
Houston, We Have A Problem

As the Spirit of Freedom hurtled towards the Tethalic welcoming committee, the Earth Defense Force tried to talk them out of their attack, but to no avail.

"Sir, we have no shields at this speed!"

"Yep, when I give the order, Ensign Delta, you dump every steel manhole cover we packed into those drop slots."

"Sir... that will..."

"Yep, a faster-than-lightspeed attack developed by the Scotts Crew."

As the Terran Battleship approached their welcoming committee, the Tethalic tried to contact them.

"This is the Tethalon Elite Guard. In the name of the Galactic Council, power down your FTL Drive, deactivate any weapons you have, and prepare to be boarded and arrested."

"Yeah, yeah. Go ahead and give a message to your government on behalf of my parents you murdered."

"Yeah and what's that?"

The Spirit of Freedom rips past their fleet. Moments later, millions of dumped steel manhole covers slam into their ships at or faster than lightspeed, with Prescott's cold words ringing down to their planet as he said. "Fuck Tethalon, Fuck the Space Treaty you violated first, and enjoy a free taste of what I call, "Mach-FAFO". 

The crew cheered as they ripped toward the center of the Galactic Cluster Center. However, Admiral Hallstead had been informed of something that shook him to his core. His glass of champagne fell to the ground, shattering into a billion little pieces as he rushed to the News Station shouting, "CUT THE BROADCAST! CUT THE BROADCAST!"

However, he was too late. As the Spirit of Freedom dropped out of FTL, the young crew found themselves up against the Entire Protherian Race's Invasion Fleet. 

"This is the Protherian Empire. Power down your engines, or you will be fired upon."

Prescott's crew looked to him for orders when Hallstead's broadcast came over the comms. 


"Admiral... They're blocking our retreat. We have our backs against... one of the largest Supermassive Black Holes I've ever seen." Replied Prescott for all of Earth to hear. "The Protherians... are going to kill us."

"Can you fight back?"

"...Like we're already dead sir." Replied Prescott. "All stations to full red alert, man your battle stations! I want every gun on this ship pointed at their spearhead."

As the Protherians watched, the old battleship's sleek surface unveiled a plethora of cannons, lasers, and Prototype Explosive Gamma Pulse Shells, or P.E.G.S for short. 

"This is the Terran Starship USS Spirit of Freedom. You will break off this attempted attack or it is you who will be fired upon."

As the Protherian ships began to lock on to the Spirit of Freedom, Arscott launched and fired everything the old battleship had to offer. PEGS ripped apart the hulls of the Protherian ships with ease with the whole galaxy watching. 

"Cresscott, play us battle-track-one!" Yelled Arscott, who was busy blasting high-power cartridge shells into the hulls of enemy ships. As Cresscott loaded up the loaded tape, the song "Hunger" by Spectre General blasted across the ship. Prescott pushed the ship forward toward the enemy ship. Lasers, PEGS, and High-Power-Cartridge-Cannons ripped apart their large fleet as the 80's music fueled Arscott and the other gunners. 

It didn't take long for the Protherians to tuck their tails and run. However, as the command ship retreated, they dropped a little present for the human space crews. Within moments of their flash retreat, a seismic bomb went off, shoving the battleship's stern side over the event horizon of the black hole.

Alarms and warnings screamed as the USS Spirit of Freedom was being dragged into it.



"JUST DO IT!" Yelled Prescott. As the entire Galaxy watched, the old battleship groaned and the newer support pillars began to buckle under the strain. The old cast iron ones were holding but they were losing this battle quickly.

"Arscott! Fire off a relay beacon! Engineering... When I give you the order... Ignite Reactor One."

"Sir... Reactor one... is the last nuclear reactor we have. The Double Helix is far stronger..."

"Keep the Double Helix running, I've got no choice..."

Brawn of Engineering's face went pale white as he gave the order. Brawn rushed over and fired up reactor one, forcing it to catch up to the double helix in rapid fashion. Meanwhile, crew members and the bridge were battling their best to keep the USS Spirit of Freedom from slipping further into what NASA had now classified as a "Hypermassive Black Hole". 

Genesis watched helplessly as his grandson and his team were up against impossible odds. Hower and Genesis watched as the ship's nacelle trails were pulled into the black hole...

Back aboard the Spirit of Freedom, the old ship's hull began to crack and groan as panels were being ripped off of it.


"Engineering, force reactor one into critical overload, and dump that energy into the main power supply for the nacelles." 

"Captain... just what the hell are you planning?" Asked Brawn from the intercom.

"Brawn, if we can't beat it in breakaway speed, we'll just have to beat it in gravitational pull speed... into the black hole."

The entire bridge was silent as they looked at him. Prescott nodded to Arscott who punched the black alert button. Sirens and strap-in warnings blared as Prescott contacted Earth for possibly the last time.

"Houston, we have launched a relay probe. We have no choice but to dive into the black hole with overclocked Reactor One and one hundred over on the Double Helix... Gramps, enjoy a Luna Cola for me... We're about to make history... Twice! ALL HANDS! BRACE! BRACE! BRACE!"

Genesis stared at the monitors in horror as the Spirit of Freedom arced over and dove saucer-first into the black hole. "ALL POWER TO NACELLES AND INERTIAL DAMPERS! CONTROLS ARE MINE! BRACE FOR GRAVITATIONAL INCREASE!"

The Spirit of Freedom shields were failing fast as gravity began to crush them. The old metal battleship began to glow orange from the gravitational friction. Back on Earth, NASA's computers began receiving data from the battleship through the relay probe they'd dropped. The numbers were off the charts. The USS Spirit of Freedom was breaking laws of physics though to be unbreakable. 

"Cresscott, I need a song!" Yelled out Prescott as he pushed the ship well past its limits. 

Cresscott pressed play and "Duel of The Fates-Epic Version" by Samuel Kim cried out over the ship as they forced themselves forward. The Spirit of Freedom was now molten orange, the crew watched as their inertial dampers failed, causing everyone to pass out... everyone except Prescott... 


As the screens of Earth received no signal, NASA's supercomputer burst into flames from the data being received, while still calculating the data. Prescott's eyes were bloodshot, almost to his passing-out point, as he pushed the ship and his body to their limits. As Earth declared the whole crew dead, Cresscott fell from his chair smacking his head off of the cassette player, skipping the song over to "Sparta" by Sabaton, one of Prescott's many favorites, as the Spirit of Freedom ejected well over the speed of light. 


"Data sent, Captain Philip."


As the Nacelles fired in reverse, the USS Spirit of Freedom blitzed past two ships, one being a massive ship, the other similar to theirs in design.

"Michigan! Did you..."

"Yeah, I saw it. ALL HANDS! THE PACIFIC CRUISER IS GOING TO FTL! We have to catch them before Snow gets her hands on them!" As Michigan turns off his intercom, the quad-nacelle starship jumps after them, bending space around them. 

On the other side of things...

"Madam, are we..."

"Yes, all hands, pursue that ship! I want it found!"

The massive ship jumped after the Spirit of Freedom. The chase was on, like two hound dogs after a pork chop on a string.