
Manifest ?

Shido Ittoki, Your average high school student thought he would live an ordinary average life, but due to a certain turn of events Shido has no idea what is in store for him.....will the weight of problems be too much for him to bear or would he fight his way through. --------------------------------------------------------------. Chapter Length 2000-4000 words. Please support me. ;)

Geo_362 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

*Your average guy is strolling on the street at night, he turns and walks to a nearby supermarket*


Shido: "My name is Shido Ittoki. I'm a first year student studying at the prestigious Takenodai high school. I live in apartment located somewhere around Taito city."

*Enters the Store*, 

"I'm 16 and I'll say I'm your pretty average student…well at least not that average, I do know how to fight but I don't really like to unless it's necessary. I don't really have any hobbies but I'm into gaming, watching anime and training at the dojo, But right now I am so damn hungry." *Yawns while picking up some stuff* I guess this'll do.

Shido: *Walks to the cashier* "Damn this woman got racks". Excuse me…

Cashier: Yes. How can I help you?

Shido: How much are these?*Points to his cart*

Cashier: That'll be… *looks at the cart while typing something on her register* 500 yen.

Shido: "Quite expensive." Ok. *Reaches his hand to his pocket*


*Some robbers break into the store*

Robber 1: Everyone on the ground!!

Shido: "A robbery?" *Sighs*

Robber 2: Yeah…J-Just follow our orders and no one will get hurt...

Robber 1: Shut up Tanaka!

Tanaka: S-Sorry Ushida.

Ushida: Tsk, whatever bring the get the bag and let--

Shido: *Interrupting* Excuse me but can you take your robbery somewhere else.

Ushida: Huh..? *Gets pissed* WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY KID?

Tanaka: But Ushida... you guys are about the same ag--

Ushida: *Interrupting* SHUT UP TANAKA!!

Tanaka: S-Sorry. 

Ushida: *Cocks gun* I'll teach this brat a lesson *Points it at the back of Shido's head* would you repeat what you said again kid? *grins*

Shido: *Sigh* you would regret this you know

Ushida: Tsk..."What's his deal?" Alright you asked for it. *slowly pulling the trigger*


Ushida: Uck!!

*Shido smashes a glass bottle on Ushida's neck*

Tanaka: USHIDA!! "Damn this is bad. What do I do?" *Brings out his gun*

Shido: It's better if you don't do that if you don't want to end up like your friend *raises the broken glass bottle and points it at Tanaka*

Tanaka: "Shit" *Drops his arms* I-I'm sorry about my friend here…W-We'll be on our W-Way now. *goes slowly to pick Ushida's body*

Ushida: Ack! *Coughs blood* you think I'm done with you yet.*Looks at Shido then springs up and runs to punch Shido*

Shido: Oh you're still able to fight? *Dodges Ushida's punch*

Ushida: Of course, you think a little surprise like that would be enough to stop me AS IF!!...DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME KID!! *Throws another punch at Shido* 

Shido: Really?*Backflips over Ushida while in the air slightly kicks the back of Ushida's head* but there's really no reason to…


Shido: *Falls down* 

Ushida:*Chuckles then laughs* Oh what's Mister strong kid doing on the floor? I bet you didn't expects that. How'd you like my bullet?

Shido: Was quite unexpected really but you were kind of slow so I caught it. *Smiles while holding the bullet for Ushida to see*

Ushida: H-How did you? *Trembles to the floor*

Tanaka: "He's a monster."

Shido: It's simple really, you were just too slow and so predictable.*Gets up from the floor and walks to Ushida and drops the bullet on the floor in front of Ushida* Here's your bullet. *Walks away*

Ushida:*Breathing heavily* "What does this brat take me for? I know I'll get him, just watch." *Brings out his dagger from his side pocket gets up and runs to Shido's back* "TAKE THIS KID!!!"

Tanaka: "Stop you dumbass" Ushida STOP!!

