
Manifest ?

Shido Ittoki, Your average high school student thought he would live an ordinary average life, but due to a certain turn of events Shido has no idea what is in store for him.....will the weight of problems be too much for him to bear or would he fight his way through. --------------------------------------------------------------. Chapter Length 2000-4000 words. Please support me. ;)

Geo_362 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2


Shido: *Sits up and yawns* "Damn, that was one rough night." *Rubs his head while he looks around the living room* "What happened yesterday?" *Shido has a flashback and remembers all that happened the day before*

 Oh yeah…*Sighs* *Rubs his hands on his face* "Now I have to sleep on the most uncomfortable couch for who knows how long and not to talk about the heat and mosquitoes." *Scratches the back of his neck*

Kaguya: About time you sleepy head, *Sighs* do you have any idea what the time is right now. *Drops a bowl of curry for Shido* Anyways eat fast and go take a shower, you'll be late if you don't hurry up.

Shido: "Being served breakfast by a hot chick first thing in the morning, the mosquitoes, the heat, the back pain. They were all totally worth it!" *Raises his hand in triumph*

Kaguya: *Sighs* Shut up and eat already. *Walks to his room*

 Shido: *Stares at Kaguya's chest* "Damn… Those are huge."

Kaguya: *Glares at Shido* One more word, and you'll be sleeping outside.

Shido: "But it's my house." Fine. *Picks up the bowl of curry* "At least I get meals cooked for me" *Digs a mouthful of rice with his spoon and shoves into his mouth* 

Kaguya: One more thing…How'd you like my cooking?

Shido: "What the…"

Kaguya: Mhmm? *Picks up a kitchen knife*

Shido: *Forcefully swallows it* I-I'ts great.

Kaguya: In that case…I'll do you the favor of cooking to my heart's content for you.

Shido: Ok *Fakes a smile* "Just great."


*Tanaka, Toru, and Ushida are taking a ride to Shido's location on their radar* 

Tanaka: So where are we going exactly?

Toru: Uh…*Looks at the tab he's holding*.

Tanaka: *Sighs* Before we go any further let's take a quick stop and grab some snacks, I'm starving.

Toru: Ok.

*Car speeds up*

Tanaka: "Huh that's strange" *Presses the brakes*

…Uh Tor-u..

Toru: Tanaka, Slow down a little, I'd really want to avoid a scene with the police. 

Tanaka: Uh, that's not me. *Stomps on the brakes* The car's not slowing down.

Toru: ?

?: Hello Tanaka, Toru

Toru: What was that?

Tanaka: It came from the radio. *Points at the radio*

Toru: ? "What's going on?"

? : I know that you guys are probably confused about what's going on, but you guys are heading towards a little trouble.

Tanaka: Who are you?!

? : Who I am doesn't matter right now. What matters now is the fact that you guys are in serious in serious trouble, there's danger ahead…

Toru: So what if there's danger. I'll blast it with an AK…problem solved.

Tanaka: Tell me if you're the one doing this TO MY CAR?!!

Toru: Shut up.

?: We're running out of time, I'm only able to talk with you for a few seconds so I'll make this quick. The government hired some forces to capture you and take you somewhere.

Tanaka: Uh…You actually expect us to believe that..

Toru: How do you know this and why so?

Tanaka: Bro…Don't tell me you actually believe this guy..


? : Unfortunately I can't answer your questions right now, but I promise to explain everything when we meet in person.

Toru: In person?... Ok.

?: According to my info there are some guys placed about some meters ahead of your current location, so our only option is to bet you can make it to the place I just marked on your tablets map. There is an untarred road to your left. It's a few meters ahead of you so you.. *Line starts breaking* It looks like my time is up, there's one more thing you need to know.

 Toru: What's that?

Some of the people you may face are retired military officers, they may be really...

Toru: Strong? It doesn't matter, like I said before I'll blast em before they know what hit em.

?: Are you even listening *Sighs* Well…Good luck. 

