medieval knife with a simple sheath. Suddenly he a sense of foreboding on his mind, he remembers how strong the earthquake is and the systems note, so he immediately rushes to the window and was shocked to discover that the geography of the surrounding appears to be different.

He didn't remember that there's a mountain in front of the apartment nor a forest. "What the hell happened to the world? Why the hell, there's a forest in front of the apartment? How long was I unconscious?"

With these problems in his mind, Christian immediately grabs his phone to check out what time is it.

[ 3:28 pm; Tuesday; 10 March ]

"Three days? I was asleep for three days!"

Suddenly Christian's stomach begun to growl, he remembers that he still didn't eat anything at all since the earthquake. Good thing the refrigerator is still okay and the food was not destroyed by the earthquake.

Munching on the snickers that he gets from the refrigerator, he thinks about how bleak his future is. All the hard work is gone because of what happened today, the torture he experienced at school, the skills he studied suddenly does not matter anymore.

After he was done eating. Christian forced himself to stand and begin to think about what will happen now? will help arrive or not?what will he do if there's no help?

Christian has to plan what will happen to him, especially if there's no help that will arrive. He checks the refrigerator to see how much food does he have. "Ten cups of noodles, a pack of Snickers, 8 cans of food that's all I have. This food will only last me for ten days at most, I need to find more food and possibly help."

After a couple of minutes of thinking, and checking his supplies. Christian decides to go outside, he can't stay here all the time, he needs to find food for himself. Grabbing his bag, he prepares to set outside his room. He grabbed the steel knife with its sheath, and place it on his waist. He also clothe himself with thick clothing for protection, and with this he goes outside of his room to seek food and possibly help.

Silently opening the door, he checks if there are monsters outside.

"All right! it's clear"

Christian walks the path silently afraid that a scary monster will suddenly appear. While walking, Christian observes his surroundings and saw the result of the destruction the earthquake has given. Large cracks are formed on the wall with many objects fallen because of it.

He was walking carefully when he suddenly sees the room of his friend Jake, and decides to check on him if he's there or not. Knocking on the door, he hopes he's in the room and is okay.

"Hello!, Jake, are you here? If you're here, please answer"

Christian wonders why no one is answering the door. Checking the door if it's lock, he discovered that it was not locked. With this discovery he gently opens the door, unsheathing his knife, worried someone or something will jump at him.

"Is no one here!?"

Christian enters and checks if his friend Jake is still here, and possibly find food if there is still left in his compartment.

"He's not here and the food is gone"

Christian wonders, but immediately thinks that his friend grabbed it and escaped after the earthquake.

Not satisfied with what he discovered, Christian looks for things that will help him to survive this apocalypse. After a couple of minutes of checking his room, he found out that there's a baseball bat behind his clothes on the cabinet. When he touches it a system notice immediately appears in front of him.

[ Baseball bat, new equipment. A Common item. An excellent metal baseball bat that was made by a company, with a durability of 200/200, and damage of 10-15. A blunt weapon that can smash skulls with the right strength. Please make good use of this item to survive. ]

Christian didn't expect even normal items that are not part of the system is considered to be part of the system. He immediately grabs a bunch of items to check if the system can evaluate these items.

[ T-shirt, old equipment. An Uncommon item. An item made by a cloth company, with a durability of 27/50. A simple clothing without any protection against monsters. Please wear this to block your body from prying eyes. ]

[ Short, old equipment. An Uncommon item. An item made by a cloth company, with a durability of 25/50. A simple clothing without any protection against monsters. Please wear this to block your body from prying eyes. ]

[ Socks, old equipment.... ]

[ Shoes, old equipment.... ]

Christian discovers that the system can evaluate any items even a small rock, although the system's message is kinda weird. He decided to not mind these things and not waste more time and find more food to increase his survival on this apocalypse.

Christian wonders why Jake didn't bring with him the Baseball bat, considering that the world became a game, it's only natural to bring a weapon to protect oneself from harm.

Deciding to not mind these things, Christian grabs the Baseball bat that he discovered, a new weapon that deals more damage than his Steel knife, he decides to go outside thinking.

"I'm sure even what happened today, surely nothing worse will happen right?"

Hello everyone Deadlox here this is my first story I hope all of you would enjoy it. This my first time making a story and if you notice grammatical errors, please do not mind since English is really not my first language, it's my third language, but I do promise to make this novel fun and make the plot good.

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