
CH41. Give her the food

Xiao Xiao follows him out angrily. Even the other employees stop to look at them when they see their boss pull a girls hand like that. Nothing like this had ever happened before this girl came.

He pulls her into the kitchen where manager Chen is. "Give her food," he says calmly. "I want to watch her eat."

Manager Chen who is already used to his behaviour towards Xiao Xiao nods and serves her a plate of food, something better than what she should have eaten on a normal day.

In fact, it is a special dish from what the young master ate.

But Xiao Xiao shakes her head when she is handed the plate of food. "Manager Chen, I will be okay eating what the other employees ate," she says.

Lu Min Chen raises his head to look at her. Is this girl always dump or is she just pretending to be one?

"Um..." Manager Chen, who is just being put into a difficult situation looks worriedly at the young master. 

She trembles when she meets his eyes. Even though he has not said anything, she knows what she might put herself into if she makes a mistake now.

"Xiao Xiao," She calls in fear. "The normal good is finished. You can eat this just for today."

Xiao Xiao looks at the plate one more time and shakes her head. She does not want to receive any special treatment. She wants to be like every other employee who is her class.

"I won't eat anything then," she says. "That belongs to the young master."

With that, she rises from the seat she had been pushed on earlier to leave.

But immediately, a hand presses down on her shoulders. "Sit down," Lu Min Chen orders angrily.

Xiao Xiao looks at him with narrowed eyes. But she does not speak because the manager is still with them.

"Give her the food," Lu Min Chen tells the manager.

The manager hands the food to her with pity. She does not even know what is happening between these two.

She had left Ye Xiao Xiao very sick in her room. But now, they are here together.

Ye Xiao Xiao stares at the food placed before her and looks back at the man standing beside her. Does he really plan on forcing her to eat what she does not want?

"Ye Xiao Xiao," Lu Min Chen speaks in anger. "You have to know that your father is no longer here to treat you as you please. Save our time and eat. Or I will use my own means to feed you," he says.

Ye Xiao Xiao gets teary when her dad is mentioned. And he has said that her dad is no longer here. It reminds her that he is dead. And there is no one to confide in anymore.

Manager Chen throws Ye Xiao Xiao a warning look. She should not anger the young master. If she does, they will all have a difficult day at work today.

Ye Xiao Xiao understands her and throws another hateful look at Lu Min Chen. Then with two lines of tears all the way to her cheeks from her eyes, she pulls the plate close to her and begins eating the food.