
Manipulating Odds in an Apocalyptic World

A novel where odds mean everything. Olexia's life was just starting to get good when she got hit by absurd 1 in 495,000 odds and she ended up in an apocalyptic version of her own world. A world ruled by Gods and Devils and humans chosen as entertainment. Under some circumstances the Devil of Probability decided to side with Olexia. Forced to live and survive in this apocalyptic world came with a prize at the end, one simple wish. What would Olexia wish for if she won the price? Only she knows. But at least you can join the journey until then.

Ender_Peach · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 7 - Arena

"Welcome to the 'Chaos Conclave' illusion and probability edition." Both Peach and Illy exclaimed at the same time. They were nowhere to be seen but their voices echoed throughout the Colosseum. 

Jinny got up and offered a hand up to Olexia.

Olexia grabbed Jinny's hand and Jinny pulled Olexia up. "Thanks." Olexia said looking around.

The portal vanished and a holographic screen appeared in the middle of the Colosseum.

"It's time to explain." Peach said

"The 'Chaos Conclave' is a monster fighting arena that can be created when two or more divine beings mix their powers with the intention to create an arena." Illy explained. 

"And the 'Illusion and probability edition' is just saying that the arena's rules and environment will be changed according to our powers." Peach added.

"For example, let's say I take control of how the Colosseum looks like..." Illy paused.

The colosseum's floor and walls turned into mirrors, and weird creatures started showing. in the windows, such as goblins, large-scale creatures and knights in full armour.

"And something like this is gonna happen." Illy added. "I think this is a good enough environment, I'll let you take control of the rules Peach." 

"Oh, I am so happy to hear those words...Hehehe" Peach said and laughed mischievously.

"Oh jeez..." Olexia murmured out.

"Don't kill them..." Illy said sarcastically.

"I would never... Anyways, look at the hologram." On the hologram appeared what looked like a black large dice. "This is a hundred-sided dice. Depending on what number this falls on it will change what kind of monsters you will be fighting against. I'll start the roll on that dice in a minute but first..."

A wheel of what looked to be at least a hundred different weapons appeared on the hologram. "I'll use this wheel to decide what kind of weapon you'll be using. I'll be running this wheel every three rounds in case you're not happy with the weapon the wheel provided you." Peach explained.

"Alright then let's spin the weapon wheels first." Illy said calmly.

The hologram split into two screens, one screen for Olexia's wheel and the other for Jinny's.

"And spin!" Illy yelled out.

The sound of a wheel spinning echoed throughout the arena. And after around twenty seconds the wheels finally stopped.

"For Jinny a rapier!" Illy announced.

"And for Olexia a scythe." Peach also announced.

Both of the weapons appeared on the ground in front of them. The rapier is a long thin sword with some protection around the handle, and the scythe is a long wooden handle with a normal-looking scythe blade at the end.

They picked their weapons up.

Jinny was mostly happy with what the wheel gave her, after all a rapier might be a bit different than a basic sword but it still classifies as one.

Olexia examined the scythe and the only thought in her has was `How the hell do I attack monsters with this?`

"And time to throw the dice!" Peach happily added.

The holographic screen showed the large dice yet again, it got shaken up and thrown, and the hologram followed where it went, almost giving the illusion that it was a real object, after just a few seconds of rolling the dice stopped on the number '23'.

"And twenty-three a dark elf assassin. The Dark Elf Assassin is a stealthy and cunning creature from the depths of the underworld, or so it says on my dice, good luck!" Peach exclaimed.

The hologram disappeared and one of the walls opened up for an elf with grey skin and red eyes, it was mostly wearing black rags that would cover up most of its body except the eyes and its pointy ears.

It was also holding a small black dagger. The mirror wall closed behind the elf.

Jinny was closely observing the elf, and while Olexia noticed the elf she was still somewhat wondering how to use the scythe effectively.

The elf vanished, and after a second it appeared behind Olexia, going straight for the back of her neck with the dagger.

"DUCK!" Jinny yelled out.

Olexia crouched down, still holding onto the scythe.

Jinny tried to stab the elf with the rapier but the elf vanished again.

"Why are you acting so relaxed?! That elf almost stabbed you in the next!" Jinny yelled at Olexia.

"Relax, Illy and Peach said it would be safe right? These creatures probably can't even hurt us." Olexia reassured Jinny.

"We can't be sure about that!" Jilly replied, slightly disappointed in Olexia.

Olexia picked up the scythe and grabbed it with two hands.

Jinny and Olexia were both on guard, waiting for the elf to reappear.

The mirrors on the walls made it somewhat easier but there were still a lot of Illusions on them so it wasn't that easy.

Olexia noticed that the elf had reappeared right behind Jinny, going for the same move twice in a roll.

Jinny also noticed the elf so she rolled to her left.

Olexia swung her scythe like it was some kind of a pickaxe.

The scythe thankfully connected with the elf's head and it fell to the ground. Its head split and blood spilt out of it.

"See it wasn't that hard." Olexia said reassuringly.

"Yeah..." Jinny replied.

The hologram reappeared.

"Good job, Jinny and Olexia, you've completed the first round, it's time to spin the dice again!" Peach announced.

The black dice reappeared and started rolling yet again.

After a few seconds, the dice stopped on the number '50'.

"Ooh, would you look at that a perfect fifty!" Illy said with excitement.

"That's right a fifty, it landed on 'thunderbird'. I'm sure you can figure out what it means so I won't explain, yet again good luck!" Peach explained and the hologram vanished.

The roof of the arena opened up, which was the only part of the arena that wasn't mirrored.

A large bird at least three times the size of a human entered through the roof, its feathers looked like thunderclouds, its beak was large and hard looking and its talons were long and sharp. It also had piercing yellow eyes, resembling a lighting.

With every flap of its wings, a gust of wind was sent out.

The thunderbird screeched loudly and a lightning stuck that cracked the mirrors on the floor and walls, splitting the mirror's Illusions apart.

Thanks for reading the seventh chapter of MOAW, add this novel to your library if you enjoyed the chapter and feedback is always appreciated.

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