
Sister-in-law is tired! Let the brother-in-law aid her! (2)

In the kitchen, the moment stretched out as Zhang Wei casually set the filled glass of water aside, his voice carrying clearly as he called out, "Meimei, I'll help Rui here. Give us a few minutes."

Xiong Rui spun around, a look of confusion etched on her face. This was unexpected; why would Zhang Wei insist on helping her with such a mundane task?

From the living room, Xiong Mei's voice carried a note of incredulity. "What? She's perfectly capable of doing it herself! You're our guest, Zhang Wei, you shouldn't have to help with the dishes."

Zhang Wei, unfazed, replied, "She asked for my help. She cut her fingers slightly."

"But I—" Xiong Rui began to protest, only to be silenced by Zhang Wei's finger gently pressing against her lips. The gesture was intimate and surprising, sending a wave of unexpected emotions through her.

Xiong Mei's concern was evident in her voice. "She's hurt...? I'll bring the first-aid kit."