
CH402. Let us make a deal then

And who knew what his grandfather would have done if the child was around them?

It was even a surprise that he kept her in the incubator instead of killing her right away.

Pretending that he has not heard anything, he pushes the door open.

The two people are a bit taken aback. "Grandpa!" Little Liu Liu calls and hugs Lu Min Chen tightly.

"Yes my dear?" Ye Fu Chin asks and carries her up. "You do not even want to hug your grandpa today?"

"Grandpa? Can cute uncle be my daddy?" Little Liu Liu assumes him and asks a question of herself.

"Your daddy? Why?" Ye Fu Chin acts ignorant too and asks her with raised brows.

"Because I have no daddy and cute uncle has no child. And we love each other..." She says and steals a glance and Lu Min Chen.

"Ha ha ha!" Ye Fu Chin laughs. "We shall talk about it later. Let grandpa talk to cute uncle first."

"Promise?" Little Liu Liu asks and points her finger for a pinkie promise.

Lu Min Chen once again smiles at her cuteness. He feels like the difference between Ye Xiao Xiao and her is very little, almost none at all. 

"Promise," Ye Fu Chin makes a pinky promise to her and sends her to the maids.

"What kind of conversation was that?" He asks jokingly when he comes back to Lu Min Chen.

But Lu Min Chen assumes him. He looks away with a shy smile. The truth is that he wishes he had a chance of becoming her dad.

"Dad, you still know nothing about her?" Lu Min Chen asks after a while.

At times, he suspects that this man knows where Ye Xiao Xiao is. He just lacks the proof to support him.

Ye Fu Chin purses his lips. "You have not yet given up on her?" He questions.

"Did you give up on Miss Shan?" Lu Min Chen asks back, staring at him as though he is a fool.

One other reason why he has kept this man as a friend is because of his stand in love.

For so many years, he has never given up on the woman he loves. And until now, he is still waiting for her.

Ye Fu Chin twists on his chair. "How did you know about her?" He asks back.

"Let us make a deal then," Lu Min Chen says. He is tired of waiting. He wants to do anything to get his Ye Xiao Xiao back.

"What deal are you talking about young man?" Ye Fu Chin asks with interest. A deal? Can he give it a try?

Lu Min Chen stares at him for a while again. Then he opens his mouth to speak. "I will help you get Miss Shan back. But you have to help me find my wife in return."

"Tsk tsk," Ye Fu Chin chuckles. "You are so anxious man. Someone might use you if you keep behaving like that. And you will lose a great deal."