
CH60. What? You want me to cry?

"Ah Chen!" She calls happily and begins taking a step forward. She wants to take another good look at this sweet girl that can make his son behave like an alien.

But her husband pulls her back immediately. "Are you stupid?" He asks. 

Then he smiles funnily at his son and daughter in law. "You people continue, we shall wait outside..." He says hurriedly and pulls his wife with him, locking the door for them.

Ye Xiao Xiao coughs again awkwardly. She looks at the man before her in anger. "It was all your plan!" She shouts.

How can it happen like that. He wanted people to see them. That is why they came in just when he fed her. No wonder he begged her like that...and that smile he had worn before...Maniac!

"Plan what?" Lu Min Chen asks coming back to his senses. He looks wronged. He did not plan anything.

"You... Who are they?" She asks while trembling. "Tell them not to say a word. Ahhh! Now see, my reputation is ruined because of you!" She roars angrily.

Lu Min Chen's face turns sour when he hears her. She thinks he has ruined her reputation?

Does she hate being seen with him this much. He looks away angrily. "They are my parents," he says coldly.

"What?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks and jumps from the table. "I am finished! I am finished Lu Min Chen!"

Lu Min Chen looks at her in surprise. Did she call his name? Too bad she called him like that only when she is mad at him.

He holds her hand. "Why are you overreacting? I said they are my parents. There is nothing to fear," he says. 'You did not see how happy they have been?'

Lu Min Chen takes a seat and begins eating the remaining food, unbothered.

"You!" Ye Xiao Xiao forgets about her position completely and roars at him. "You are still thinking of food at such a time?"

Who said this man is elegant? Why is he still eating now when they are in trouble?

"What? You want me to cry? My parents..." He stops and smiles when he thinks about his mom.

That woman can help him in this situation. The only problem is that his dad will make fun of him. But he does not care anymore.

He has never stopped talking about this Ye Xiao Xiao when she was young. Like the ways he had cared about her at that time.

And now that he has seen him again...

"Why are you smiling? Did you think of something?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks. She hopes that he has found a solution of how to explain to his parents.

But when she remembers how things were when the two came in, she feels like crying. She won't save her face even if she jumped into the ocean!

And why did he even pat her back? He only made things worse. What to do! What to do! Oh...I am finished. I can't meet his parents now. What will they think of me?