
CH407. You are my legal wife

" Oh?" Ye Xiao Xiao creases her brows. "You miss me?"

Who exactly is this man. Lin Mo is not home. And he chooses such a time to come and say that he misses her?

"Yes, I miss you. And I want to hug you. Please, let me, okay?" Lu Min Chen begs and even goes to an extent of kneeling before her.

"Ummm? Lu Min Chen? Who are you?" Ye Xiao Xiao questions again.

There is only one family with the surname Lu. She could never have any acquittance with someone from that family...

"Xiao Xiao, I am your husband. Don't you really remember me? Come, let us go back home, please..."

Ye Xiao Xiao is so shocked. "My husband?" She asks in confusion. Does she have a husband by any chance?

"That is true Xiao Xiao, I am your husband. Yes, your husband, Lu Min Chen."

"Ha ha ha!" Ye Xiao Xiao bursts out laughing. "You are crazy, right?" 


"I am not married. Neither do I have a husband. Your trick will not work on me. Please leave," Ye Xiao Xiao says.

"Please..." Lu Min Chen keeps begging. He is scared that he might never see her again if he really leaves her.

"No! Leave, I have no husband," Ye Xiao Xiao orders.

"Okay," Lu Min Chen says despondently. "What if I brought our marriage certificates? We were married three years ago. You are my legal wife!"

Ye Xiao Xiao remains silent to observe him. Could it be that he really is her husband?

But no one has ever mentioned that to her since she woke up? Even Lin Mo knows nothing about her husband!

"Were we really married?" She asks as she looks at the red books that Lu Min Chen hands to her.

He has always carried them with him wherever he went. It felt like a companion to him, reminding him that he is married. 

And not just married to anyone. He is married to the most beautiful woman in the world, Ye Xiao Xiao.

"It is true," Lu Min Chen says, praying that she accepts it. She is his wife. And he wants to get with her so badly.

Ye Xiao Xiao lifts her head to look at him. "So what if we were married?" She asks and throws the book right at Lu Min Chen's face.

"Xiao Xiao?" Lu Min Chen opens his eyes wide in disbelief. Ye Xiao Xiao actually threw it back to him?

"If you are my husband, where were you when I needed you most? Where have you been all these days? And you only show up now, claiming to miss me? Are you not crazy?" She questions.

"Uh, about that, I am sorry. Xiao Xiao please," Lu Min Chen begs.

"Leave!" She shouts. She cannot agree to anything he says now!

Seeing her stand, Lu Min Chen takes a step towards her. The begging nature he had in him a while ago all disappears. 

Looking at her,  he smiles sinisterly.