
Manipulation of Reality

Imagine defeating a God in an LoL match. As a reward, this God gives you the ability you've always craved. You will probably have some adventures while trying to live a comfortable life. /Mc op /Mc intelligent to some extent/ Rapid evolution/

LazinessGod · Others
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25 Chs

Chapter 18

The next day I was awake at 7 am

I was very anxious, but how could I not be. I would fulfill one of the deepest desires that every man has

I would become powerful, powerful in a way that no man born on my planet has ever likely been.

For this, I had prepared a lot

When I created the machine to transform myself, I made a layout of how everything would work.

I wanted it to be perfect so I added a few things to the machine

For example, I wanted the whole process of building my body to be similar to what superman was like, or maybe even better.

According to the movie, he can become so powerful because he grew up under the influence of a yellow sun.

So I configured the machine to emulate something similar but better

Basically, the process would be as follows;

When I entered the machine and it started to work, through some runes, my soul was taken from my body.

This was a very delicate process, which is why I wanted to absorb the information about souls at that time.

This proved to be correct when I was designing the machine runes, if I didn't absorb that knowledge, just with the knowledge available in Odin's information, I would likely fail, or perhaps leave irreparable damage to my soul.

Anyway, after my soul was removed from my body, it was placed in ecstasy and preserved, from that moment on, my consciousness would be placed in minimal activity, just enough not to erase

And then the real process would begin.

My current body would first be transmuted into pure energy, and through the analysis of that energy, more would be generated at the same wave frequency.

This was something I learned with all the knowledge I gained; Basically, a body has a specific wavelength, and an individual's soul can only adapt to bodies with the same wavelength.

So, when generating my new body, an energy with the same wavelength would have to be used. And that would be exactly what would happen

But, for my soul's adaptation to be the best possible, my soul had to go through the growth process along with my body

So essentially I would have to be a baby again

So I put some more functions on the machine

This new function would be to generate and incubate the fetus that would later be me

At that time, my still dormant soul would be placed in the fetus so that it would adapt as the body grows.

Runes were used to generate a miniature sun in the machine, where all the energy from that star would be redirected to the fetus through its growth, increasing the energy dosage periodically.

The machine also had the atmospheric adjustment function and internal gravitational adjustment

I put instructions for the atmosphere to be as hostile as possible without destroying the fetus, the same would be with the gravitational force

It was set to have the greatest possible gravitational pull without allowing the fetus to be destroyed

But of course, I didn't want to be a baby again, so there were some time manipulation runes around the room.

Basically, these runes would speed up the time of the room, for those outside the room, just a few moments would pass, but for the interior, exactly 20 years would pass in the process.

During those 20 years, my body would receive the best and at the same time the worst growth conditions.

During that time, Kurama would also assist with any need with the help of the secondary server.


Finally, the time came, there I was, standing in front of the futuristic-looking machine

My parents were a little far from me, we were separated by a transparent wall made of super-strong metal alloy.

Anyone watching could also see that from time to time, strange and golden runes moved along the wall.

My parents looked tense but still trusted what I was doing.

I first took off my clothes, getting naked, with my ass hanging out

Then I got into the machine. As soon as I felt comfortable, I told Kurama to start the procedure.

He did exactly what I told him when a transparent dome closed over me.

Soon after, I started to feel sleepy, until after a while... I blacked out...


Outside, after Adriel fell asleep, his parents were still watching, when a bluish light began to come out of Adriel's body.

The light began to gather until it formed a sphere that hovered above the body.

Adriel's parents, when looking at this situation, made faces of amazement

Although they had already absorbed a lot of knowledge along with their son, it was still foreign to them the idea that the soul could exist.

After the sphere of light hovered over her son's body, the sphere began to be covered with layers of golden light that protected the sphere.

Soon Adriel's body began to disintegrate into particles of green light, these particles, like the blue ones, began to come together and form a sphere.

The whole scene was very magical

After a while, the green sphere seemed to vibrate a little, before growing a few millimeters, only to be compressed to the size of a grain of rice.

At that moment, a layer of golden light formed around the small sphere, before turning into a thin film that expanded to the circumference of a fist.

And if you looked closely, the little sphere of green light was being transmuted into a little fetus, which had a thin cord attached to a part of the machine that had an organic look.

When the transmutation process ended, the sphere of bluish light compressed before entering directly into the small fetus.

Soon, orange lights came on in an area of ​​the machine, and part of these lights was directed to the area where the fetus was

Other lights of different colors lit up on the machine, starting a beautiful process that would be forever etched in the memory of Adriel's parents

Golden runes that emit a green light were activated around the room and time began to speed up for those outsides.

Adriel's parents saw the entire process of growth of the fetus, until the moment when the film surrounding it tore apart before disintegrating

The umbilical cord attached to the machine was cut and soon they saw the baby who now had white hair begin to breathe

To outsiders, it looked like the baby was having a seizure at the rate he was breathing, but inside, everything was stable.

Adriel's parents saw that from time to time the baby received a white and golden liquid as food.

It was strange for them to watch a sleeping baby feed and poop continually

They also saw that from time to time the baby's body moved by itself.

They thought this was probably something Adriel prepared for his body to develop normally.

They watched, as the child grew, his white hair formed, his body lengthened, and tattoos began to form under his skin.

His hair was cut every time it reached a certain length, before it grew back, only to be cut again.

When the child looked to be about 5 years old, the machine started to transform and get bigger, and they soon realized why

The simple stretches that the body did by itself started to get complicated

His body sometimes did strange positions, which were passed too quickly.

The machine always provided food and water in a pattern, and the child ate and drank even with eyes closed.

The entire process, for outsiders, took about 10 hours. But inside the room, 20 years have passed

When the 20-year mark hit, the temporal runes started to slow down.

Until finally, after 10 hours, Adriel's parents saw a change in the pattern...


Yo, thanks for all the feedback you readers are giving me.

Sorry if something wasn't to your liking, especially with the writing. I'm not a fluent English speaker so I don't try to mess around with Google Translate too much on my whim

I've been running all the translated text through Grammarly's proofreader, but he's not omnipotent, so there's a lot of things that go wrong. Please be patient with this, maybe when I have enough money to hire an editor, everything will be more comfortable

For that, I would like to make a selfish request, your support with comments and ratings on the main page would help me a lot, so I have to ask you to help me with this

The more people review my work, the more people can read it, and the more people read my work, the more people pay attention to my account on the site.

And that's what I want because I plan to post an original story at a later date, and maybe with it I can make money that could be spent on a publisher for my works.

From now on, I thank you for your support, see you later...

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