
Manifest ?

Shido Ittoki, Your average high school student thought he would live an ordinary average life, but due to a certain turn of events Shido has no idea what is in store for him.....will the weight of problems be too much for him to bear or would he fight his way through. --------------------------------------------------------------. Chapter Length 2000-4000 words. Please support me. ;)

Geo_362 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4

*The foundations of the bank explode and blasts away everybody on a that was on a 5 meter radius of the area including Shido*

Mishinoyou: "What the-"

*She creates a force field around herself that holds till the blast stops, then she disables her force field* "That was one heck of an explosion…I wonder what caused it."

Well there's nobody around.

*She Jumps up and flies to a more suitable place to observe the destruction done*

Well that's an ugly sight…

"I wonder how Shido's doing"

*She flies to the place that Shido was training.*

"Hm?, I don't see him..."

*Kaguya gets blasted out of the sky by a beam of light*

"That beam…was that E-tsu.. No it can't be."

*She manages to stop herself from falling and lands on the ground hastily looking around as if she's looking for someone*

? : Hey Kaguya.

Kaguya: "That voice"

*Turns her attention to the source of the voice she heard*

? : Why do you look like you've seen a ghost? I mean, it's been a while hasn't it, 5 years right?

Kaguya: N-Nishihara…h-how, when-

Nishihara: C'mon stop…I told you guys to stop using that name.

Kaguya: Etsuko.

Etsuko: That's more like it, I know you must have questions on how we got out of the seal and fully got our powers back, it's a long story actually but I guess I coul—.

Kaguya: WAIT!!, you mean you're not the only one that made it out!?

Etsuko: oh my dear Kaguya you're quite in the dark, but that aside, I'm surprised you didn't notice my aura since. I've been following you around for a while but you didn't seem to notice which means.

*She moves closer to Kaguya*

You made a pact.

Kaguya: *Sighs* Yes.

Etsuko: *She laughs* Typical Kaguya…I mean I won't judge you. I made one myself.

Kaguya: You mean, this is your doing?

Etsuko: Not mine...it's the human that I made a pact with and his group.

Kaguya: This is quite a lot to take in. I'll just get my partner and we'll be going now…

Etsuko: *she grins* Uh, I don't really remember myself saying you could leave.

Kaguya: "Shit…I was hoping we could avoid this."

Etsuko: You know me Kaguya, I always like a good spar.

Kaguya: *She sighs* Etsuko…can we not do this no—

Etsuko: *raises her hand up and releases a burst of spirit energy, then a green beam of light surrounds her arm*

Kaguya: "Why now... I don't have time for this, I need to find Shido and get out of here."

Etsuko: *A rail gun appears in her hand*

Kaguya: Tsk…Etsuko can we please do this later…

Etsuko: Not a chance…I've longed for this moment...after so many years, I can finally challenge you to a duel, and once I beat you, you'll take back all those things you said to me back then.

Kaguya: "Well there no going back now." Don't be so confident to think you can beat me. *She smirks*

Etsuko: Ok then…We'll find that out once I'm done wiping that smug look of your face. *She fires a huge blast of spirit energy Kaguya*

Kaguya: That's Futile. *She uses the back of her hand to divert the blast away from herself* You'll have to do more than that if you plan on beating me.

Etsuko: I've got plenty more from where that came from, trust me. *She Charges toward Kaguya*

Kaguya: Then get it over with already.

On the other hand….

Shido: The Sky is blue and beautiful. "I wonder if I should get up or stay…I mean it doesn't really matter either way. Hm? *He notices Kaguya fighting Etsuko In the sky*

Looks like she's busy. "Guess I'll go home…" *He stands up, and goes around searching for his bag...*

Ah, there you are! *He picks up his bag and walks toward the entrance of the park*

Etsuko: I'VE GOT YOU NOW!!! *She swings her rail gun at Kaguya*

Kaguya: *Grabbing the muzzle of Etsuko's railgun, she breaks Etsuko's hold of the gun and gives Etsuko a bash to the stomach with the butt of the gun*

Etsuko: Gah *She pants while blood drips from her nose*

Nice. *She cleans the blood dripping out of her nose with her hand* You're still as strong as the last time we sparred*

Kaguya: And you're still as weak as ever.