Ushida: "Shut up you bastard, this doesn't involve you besides he'll learn to never underestimate me again."*Looks forward* "Huh where'd he--Shit where is h--"

Shido: Why won't you learn?*while in the air kicks Ushida's neck where the glass bottle injury is*

Ushida: Gack!! "Shit I'm screwed." *falls to the ground*

Tanaka: Ushida you idiot*walks to Ushida* time to go. *Carries and supports Ushida on his shoulders*

Shido: At least one of you guys are smart,*Sighs* Oh and before you go uh your name is Tanaka right?

Tanaka: "What does he want now?" Yes. *turns to Shido*

Shido: You friend here forgot his gun. *Gives Tanaka Ushida's gun* 

Tanaka: Thanks *collects his gun* by the way I didn't get your name.

Shido: Oh…it's Shido, Shido Ittoki….you know you really aren't a bad guy.

Tanaka *Smiles* Yeah I was kinda forced into it *Looks away embarrassed*

Shido: Oh really….I can't blame you then…I guess this is where we part ways.

Tanaka: Yeah… 

Shido: Hope we see each other soon, and take care of your friend he needs to work on his attitude.*Waves*

Tanaka: Yeah I will. "Oh we'll see each other soon enough, just wait till I tell 'him' about this" *Waves back while walking with away still carrying Ushida*

Shido: *Walks to the cashier* So…..Can I get the stuff I was about to buy for free?

Cashier: No!

Shido: What do you mean I can't have these for free, I just saved your store from being robbed?

Cashier: Although that is true there is quite a small bit of damage and you're the only one here to pay so…YOU BETTER PAY UP!!

Shido: But it was just a glass bottle.

Cashier: That's worth 200 yen too so technically you're paying for the bottle you broke.

Shido: *Sighs* Ok I'll pay with card* gets his credit card from his pocket crying* "This is so NOT FAIR!"

*After a while Shido returns home*

Shido: I'm so hungry *Rubs his stomach* "I think bought some cup noodles, which should be good enough for dinner." *Checks his brown paper bag*

Alright dinner is here.* Raises the cup noodles up like a trophy*

*Shido cooks and eats his cup noodles happily* 

Shido: Ahhhh, *rubbing his stomach* that hit the spot. Now I got to *yawns* "Forget it. I'll do it tomorrow." Time to go to bed *Stands up, throws the noodles cup away and goes to his bedroom*


*The next day*


*Birds chirping*

*Alarm ringing*

Shido: "Leave it Shido, it'll snooze"

*Alarm ringing*

Shido: *Eyes twitching* "Leave it"

*Alarm ringing*


*Alarm ringing*




*Ringing stops*

Shido: "Finally I can sleep"




*Shido walking to school*


Shido: *looks at some cats running around* "must be nice to have a pet maybe I'll get one soon" *Sighs* But I don't want to start taking care of an animal yet.


*Shido gets to school*


Shido: Well I'm totally off with that idea, "Maybe I'll get a girlfriend?" but if it was that easy I probably would have one by now. 


*Bell rings*




*Bell rings*


Teacher: Ok class that'll be all for today, make sure you guys do your assignments.

Class: Yes sir.

Teacher: And one more thing….there's been a report of numerous disappearances around this area so please you all should be careful.

Class: Yes sir.

Male Student1: No trafficker could ever touch me, I'd beat the shit out of them.

Male Student2: Oh really *chuckles* not if I beat the shit outta you first Toshi.

Female Student1: You guys please don't start.

Shido: *gets up with his bags and walks towards Toshi* She's right you know. *walks past Toshi*

Toshi: *Gets pissed* Tsk piss off….

Shido: You say something? *glares at Toshi*

Toshi: N-Nothing!! *trembling*

Shido: Thought so. *Walks away*

*Shido leaves the classroom slamming the door behind him.*

Toshi: Tsk, what's his deal Renji?

Renji: Toshi….*pats Toshi's shoulder*

Toshi: ?

Renji: *Sighs* Bro…that guy you just spoke to, he's dangerous!

Toshi: I'm confused.

