
CH406. Xiao Xiao, I miss you

"He threatened her," Lu Min Chen says. He already knows that she is the ' him ' she was referring to.

"Mmh, and that made us suspect that she must have been pregnant at that time, or she might be having a child."

"A child? Two years ago?" Lu Min Chen asks as a certain image of a small kid appears in his head.

"You have an idea about it?" Lin Mo asks when he sees his reaction.

"Mmh... I will look into it," Lu Min Chen says. He cannot run into conclusions for now.

"Mmh,"Lin Mo agrees by modding his head.

"Can we go to Xiao Xiao now?" Lu Min Chen questions. He has been unsettled all this time. He wants to see her.

Lin Mo purses his lips. "Okay, we shall go. But I think I have to prepare you in advance. There is a possibility that she will not remember you."

"I understand," Lu Min Chen says.


Ye Xiao Xiao is seated on the swing with her eyes closed. Whenever she is home by herself, she likes enjoying the evening sun in the garden.

This is where she gets her peace. And it takes her relax a lot.

"Xiao Xiao," suddenly, a voice calls. And she opens her eyes immediately. That is not Lin Mo. Neither is it her dad.

And the next second, she is pulled into an embrace. At first, she freezes. And she looks up at the man in confusion.

Lu Min Chen on the other hand, keeps staring at her. And there are so many emotions on her face.

"Xiao Xiao? Is it really you?" He asks, his heart beating so fast.

After being away from him for two years, he is able to find her now. He is able to see her.

His words bring Ye Xiao Xiao back to her senses, and she pushes him away. "Who are you?" She asks in confusion.

This man just came from nowhere to hug her like this. Has he been sent by someone?

'Be careful with the people you come into contact to,' Lin Mo has told her this severally.

The hope Lu Min Chen had before disappears. She does not remember anything about him.

After all that they had together, she sees him as a stranger now!

"Xiao Xiao? You do not remember me now?" Lu Min Chen asks, close to tears. 

It feels like his heart is being stabbed. That was what he has always been afraid of.

He was always afraid that Ye Xiao Xiao might have forgotten him. He was always scared that she might never want to see him again.

"Who are you?" Ye Xiao Xiao questions again coldly.

"It is me Xiao Xiao. It is Lu Min Chen, okay?" He says and tries moving closer to her again.

"No! Do not come closer or I will scream!" Ye Xiao Xiao says. She cannot just trust anyone. Just who on earth is Lu Min Chen? 

"Xiao Xiao, I miss you!" Lu Min Chen says his long hidden feelings.