
CH69. Yet he feels this

The feeling is so strange. But all she knows is that this man is taking advantage of her.

Her legs grow weak until she can't stand by herself as she runs short of breath.

That feeling together with the pain she gets, makes her angry and sad. It is like she is going to die.

Tears begin falling from her eyes. She feels bad crying because of this man. She should be able to control her tears now, until she is done with this man.

Lu Min Chen feels her legs giving way and hugs her closer to himself. He does not want to stop kissing her. He wants to enjoy her sweet mouth forever.

He only stops when he senses the tears on her face. He looks at her but he does not get any pitiful.

He carries her into his office and bangs the door behind him. He angrily throws her on the seat and leans on her, completely towering over her.

He pulls her chin angrily again and looks into her teary eyes. "Do you still want to resign?" 

"Isn't that my right? I don't want to work here again!" Ye Xiao Xiao shouts between her quick breaths and in tears.

She wants to get out of this company now! She will not work here again. This man is a bully!

"Tsk tsk," Lu Min Chen laughs coldly. "Are you doing this on purpose Ye Xiao Xiao?" He asks.

Ye Xiao Xiao holds his hand she tries pushing it away. "Let me go you maniac. You can do this to the other women you are used to... I am not a whore like you..."

Her lips are covered again and the man presses her on the seat. This girl is so daring. No one has ever spoken to him like that before.

This time, because of his anger, he bites on her lips from time to time.

He wants her to know that no one ever goes against the young master. He has the final say! If he says that she is not leaving, then she can't leave.

She has been so obedient in the morning. Why is she turning so stubborn now?

Ye Xiao Xiao cries out aloud, but all the noise is swallowed by him.

The man on top of her gets beastly when she tries to struggle against him. He feels his body start responding to her touches and he is even shocked with himself. She is pushing him away, yet he feels this.

But he can't just back out now. He will never accept defeat. No never! To this small girl...

His hands hold onto her smooth bare waist and he is tempted to do something else. 

"Do you still want to leave?" He asks her and looks into her eyes. Ye Xiao Xiao only cries and refuses to answer.

"Ye Xiao Xiao," he calls angrily, still pressing her on the seat. "Do you believe I can prevent you from leaving completely? I can make you mine now, and you will never have a chance to escape. Should we try that?"