Renji: You idiot... That guy you spoke to, I heard he beat up an entire group of armed Yakuza members by himself without him even trying.

Toshi: Sheesh Renji *slaps Renji's back *if you want to scare me it's not gonna work.


Renji: I'm not lying bro I swear. Lady luck must be on your side.


Toshi: You think?


*Shido walks out of school to a nearby park, he finds a bench and sits down*


Shido: "I'm so tired I need to rest a little."


*Some bike gang members approach the gate of the park*


Shido: "Some gang is trying to stay here now? Well I better leave, don't want unnecessary trouble now.


Random female student: Please let me go!


Shido: huh?


Gang member1: Shut up and co-operate!


Gang member2: Damn!...She's cute and she got big boobs might as well help myself *Stretches arm to her chest*


Random female student: S-STOP PLEASE!!


Shido: "Normally I wouldn't bother to help because it's none of my business but…there's no way I wouldn't butt in. I mean think about how heroic I'll look, she may actually fall for me. Alright let's do this." Hey!! *Walks to the scene heroically* Stop what you're doing right now!!


Gang member3: Oh no I'm scared *laughs*

*All three gang members laugh*


Gang member2: See….kid I know you're trying to act heroic and all but get out of here this doesn't concern you. So piss off!!


Shido: Really?...Actually it does concern me because she's a classmate of mine and I won't allow you to do this. This is your last warning, stop and I'll let you live. "YES!!.This'll totally make her fall for me."


Gang member1: Huh!! *gets pissed* Alright kid you've said enough, it's about time your fists talks than your mouth.


Gang member2: Boss. You don't have to waist your energy on brats like him. Let me hand---


Gang member1: *Interrupts*NO!!. If I let this go. The brat will never learn his place…take the girl *Pushes the girl to gang member 2


Shido: Really? So I'm the one who needs to learn? I thought forcefully touching a girl without her consent is a crime. You guys really need to learn your manners you Scumbag! "Yes!!! This is the best act."


Gang member1: Tsk *Throws a punch at Shido* DIE YOU…


Shido:*Dodges the punch by squatting then he springs up and gives the gang member a spinning back kick to his stomach* "At this rate she's gonna fall head over heels for me"


Gang member1: ack "spits blood" b-but how did he *falls to the ground*


Gang member 2&3: Boss!!!  *both run to gang member1* 

Gang member1: "damn how's that kid that good at fighting, at this rate we're screwed"


Gang member2: Boss you ok?


Gang member1: Sakaguchi, Leon…let's go


Sakaguchi: Ok boss


Leon: Yeah

*Both pick Gang member1 up and walk away*


Shido: WHAT THE HELL MAN!! First you get me fired up and then you runaway…*sighs then turns toward the Student*

Shido: Yo--


Random female student: *Runs away at top speed*


Shido: *Heartbreak* "Maybe my show was a bit too much for her".*sighs* "This is why I never get girls" *walks depressed out of the park to the main road.* "Wait maybe she was too charmed by my skills that she…" *Sighs* "don't lie to yourself man, maybe next time."


*Tires screeching* 


Shido: Huh?





Shido: "Where am I? And why are my hand tied up."


? : I'm bored I'll go check if he's awake


*Footsteps approaching*


? : Oh, you're finally awake


Shido: That voice...Ushida?!


Ushida: So you do remember me that makes things easier *Brings out his pistol* I've come for revenge.




Shido: blech*blood drips from his mouth*….*Breathing heavy* you know when I get out of this. I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!


Ushida: Says the one about to die *laughs*….




Shido: agh!!


Ushida: How does it feel?


Shido: …




Shido: It feels….great, better than seeing you ugly ass face *Glares at Ushida*


Ushida: Tsk…you little!!










Ushida: *Pants heavily* alright…..that should shut you up. *looks at shido's corpse* *Walks away to his bike where some other people are staying*


? : If it was gonna be this easy why'd you bring me damn it.


Tanaka: You done?


