
CH90. He is madly in love with her

She nods her head. "That is true, it was my first kiss. But do everyone get married to people who took their first kisses? If no love is involved, then it is better forgotten."

Lu Min Chen creases his brows when she says no love involved. Who said there was no love involved?

He is madly in love with her. He wants to make her his now if he can be able to. Even today is possible.

But he is scared of being turned down... And maybe being rejected. It will ruin his own image. He cannot take that huge risk.

And also, there is that Lin Mo. Even though Ye Xiao Xiao says that they are just like brother and sisters, his instincts as a man tells him something else.

From the way he was looking at her, he could tell that there was too much adoration in his eyes.

And since he, Lu Min Chen loves her too, he knows what that look means.

Even if Lin Mo has not confessed to her, it is just a matter of days before he realises that just brotherhood is not enough.

Or maybe, he already knows, and he might just be waiting for the right opportunity to say it to her.

He has investigated Lin Mo and he has learnt that he is always a very busy man.

He runs his parents company abd does everything by himself. So, for him, as busy as he is always, to set aside his work and come to visit her, it can never be as simple as anyone might take it.

He, Lu Min Chen, is also a businessman. He knows what such a position demands.

And to think that Lin Mo brought her so many snacks...

He looks at her and even wants to asks her if she valued those snacks. But he decides to shut his mouth to avoid disappointing himself.

And it might be the same for Ye Xiao Xiao. She has spent so many days with Lin Mo. What if she has something for him?

Ye Xiao Xiao might be so naive not to know anything now. But sooner or later, things might dawn on her.

What if she learns that she is in love with that man? Will she go to home?

Lu Min Chen feels like smacking himself when he thinks this. It is obvious that she will go to him.

He remembers again how she kept on calling him intimately and he feels like hitting the wall now.

Why can't she even call just his name, Lu Min Chen? She only calls him the young master...or boss.

He restricts his line of thoughts and decides to make his step now. It does not matter who knew her first.

"It was also my first kiss," he says. "I would have assumed it...but when I add it up with yesterday,I get guilty. I can't just abandon you. It will be like bringing shame to my family."