*Line cuts*

Tanaka: What the? *squints to look ahead and sees a road block blocking off the main road that diverts leading to an uncompleted parking lot* Toru we've got company ahead. *Points to the roadblock.*

Toru: "They've got us where they want us." *Noticing the men dressed in construction worker uniforms* Tanaka you've still got control of the steering right?

Tanaka: Yeah why?

Toru: Turn to that dirt road.*Points to a dirt track leading into a forest*

Tanaka: Are you insane, we'll crash into a tree.

Toru: Does driving into that building filled with armed guys sound better?

Tanaka: Tsk…Ok, but don't say I didn't warn you.

*Tanaka turns the car towards the untarred road barely missing two cars and the car speeds downhill, they bash some rocks and the car flips over then cartwheels downhill. The car eventually rolls and smashes into a steel foot and ripping one of the rope suspension of a water tower on the edge of a cliff *

*Tower creaks*

Toru: Tanaka, you ok?

Tanaka: ...

Toru: "Toru you dumbass." Tanaka... wake up. *Shakes Tanaka*

Tanaka: …

Toru:*Gets out of the car and stretches his back* Well that was unexpected. *Walks to the front of the car and opens the door, he reaches Tanaka and pulls him out*

Tanaka: *Coughs* Toru… I warned you about this.

Toru: Well, on the Brightside you're still alive. Can you move?

Tanaka: No… *Holds his stomach* Shit!

Toru: What's wrong? *Looks down to Tanaka's stomach and notices it's been pierced and a huge piece of glass was sticking out* Oh shit…

Tanaka: It's probably a piece of the wind shield. *Coughs*

 Toru: *Takes Tanaka to a big rock and rests him on it* Wait here.

Tanaka: Sure…It's not like I could go even if I wanted.

Toru: *Walks to the back of the car and opens the trunk, he reaches for a box and opens it and unpacks all the stuff inside* Its good I packed these for an emergency. *Picks up a pistol and blows the tip and straps a bag of magazines to his back*

Tanaka: *Sighs* Why do I feel that you didn't carry these for an emergency, and where'd you even get these stuff?

Toru: I have my sources. *Tosses Tanaka a roll of bandages*

Tanaka: I'll be damned big bro Toru got his sources.*Catches the bandage roll*

Toru: *Closes the trunk* Yo, see that cabin over there. *Points to it*

Tanaka: Yeah *Coughs*, you want to head over there?

Toru: I'm guessing it's abandoned so we can get some cover over there, but…

Tanaka: But what?

*Tower creaks*

*The water tower behind them falls off the cliff into the river below*

Toru: That probably gave us away, it's a matter of time before search parties make their way here.

*Some men come out of the cabin that Toru was scoping*

Toru: Shit, we have company. *Drops his binoculars* Tanaka, just stay here I'll be back. *Tosses a pistol to Tanaka and runs somewhere uphill with an AK-47*

Tanaka: *Catches the pistol* Ok. "Like as if I could go anywhere." *Sighs* Now, how am I supposed to pull this out.

Toru: "Now with that aside." *Sprints to a nearby rock, and pokes his gun through a hole and scopes* "They're foreign. 4 of them, one with a sniper, one has an assault rifle and those 2 on the left are probably with side arms." Now take the bait.

American soldier1: Hey Chris, did you hear that?

Chris 'American soldier2': Yeah…you see anything Dave?

Dave 'American soldier3': *Peeks through his sniper scope and looks around* You guys, there's a broken down car a little ahead.

Alex 'American soldier1': I know I heard something…Boss I'm gonna check it out.

American soldier5: Alright but be quick.

Alex: Yes sir *jogs away from the group *

Chris: I'll tag along.

Toru: "Good, take the bait." 

Tanaka: Ack!! *Pulls out the chunk of glass from his stomach* Damn that hurts. *Starts bandaging his wounds*

Alex: *Reaches the car crash* I don't see anyone here.

Tanaka: "Huh?" 

Chris: Looks like they escaped, but they're blood stains on the ground which means that one of them is injured.

Alex: Yeah, they couldn't have gone far.

