
CH48. Can I feed you?

"I can never lie to you Xiao Xiao," Manager Chen says. "I just think you need to treat him better. Don't argue with him. Try being submissive and see how he will behave. He can never hurt you. Tell me if anything goes wrong, okay?"

Xiao Xiao contemplates her words for a while and finally nods. She can as well as try being good.

"Good," Manager Chen nods. "Be good to him. I know he is not a bad man."

After she has left, Xiao Xiao moves around in bed. Should she believe the manager or Han Chan?

But the manager is older. She knows better. She promises to try behaving submissive before the young master and see how it will go.

At around six, her door is pushed open and she turns to look at it quickly. And she freezes seeing the young master walk in, with a plate of food in his hands.

Her heart beats faster and she gets the urge to turn away from him. She does not want to see him right now.

But his words in the afternoon prevents her from behaving as she wishes. He had said that she is not allowed to assume his presence anymore.

And what did the manger say? She has to try this today and see the outcome.

Lu Min Chen places the plate of good on the table and locks the door behind him. Then he puts his hands in his pockets and looks at the person on the bed with pursed lips.

"Did you take your medicine?" He asks calmly. You would think that he is the one serving her instead of her serving him.

The only difference is that his voice that is usually full of authority cannot be assumed. It makes him more outstanding than any other person present.

Ye Xiao Xiao nods her head in fear that she might anger him if she does not answer him. This life where she has to please people is so bad. She should have thought well before accepting her task here.

"How are you feeling now? Does it still ache?" Lu Min Chen asks and begins walking towards her bed.

He puts his hand on her forehead to feel her temperature. Then he holds her hands to feel if they are still as cold as they were in the morning.

"It is not bad now," he says and slightly presses her hand in his. 

His action makes Ye Xiao Xiao's breath to hike, but she tries very much to assume it.

"Time for your meal," the man states and brings the plate close her. "Can I feed you?" He asks and looks into her eyes.

But Xiao Xiao shakes her head immediately and tries taking the plate away from him. She won't let him feed her.

Lu Min Chen face turns disappointed. "Why?" He asks and refuses to release the plate.

Ye Xiao Xiao panics that he might get mad because of that. "Young master...I am fine now. I should not trouble you feeding me," she explains and forces a smile.