Etsuko: WHAT!?....*She releases a huge burst of spirit energy*

Kaguya: Etsuko stop!!

"What's that idiot thinking?"

Etsuko: I'm going all out... now let's see if you'll still think I'm that weakling from before..

Kaguya: "If she goes all out then I'll be forced to do the same, and if that happens, this area is going to be completely destroyed...and I still need to find Shi-do" Shido? *She gets a glimpse of him and notices the fact he was leaving*

Etsuko: Your eyes are always supposed to be on your opponent. *She said and then kicks Kaguya straight down into the ground*

Kaguya: Shit... I got distracted. "Is he actually leaving without me?."

Etsuko: Done already? *She lands in front of Kaguya*

Kaguya: You'd wish. *Stands up*

Etsuko: That's more like it *She dashes towards Kaguya*

Kaguya: Ok you win Etsuko, your stronger than before I admit and you even managed to land a hit on me...sooo you can stop fighting me now.

Etsuko: huh? *Stops running* Backing out now?...Not a chance, I've come too far to stop... *She continues charging towards Kaguya.

Kaguya: As you wish. okay.. *cracks her knuckles* Don't say I didn't warn you, cuz this is gonna hurt.

Etsuko: Bring it. *She gets into a close range and throws her fist at Kaguya*

Kaguya: "Your not gonna use your weapon?" *She sighs and then she grabs Etsuko's fist* I'm going to finish you with one shot.

Etsuko: Don't let your guard down.

Kaguya: Hm? *she notices Etsuko's foot swinging in to strike her side but she she blocks it with her other hand and grabs a hold of it, then kicking the back of the other leg Etsuko was standing with she releases Etsuko's fist and grabs her face and then smashes it into the ground*

Etsuko: "What Just happened?" *Coughs blood*

Kaguya: Hm... one more thing. *She grabs Etsuko's throat and raises her up and then she tosses her into a building nearby.

All done, Now where is Shido?


Shido: Guess the fights over. *He stops walking and turns around and then notices something fast coming at him*

I must be hallucinating things because I think I'm seeing Kaguya flying at me with full speed, if that was real I'd be in a real-..

Ack!!! *Kaguya smashes herself straight into Shido*

Kaguya: *Rubbing her face against Shido's face she cries* Shiiidooo, my poor child you had me so worried about youuu.

Shido: "And it looks like I wasn't hallucinating." why do I have a strong feeling that you didn't.

Kaguya: Anyways *Stands up* Quit waisting time and Let's go home already.

Shido: That was where I was headed, before someone decided that crashing into me was the best idea...

Kaguya: So you're saying you planned on leaving me here?

Shido: Definitely.

Kaguya: Oh really? *clenches her fist*

Shido: "Shit she's mad." C-calm down..

Kaguya: Oh I'm calm alright.

Shido: You say that when you clearly have that murderous intent look on your face.

Kaguya: What look?

Shido: forget it..."sheesh some Goddess you are."

Kaguya: Could you repeat that?!

Shido: It was nothing.."Damn telepathy ."

Kaguya: I'd love to go home but you know, you're quite the busy man.

Shido: Busy? You've got the wrong guy.

Kaguya: You see that bank over there. *She points toward the bank that had exploded* There are some thugs responsible for the explosion and they're probably robbing it as we speak...


Kaguya: Go take care of it

Shido: Yeah...no thanks, I'm good.

Kaguya: C'mon why not?

Shido: It doesn't involve me in it..I mean the bombing was over the top but it's not like it my house or school.

Kaguya: Yeah but it won't hurt to go kick some asses.