Tanaka: "Their Japanese is floppy so they're foreigners" *Reaches for his pistol*

*Something shiny in the dirt reflects in the sunlight*

Alex: What's that? *Walks to it* "A mirror?" *Picks it up and then looks at it and notices a person's shadow slightly hidden by the rock* Chris…come over here.

Chris: What up, what'd you find? *Walks to Alex* Damn…Look at what we've got here. *Points his rifle at Tanaka*

 Alex: *Looks we've found Tanaka.

Tanaka: "So they even know our names."

Chris: Hey, kid just make our job easier and tell us where the Toru is.

Tanaka: If I knew I'd be with him, I can't walk so he probably left.

Alex: Tsk…Chris pick him up, let's take him to the boss.

Chris: Ok. *Drops his gun and goes towards Tanaka* And kid one thing, try to fight and I'll kill you.

Tanaka: We'll find out who will do the killing soon.*Grins*

Chris: Huh… "Shit" *Turns backward* Alex get down it's a tra..

*Loud gunshot *

Dave: Damn, it was a trap and we fell for it. *Drops his sniper and picks up his sidearm from his gun pouch while sprinting to the car crash*

Alex: *Falls to the ground*

Tanaka: *Picks up his pistol* "I can do this" Goodbye Chris.

Chris: "What?" *Turns towards Tanaka*

Tanaka: *Closes his eyes and breathes* 


 Toru: "1 down" *Comes out from behind the rock and dashes through the bushes*

Tanaka: Headshot baby!!

American soldier5: Oh well…they were useless either way 

 Dave: *Runs toward the rock and sees Tanaka and Chris's and Alex's dead bodies* TSK…I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!

Toru: like I'd let you. *Slides between Tanaka and Dave*


Dave: Ack… "my leg!" *Looks at Toru* Damn you!


Dave: *Falls to the ground* "I'm not gonna die useless." *Reaches to his body armor and presses a button on his chest*


Toru: *Gets blasted to the crashed car*

Tanaka: *Gets knocked out by the explosion*

American soldier5: Dave…your sacrifice will not be in vain *Looks down*

American soldier5: *Walks out of the smoke* Well, Well, Well what do we have here? So that's where you've been hiding. 

Toru: "Agh my head." *Opens his eyes* that was one heck of an explosion. *Stands up and rubs the back of his head.* Yo Tanaka, where'd you..

American soldier5: *Comes out of the cloud of smoke covering him holding Tanaka by his hair.*

Toru: Tanaka!

American soldier5: *Holding his gun at Tanaka's head*...Hi Toru, The name's Max, I've heard—

Toru: *Interrupts* Drop Tanaka or I'll kill you!

Max: *Sighs* Mind you I was introducing myself.

Toru *Slowly pulls his dagger out of his pouch on his left leg* Let him go!

Max: Don't try anything stupid or this boy's gonna get a bullet in his head.

Toru: *Sighs and puts the dagger back*

Max: Well…*Drops Tanaka's body and walks to Toru* You know what, I've been dying to fight someone and if you are the so called chosen one by the demon you have to be worth the fight. So here's the deal if you fight and defeat me, I'll let you guys go.

Toru: You expect me to believe that?

Max: Chill out. I'm not interested in capturing you and taking you back to the organization. I just want to fight someone besides, do you really think you can win against me?

Toru: Don't be too full of yourself.

*Both clash at each other with tremendous strength and speed*

Max: Wow, you're quite strong for your looks, you're actually able to keep up with me.

Toru: Tsk… *Jumps backwards and brings out a pistol from his side pouch and starts shooting Max *

Max: * Keeps walking to Toru even though the bullets were injuring him* 

Toru: "Shit, it's the same damn technique that Shido guy used."

Max: *Grabs Toru's neck and lifts him up* Back when I was in the military before I quit, I trained my all to the max, my flesh, bones, and guts too so this shit you're doing is not gonna work.

Toru: "When did he get this close to me? He's fast."