Ushida: Yeah…


Shido: *Chuckles then laughs* did you really think that would kill me? *Laughs*

Ushida: WHAT!?.... *Turns to Shido trembling*

Tanaka: See I told you he's not normal. *brings his gun out and points at Shido*

? : This is interesting.


Shido: What's up USHIDA? Been a while, you know the last time we met I used a glass bottle on your neck.


Ushida: Yeah?


Shido: Guess what?


Ushida: W-What


Shido: The cashier made me pay for that mess and that's you fault. So I think I'll make a mess of you face, you know as payback.


Tanaka: It's like he's a different person.*drops his arms*


? : What does it matter, from the looks of it this is going to be entertaining.*laughs*


Ushida: Back off. *points gun to shido*

*Shido: Shoot as much as you like it's not gonna work *laughs*


Ushida: Shit... *Looks at his bike* Alright then *drops his gun and picks up a metal bat near his bike* let's settle this here and now.


Shido: Fine by me * He dashes to Ushida*



Ushida: "Damn he's fast, but if I anticipate where he's going to stop I might have a chance." *Swings the bat to where he anticipated Shido's head will be*


*Shido dodges and kicks Ushida's knee backwards*


Ushida: AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!! *drops the bat holds his leg and falls down* MY LEG!!


Tanaka: "I have to stop this now. Think what can you do…think you goddamn brain think."


Shido: *grabs the bat and gets on top of Ushida* 


Ushida: W-Wait please let me go…I'll do anything.


Shido: *Raises the bat *




Shido: *Starts smashing Ushida's face with the top of the bat*


? : Aren't you going to help Ushida?


Tanaka: Even if I wanted to I-I can't fight..*looks down* Please stop this Toru.


Toru: With pleasure. *Walks to Shido and Ushida* 




Shido: What? *hold his stomach and falls down to the ground next to Ushida* "Why am I bleeding?" 


Toru: You thought bullets wouldn't hurt you just because you tightened you muscles.

Shido: *Looks at Toru terrified* 

Toru: I mean it was shocking at first…the way you were able to survive those shots because I knew you weren't wearing a bullet proof vest. But then I noticed it when you were dodging Ushida's attack, you were dodging in a way that your muscles wouldn't loosen up because if they did those bullets wouldn't cause more damage and the advantage you had is that I could even empty a full magazine on you and you'd still be able to stand. But, if I shoot a part that's already been shot then the bullet will penetrate your organs and in the worst case scenario it may explode leading to fatal wounds like yours I shot a your stomach again so it would penetrate you and leaving you helpless.


Shido: "How can someone have such precision?"


Toru: I guess Tanaka was right about you, you really are weird and strong. But I'm stronger.


Shido: *breathes heavily* "I messed up. I'm losing too much blood."


Toru: Tanaka let's go. He'll die from blood loss.


Tanaka: Ok, I'll get Ushida on my bike.


Shido: W-Why is this h-happening.


Tanaka: You'll die soon, don't waste your energy.


Toru: We going or not? *Gets on his bike*


Tanaka: I'm coming, Goodbye Shido *Walks past Shido to his bike*


*Both drive off*


Shido: "I was careless. Shit…so this is how I die, I don't get a girlfriend, and I die an unheroic death...damn you Toru, you were only lucky that you caught me off guard." *Coughs blood*. "Well it was fun while it lasted." *Closes his eyes*




Ushida: *Whimpering* W-Where are we going.


Toru: Shut up and save your breath you dumbass.


Ushida: Did you finish him off?


Toru: Yes.

Ushida: That's a relief *Coughs blood*

Toru: Do me a favor and shut up, unless you wanna die now.




? : Hey! Wake up!


Shido: A girl? "I guess I'm in heaven. Please be a beautiful Chick." Heaven is finally calling me.


? : No you idiot! Open your eyes already.


Shido: "Tsk…who's this person anyways?" *Opens his eyes* 

*Shido sees a girl sitting next to him*

Shido: A girl?. "Disappointing" *sheds a tear*


Girl: What do you mean 'A GIRL', and why do you sound disappointed.


