
CH89. It was memorable

And maybe they would be under the rain. Or a sweet music will be playing in the background.

And maybe the kiss would be so passionate that none of them would want to separate from it.

But this Lu Min Chen, her boss, ruined everything. First, they were never in love. They had just met.

Secondly, he did not even ask for her permission. He just held her face and kisses her.

And it was not passionate at all. He even bit her lips on this first time.

More so, she was so reluctant to it. She wanted to push him away because of the shock she had received. Imagine your boss just holding you and kissing you put of the blue...

Lastly, it was not memorable at all....hmmm...sorry...it was memorable. It is still memorable even now.

But the feeling is quite different. She can take it as her most scared memory in her lifetime.

And he ruined everything more after cursing at her. He even chased her out of his office!

"Ye Xiao Xiao?" Lu Min Chen calls her. "Are you thinking about our first kiss?" He asks as a small smile threatens to form at the corner of his mouth.

She is blushing, meaning that she is thinking about it. And she is embarrassed.

"I am sorry I ruined your first time," he says. "Maybe, we can try another one in the future. I promise that it will be so sweet to remember."

Ye Xiao Xiao looks at him in shock an anger. He is not even ashamed. "You ruined everything," she says with a pout. She will never get another chance of experiencing a sweet first kiss.

Then she remembers that he said some more words and she blushes more. "And...who would want to have another one with you? You are over thinking young master!"

Lu Min Chen smiles in his heart. Even though he had not actually prepared it in his mind, the kiss still left a long lasting effect in his mind.

Her soft and sweet lips tasted like the most delicious things he had ever tasted in his life.

And he felt so bad when she tried pushing him away, ruining the moment.

It served her right that he bit her. Ruining such good moments require some punishments.

But he still remembers how shocked she was. Her little chest was heaving up and down before his face. And he had almost lost it that day.

Her lips that had just turned moist from him kissing her were then full and red. It had taken all of his might to prevent himself from holding her and kissing her more.

He knew that he might have done more than just kissing her. And the consequences would have been dire.

"But it was your first time, right? I have to take responsibility for that too," Min Chen says.

He is going to make sure that their future is sealed today. He has to act faster before that Lin Mo comes to his senses.