Max: I was wrong to think you're as strong as I am, but I guess I was wrong… All I have to do is squeeze your throat and you're done for. How the hell did you get chosen to be the demons host? Maybe I'll be pitiful to let you go and kill that little bitch over there. *Looks over Toru towards Tanaka*

Toru: *Spits on Max's face* DON'T YOU DARE LAY YOUR HANDS ON HIM!

Max: NOW YOU'RE DEAD! I'm gonna rip you from limb to limb and—

Toru: *Brings out a piece of broken glass he picked up from the car crash* You talk too much. *Stabs Max's eye*

Max: *Lets Toru go* Aghhhhh!! , You goddamn brat my eye! 

Toru: *While falling back to the ground he grabs Max's hair and in the air he gives Max a knee to the face*

Max: *Holds his face in pain*

Toru: You talk big game but you're just a joke, I guess you forgot to train your eye to the max.

Max: Tsk... Cheap tricks aren't gonna work on me again! *Throws a swift heavy punch at Toru*

Toru: *Dodges Toru's arm and shoots his knees*

Max: *Falls to his knees* …

Toru: You can train your flesh and bone as much as you want, but your joints will always be vulnerable to a gun. *Blows the top of his gun* You lost. *Walks away towards Tanaka*


Toru: *Turns back to look at Max and gasps* "He can still stand?! How!!" *Jumps back to cover some distance*

Max: When I said that trained my body to its max in the military, I meant that even if my bones were broken, my spine was cracked, flesh torn. I WOULD STILL FIGHT TILL I DIE.

Toru: What a dumb training. *Sighs and glares at Max*

Max: "This is the kind of fight of fight I've waited for a long time, it's good that I decided to take on this mission. No one has ever made me use this amount of my strength, it's like I forgot how fighting tasted like."

Toru: *Dashes towards Max swinging a punch*

Max: "He's faster than faster than before?" *Barely dodges it* "And my movements are slow because of these wounds."

Toru: *Looks back at Max, brings out his gun, then runs around him in a circle and starts shooting him.

 Max: "Normally, this wouldn't be a problem but he's too fast and he's not coming for any direct attacks. At this rate.."

Toru: "He'll get worn out" *Jumps on a huge rock, flips in the air and comes in to kick Max*

Max: "Perfect, this is my chance!" *Dodges Toru's kick and grabs his foot and slams Toru on the ground then launches him away. "Alright, that should take a hit on him." *Grins*

Toru: What's that grin for? 

Max: "WHERE DID HE GO!?" *Looks around himself*

Toru: You left yourself wide open. 

Max: "He's too fast. Can't dodge." *Looks backward*

Toru: You're supposed to focus on your opponent you're your fighting. *He appears behind Max with gun aimed at Max's head*

Max: "Shit."


Max: *Drops his hands* "I'm screwed." *Coughs blood and collapses on his knees*

*Raindrop falls on Max's knee*

*Rain starts falling*

Toru: *Walks to Tanaka* 

Toru: *Grabs Tanaka and walks toward the cabin*

Tanaka: T-Toru..

Toru: Shut up and save your energy *Enters the cabin*

Tanaka: Aiit.

Toru: *Drops Tanaka on a couch* I'll scope around for anything useful.

Tanaka: *Snores* 

Toru: How's he sleeping? *Walks to the garage of the house* "Let's see if we can get a new ride." *Slides his hand under the garage door and lifts it up with ease*

Wow it feels like it's been used, not like its ol- *Gasps* TANAKA!!

Tanaka: *Snore*

Toru: *Sighs* Oh well… *Goes around the area and grabs all their important stuff and takes Tanaka down to the garage* I guess it belonged to those guys we fought. *Revs the engine*

*Toru drives off into the forest*

Sniper: Sir, targets have been spotted, they're on the move.

Man1: Alright, place a tracker on them.

Sniper: *Shoots a tracker on the back of the truck* Done.

Man1: *Talks through his walkie talkie* Call in the reapers.

Walkie talkie voice 'person': Ok sir.


Toru: This truck's totally a keeper.