Shido: No reason *Sighs* "Why this, my enemies you have cursed me to be stuck in paradise with a wall." So anyways *Looks around* I thought heaven would be more beautiful, why am I still where I died?




Shido: Eh? But I died didn't I?


Girl: No…Well you were about to but I saved you and healed your wounds.


Shido: What? *Raises his shirt and touches his stomach* I-It's not there. . . Who or What are you?


Girl: Glad you asked.*Stands up* I am Kaguya Mishinoyou THE GODDESS OF THIS WORLD.


Shido: pftt...*


Mishinoyou: And what's so funny?


Shido: As if 'Goddess of this world'. Last time I heard there's only one God in this world and that's a male.


Mishinoyou: Hmph *Points to a container nearby* Boom




Shido: Eh…?


Mishinoyou: Still don't believe me?


Shido: Yes I don't, you probably could have rigged a bomb there and detonated it when you pointed, though that's quite extreme for a kid like you to pull off.


Mishinoyou: Tsk…Alright I know what will change your mind. If I change this wall *points to her chest* to bouncy balls you would change your mind right?


Shido: YES PLEASE!! 


Mishinoyou:  You perv. You need help *flies up* I'm flying still won't change your mind?


Shido: Never!!


Mishinoyou: *Sighs* you really need help Shido.


Shido: "how does she know my name?"


Mishinoyou: Alright *Closes her eyes, then white smoke covers her and she descends.*


Shido: *Walking towards Mishinoyou* are you o-k *gasps* "Those are huge." *His nose bleeds*


Mishinoyou: You believe me now? *Bounces her chest* From A- to Double d's.


Shido: YES!!... "What kind of magic is this…I really am in heaven." *looks at his watch* hey…Mishinoyou.


Mishinoyou: Yeah Shido?


Shido: Let's get going it's getting late and I really don't like this place…You can spend the night at my place.


Mishinoyou: Yeah sounds cool.


Shido: Alright you can explain everything on the way. *Wears his jacket*


Mishinoyou: Ok.


*Both walk out of the warehouse*



Doctor1: It's worse than it looks, your brother here has suffered a fractured nose and a cracked skull and a broken Knee. It's a miracle that he's alive. 


Tanaka: I'm not surprised, my brother's a beast.


Toru: Can we go see him?


Doctor1: Of course. Go right ahead.


*Both walk to Ushida's room*


*Tanaka knocks on the door*


Tanaka: Yo bro, can we come in?


Ushida: Yeah.


*Both walk in to Ushida's room and see him sitting on his bed holding a tablet in his hands*


Toru: Yo, what you watching?


Tanaka: Yeah I was just about to ask.


Ushida: *His body trembling and shaking* you guys, gotta see this.


Toru: *Comes closer* what is that?


Tanaka: No it can't be *Trembles*


Toru: WHAT?


Tanaka: You see that green dot on the screen.*Points to it*


Toru: Yeah.


Ushida: That's the guy you killed earlier.

Toru: You placed a tracker on him?


Ushida: Yeah.


Toru: So why exactly are you showing me this?, he's dead.


Ushida: Because he's moving you idiot.


Toru: *gets pissed* SAY THAT AGAIN. *his veins pop out*


Ushida: *Sighs* fine I'm sorry.


Toru: Besides it could be an ambulance team that's carrying him.


Tanaka: If that was the case, he would be moving much faster and also the route he's following doesn't have any hospitals nearby.


Toru: *Sighs* you guys should chill out, *smacks Tanaka's and Ushida's backs* even if it was him, he'd die from blood loss eventually. But just in case we'll follow the signal tomorrow and see where it leads to.


Tanaka and Ushida together: Ok.




Mishinoyou: Are we there yet?


Shido: No, but were close.




Shido: *Sighs* Why do you get to complain, it's not my fault that I got kidnapped and also you're flying and I'm on my feet so just be quiet.

Mishinoyou: Hmph...That's not my problem I'm tire-


Shido: *Interrupts* we're here.


Mishinoyou: Wow! It's look better than I imagined.


