
CH44. I love you

"Not in bed yet?" He asks coldly and looks at Han Chan who is standing with her head bowed.

Xiao Xiao looks away and begins walking away from them. She better gets away from this man.

"Wait," Lu Min Chen says coldly. Xiao Xiao stand in place when she hears his voice. She hopes he does not want to cause trouble for her again.

"Be careful with the friends you have in the future. They will mislead you to take advantage of your weakness and stupidity," Lu Min Chen states.

But of everything he says, only one words sticks to Xiao Xiao's head, stupidity. He actually thinks that she is stupid?

She feels bad even when she walks back to her room. So he thinks she is stupid and that is the reason he thinks he can take advantage of her?

She trembles again when she recalls how sorry Han Chan has been when telling about herself.

She will also feels bad if a man took away her virginity and begins ignoring her.

But it would be more painful if the man forces her into sleeping with him, just because he has power and wealth.

After Xiao Xiao has left, Lu Min Chen turns to look at Han Chan. "It won't be bad if you minded your own business. The next time you do something to her, I won't let you off!" 

"Min Chen," Han Chan calls softly. "It is just that I love you and I don't want any other woman beside you. They are all after your wealth. Grandma brought me here and I did not complain. Can you please give me a chance?"

"Done speaking?" Lu Min Chen asks coldly. "Go back to work. Or you can go back home if you want to. It does not make any difference."

"Min Chen..." Han Chan calls pitifully and tries to hold onto him. But the man pushes her away. "You should be careful with how you address me in the future," He warns and walks away indifferently.

Han Chan looks at his departing back and tears fall from her eyes. She has done everything to be with this man but he still does not care.

She even agreed to work in this orphanage to please him but he still cares less.

From long ago, she had been promised that she would be engaged to this man. 

Even Min Chen's grandmother gave her the family bracelet, telling her that it would solely belong to her.

When she finished her schooling, Old Madam Lu together with Min Chen's mom organised for her to come and work here.

They gave her the work of serving Lu Min Chen so that he can fall in love with her. But he chased her away from his office on the first day.

But because she had already put in effort into coming here, she agreed to work in the orphanage instead.

Her family is wealthy and they are not in need of money. She is here because she wants to stay close to Min Chen.