Tanaka: *Snore*

Toru: Huh? *Looks at the trucks side mirror and sees a glowing light* What's that…Oh shit!!

*Rapid gunshot fires*

Tanaka: *Wakes up* What's going on?

*Two trucks come out from some trees that were used as cover*

Toru: More pains in my ass *Sighs* Tanaka take the wheel

Tanaka: Ok *Leans over to the steering wheel*

Toru:*Brings out his pistol and removes the magazine and starts replacing the bullets with some red ones* this'll do…

Tanaka: What are those?

Toru:*Loads the gun and aims at one of the trucks chasing them* Don't wreck my truck.

Tanaka: Bruh…what do you think a pistol will do, THEY HAVE FUCKING MINIGUNS!!

Toru: Shut up!



Tanaka: What?! *looks through the trucks side mirror and sees an explosion of flames* Toru! What are you shooting at them?!

Toru: Bullets.

Tanaka: Last time I remember, pistol bullets don't cause explosions like those.

Toru: They're actually just normal bullets, the only thing is that they're filled with a lot of gunpowder so when the bullets explode due to a heating effect of the metal body due to a coat that was added, the gunpowder will engulf in flames and explode creating a big explosion.



Tanaka: Cool.

Toru: Not really…It's too expensive. *Sighs*


*One of the Trucks explode and flips over*

Toru: 1 down 1 more left.

Tanaka: We've got some bumps ahead.

Toru: No proble… RPG! Swerve right now!!

Tanaka: "Shit" hold on tight.

*Tanaka manages to swerve the truck a little but the they hit a bump causing the truck to launch a little of the ground sending Toru flying out of the truck into some nearby bushes, the truck lands but the RPG'S explosion caused the truck to loose balance and flip to the side.

Tanaka: "I'm dead." Toru… I can explain…

Tanaka: Toru? *Unfastens his seatbelt and crawls out of the accident* Toru, Where you at?

*Distant men chattering* 

Tanaka: *Brings out his pistol and runs to hide in some bushes. "That's weird…just realized that my wound doesn't hurt anymore. Probably Toru's doing."

Reaper1: I think we got em , now let's get out of here.

Reaper2: We still have to check and report back to the boss and besides boss said he wants the older brother's body.

Reaper1: What a pain. *Sighs*

Reaper3: How about we get a drink after this?

Reaper2: I'm in.

Reaper1: Yeah, sounds like fun. *leans in to check the other side of the flipped truck*

Reaper4: I'll go scout the area.

Reaper2: Ok, let us know if you find anything.

Reaper4: Yeah sure.

Reaper1: Yo guys, I don't see anybody here… I think they must have ran away.

Reaper2: *Sighs* Why is work never easy? Alright you guys, let's spread out… they couldn't have gone that far.

Reaper1 and 3: Ok

Tanaka: "So they're here for Toru…I wonder why? *Looks at the back of Reaper1's jacket* Reapers…well either way I've got to find Toru before any of these guys do cuz it'll be a real long hassle to fight them.

Reaper4: Hey guys!! I found someone.

Tanaka: "Toru?" Damn it, I was too late. There goes my not fighting them idea. But why didn't he kill that guy?, it's unusual for him to allow himself get caught. "Unless…"

*Reaper 1, 2, and 3 go to meet Reaper4*

Reaper2: Well, well, well, what do we have here.

Tanaka: *Gasps*

Reaper1: Looks like he's knocked out, this'll make the job so much easier.

Reaper2: Ok then, we got what we need, you two 'Reaper 1 and 4' put him in the truck.

Reaper 1 & 4: Ok.

Tanaka: "I've got to move now or it'll be too late."

Reaper3: Uh… I need to go.

Reaper2: Hold it in you dumbass.

Reaper3: I have been, just wait a while I'll be quick.

Reaper2: Fine we'll be at the truck.

Reaper3: *Walks off to some place further down the forest and takes a piss into some bushes, he finishes up and turns to leave* "I feel so relieved."

*Bushes rustling*

Reaper3: Huh? Who's there? *Points out his gun to the bushes*

Reaper3: *Walks closer to the bushes* Come out, I know your in there.