Shido: "What kind of brute are you?"

Kaguya: It'll be fun and entertaining.

Shido: Only for you though, I'm going home let's leave this to the police.

Kaguya: I see..so you wouldnt go.

Shido: *Stands up and picks up his bag* Yes.

Kaguya: I didn't want to do this but..

Shido: ?

Kaguya: She jumps to Shido's front and kicks his stomach.

Shido: What the- ?

Kaguya: Go get em *Waves to Shido*

Shido: Damn it...

*The force from Kaguya's kick blasted Shido straight through the iron doors of the bank. *

Kaguya: accuracy 100%

Shido: "Man that hurt." *Stands up and walks to the entrance of the bank* Should I really be doing this? *He slightly pokes his head through the place where the iron door wasor was placed *


Shido:Tsk ... *sighs* I dont have a choice now do I..

Terrorist 1: Boss man we're alnost done with cracking open the safe.

Terrorist 2: We should just bash it open, that'll be way faster.

Terrorist 1: You meathead, if we did that the whole bank will lockdown.

Terrorist 2: what did you just call me!?

Terrorist 1: An absolute meathead.

Terrorist 2: Say that again and I'LL KILL YOU!!

Terrorist 1: meat-

Terrorist 3: Can you guys shut up..I can't focus with all the noise you're making.

Terrorist 1 &2: SHUT UP!!

Terrorist 3: Tsk..fine, fight as much you want but don't blame me if I don't manage to open this before the cops show up

Bossman: Tony, Renji

Terrorist 1&2 'Tony and Renji': Sir!?

Bossman: Sakuda's right. The longer we stay here the lesser we'll have a good of a chance of leaving here without meeting the police and I've got a schedule to keep to, So you guys should just do me a favor and Shut Up!!

Tony&Renji': Yes sir!

*Both take off to the entrance of the room *

Tony: Hey um, I'm sorry for what I said about you back there.

Renji: Nah it's cool

Tony: By the way.. the bossman's pretty terrifying.

Renji: You noticed huh. They said he took down an entire underground organization by himself. And they were over 1000 members.

Tony: No way.

Renji: I'm serious..the bossman's something else.

Shido: "Quite an interesting story..I'd love to meet this Bossman sooner or later" Sounds like he can entertain me for a bit but first I need to take care of these guys and get out before the police show up.

*He walks down the hallway and notices some light coming from the bars of a steel door accompanied by 2 shadows. * Looks like I found em. this shouldn't take long.

Tony: By the way,after this how bout we go have a drink, it'll be my treat.

Renji: For sure. After this... we'll be so frickin rich.

Shido: Don't start celebrating yet...

Tony&Renji: Huh? *Both jump back and point their weapon's at the doors of the room. *

Tony: Who are you, Show yourself!?

Sakuda: "Are the cops here already?! This is bad"

Bossman: *He raises his head and looks at the door. *

Shido: *He kicks the 2 doors open and walks in.. *

Renji: Who are you?? "Why'd he come here"

Shido: "all of them have weapons, I'll have to be careful

Tony: Hey kid, as you can see were busy here so we'll let you of the hook if you just quit exploring a leave.

Sakuda: *Sighs in releif * It's just a high schooler.

Shido: I don't think you understand the Situation you're in right now.

Tony: ?...I think you're talking about yourself.

Shido: I came here to kick your asses especially the one you call 'bossman' he sounds pretty strong.

Renji: ...

Tony: *Laughs * oh damn that's quite hilarious. *Pointing at Shido he says *

You really think you a scrawny ass kid can take all of us on,not to talk about Bossman alone, Just get lost. *Laughs *

Shido: You underestimate me.. *he grabs Tony's finger and breaks it. *


Shido: Still think I'm a scrawny kid?? * he grins *

Renji: Tony!! Tsk.. You'll regret this.*Points his gun at Shido *

Shido: Make me.