
CH40. Finding himself a wife

He reacts faster and holds her hand, pulling her back into the room. "It is just so bad that this young master cannot get mad at you. I will be hurting myself instead," he says, not releasing the grip on her hand.

Xiao Xiao tries pulling her hand away from him, but his grip only tightens.

"Let me be," she says almost in tears. "I will scream and say you were trying to assault me if you don't," she decides to threaten him.

However, Young Master Lu laughs. "So courageous," he says. "But do you think that will scare me?" He asks and his lips raises up into a victorious smile. "Instead, I think that everyone will be happy to learn about that. Can we give it a try?"

"You..." Xiao Xiao says and bends her head to bite him.

As if aware of her next actions, Lu Min Chen chuckles again. "Do you know that biting a man is also a form of seduction and intimacy. I will like that from you too."

Xiao Xiao raises her head and looks into his eyes. "I am going to raise a complain about you. I don't care if it will be taken seriously or not. But I am sure it will leave a stain on your name..."

"Who are you going to report to? My dad? Or my mom? Or is it Manager Chen? Tsk tsk," he laughs. "Let me tell you this Ye Xiao Xiao, I am not even scared of kissing you before all of them. You can try me!"

"Let me go young master," Ye Xiao Xiao screams. "Don't you have something better to do?" She asks madly. Why is this man getting to her nerves?

"Doing this is more important than any other thing," Lu Min Chen replies. "Do you think it is not important for the young master to find himself a wife?"

Ye Xiao Xiao opens her eyes wide when she hears that. Finding himself a wife? What does that mean? 

Taking in deep breathes, she looks at him. "I don't know what that means. But let me also tell you one thing. I am not planning to be anyone's wife anytime soon. I hope you have a different thought!"

"It is not up to you to decide if you want to be my wife or not. That is my decision, and you have no option," he states, his voice turning cold again. "Why are we even discussing this?"

Xiao Xiao humps and looks away from him, her chest moving up and down due to the anger that she is trying to suppress.

"I will let you off today for turning down my meal," Lu Min Chen says again. "If you try the same in the future, it won't be this easy," he adds and begins walking out, his grip still on her hands.

Xiao Xiao holds onto the door to prevent herself from leaving. This man is a bully. She wants to cry.

"Let us go," Lu Min Chen stops to look at her and says. "Didn't you want to go and eat?"