Shido: *Gets pissed* Excuse me. Did you think I lived in a dump?


Mishinoyou: Kinda like that.


Shido: "Calm down Shido, it's a trap she just teasing you." *Sighs* Well… come in.


Mishinoyou:  With pleasure..*Pokes her head in* "even the insides clean and tidy, Shocking". *Takes off her shoes and enters the house*


Shido: You can sit on the couch.


Mishinoyou: Thanks.


Shido: So… *walks to his fridge and opens it* Wanna drink?


Mishinoyou: Yeah, I'd like one.


Shido: *Fills two cups with green tea and walks to the living room. Here you go *Hands one of the cups to Mishinoyou*.


Mishinoyou: Thanks Shido *collects the cup from Shido*.


Shido: So…Mishinoyou about-


Mishinoyou: *Chuckles* Please…call me Kaguya…


Shido: "Just like that, Out of the blue" Ok? Kaguya…about the fact about you being a goddess and all, I have two questions.


Kaguya: Ask away *Sips some tea from the cup*


Shido: What are you doing on earth firstly, and secondly why did you choose me.


Kaguya: Well… It's a long story and I'm really tired so I'll answer you briefly. *yawns*


Shido: You think I'm not –


Kaguya: *Interrupts* All of humanity's existence depends on you, there is a serious evil that is coming and you are the one chosen to stop it.


Shido: Eh? "No don't tell me I'll have to live my life like those anime characters that get given powers to stop a great demon lord that's coming to destroy the world."


Kaguya: Exactly.


Shido: Eh…Y-You c-can read minds?


Kaguya: Yes, but I've not really perfected it.


Shido: So you-


Kaguya: Yes I heard everything you thought about me since we met.


Shido: "Are you serious."


Kaguya: Yes.


Shido: *Sighs* "I'm screwed."


Kaguya: Yep.


Shido: So… what powers am I going to get, I mean I'm not going to fight as a normal human or am I?


Kaguya: I was going to that the power I'm going to give you is….Manifestation.


Shido: Eh...Manifest? "WWWHHHAAATT!"


Kaguya: What?, I had no choice if I give you a power like Super speed, Super strength, or all those other basic powers it'll be boring and if I give you Invisibility and others like that something tells me that'll do more harm than good, So I thought of another random uncommon one. Oh yeah don't forget this, it's more like a copying power not a creation so you can only create what is already existing.


Shido: Tsk… "No comment."


Kaguya: The conditions for the ability to work are;

*.You need physical contact with the object before you can continually be able to copy it, but for some objects that aren't too complicated and advanced, you can copy those by looking at them.

*. If you decide that you want to copy by sight then you'll have to say the phrase Creation or Manifest verbally unless it won't work, but if you're touching it just think about the object your holding and it'll work.

*. You can't copy a living object, if you do it's going to come out as a corpse.

*. And lastly, Manifestation takes a lot of energy but it mostly depends on what you're Manifesting, if it's a big object then it'll take a lot of energy and for small one's it won't take much energy logically, But be careful because if use to much energy you'll pass out.


Shido: That makes sense… But how am I supposed to get my hands on a gun.


Kaguya: *Sighs* really, a gun? If you don't mind me, I'll be going to sleep now. *Stands up* 


Shido: Ok then *Stands up, you can sleep on the cou--


Kaguya: This is why you will never get a girlfriend. You want me to sleep on the couch?!. Learn how to treat a lady right hmph…*Walks to Shido's bedroom and slams the door*


Shido: Just great, now I'm supposed to sleep on the couch? *Sighs* "This Chick got some nerve."

*Sits down on the couch* "So I get a useless Creation power."

Kaguya: It's manifestation dummy.


Shido: Shut up!! "Alright let's do this." *picks up the cup that Kaguya drank from with his left hand* "Think Shido think."


*light glows around Shido's right hand and the same cup appears in his right hand.*


Shido: *Opens his eyes and gasps* HELL YEAH BABY, THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!!




Shido: Sorry. "Mission successful." *He grins*