Tanaka: "All my life all I've done was hesitate and be afraid of people. I was always protected by someone , Ushida, Toru. But now I'll return the favor and man up." *Springs out of the bushes and stabs Reaper3's neck*

Reaper3: "Who is this guy, this is bad news I have to warn the others." *Pushes Tanaka away from him and points his gun upwards* "Alright that should get their attention"


Reaper2: Hm? Hey Tony 'Reaper1', Matsuma 'reaper4' go find out what happened.

Tony: Nagato why do I have to go, Matsuma can handle it on his own.

Reaper2 'Nagato': Just go…I'll watch the body.

Tanaka: "Damn it…"*Removes his dagger from Reaper3's neck and runs back to the forest to hide at some other bushes*

Tony: HEY… ITSUKI?! Where you at?

Itsuki 'Reaper3': O-Over h-here. *Coughs blood*

Tony: *Rushes over to Itsuki* Itsuki! You ok?

Itsuki: Yeah, but I don't think I'll last any l-longer.

Tony: Shit… uh Matsuda…Take him to the truck, I'll handle whoever this bitch is. *Drops his gun and brings out his dagger*

Matsuda: Alright *Lifts Itsuki up and walks away* Good luck.

Tony: Come out now, I know you're around here…let's fight like men.

*A dagger flies toward Tony*

Tony: *Dodges* Cheap tricks aren't going to work on me.

Tanaka: Really? *Chuckles*

Tony: "What!...when did he get behind me?" *Turns to look backward* There's no one here? "Wait." *Turns back*

Tanaka: Too slow.


Tony: "Heh, I was beat by a kid, either way he still won't get past Matsuma." *Closes his eyes*

Tanaka: Who's next? *Dashes towards the direction Matsuma was carrying Itsuki to* I'll kill you all!!!

Matsuma: Huh? *Turns back*

Tanaka: *Dashes straight towards Matsuma*

Matsuma: Who's that?

Tanaka: Die!! *Fires his gun at Matsuma*

Matsuma: *Dodges the bullet* Really? Don't surprise me like that.

Tanaka: Tsk… *brings out another dagger from his pocket and throws it at Matsuma*

Matsuma: *Drops Itsuki's body and catches the dagger with two fingers* A dagg—

Tanaka: "Alright he took the bait." *Springs himself towards Matsuma* "It's over for you." *Brings out his poison coated dagger to stab Matsuma.*

Matsuma: *Looks at Tanaka* That was so predictable.

Tanaka: Tsk… "Damn it" *He kicks Matsuma's arms and use them for support to flip back to recover* "This guy is reading me like a book, I've got to— my dagger? Where'd it—

Matsuma: Looking for this? *Stabs Tanaka in the stomach, punches him and then grabs Tanaka's head and smashes it into the ground.

Tanaka: Ack!!!

Matsuma: Your fighting techniques are neat but, you're nothing close enough to touching me.

Tanaka: "I've done my part Toru… Wake your damn ass up and kill these asses." 

Toru: "Protect Tanaka will ya." Tanaka!!! *Gets up and sees Tanaka on the ground with a dagger in his stomach*


Reaper2: Looks like someone's awake.

Matsuma: This is for Itsuki *Kicks Tanaka's chest*

Tanaka: Uck!! *Coughs blood*

Matsuma: And this is for Tony *Flips Tanaka over and stomps on the dagger that is still in his stomach.


Toru: TANAKA!!! *Grabs reaper2 and head-butts him then runs towards Matsuma and Tanaka*

Tanaka: *Looks at Toru and smiles* "About time you woke up asshole." *Closes his eyes*

Toru: Tanaka. *Flashbacks a moment when his dying father said "Protect Tanaka will ya." *He sprints towards Matsuma and carries some dirt and throws it at Matsuma's face*

Matsuma: *Jumps backward* Looks like someone's finally awake.

Toru: Your name is Matsuma right? …I' m gonna kill you.

To be continued…