
CH348. He lifts his hands up in surrender


Only five minutes after Ye Fu Chin has left with Ye Xiao Xiao, Lu Min Chen's team arrive.

After tracking down everything, they were able to realise that the kidnappers were at this place.

Lu Min Chen jumps out of the car before it can even stop and rushes to house.

Funny, the building is almost empty. They do not find any guards or men like they had expected.

He pushes open the door to the room they had suspected. And the next second, he freezes.

It only takes him a free seconds before he finally comes to terms with the scene.

And he sighs in relief when he realises that the person in the pull of blood is a man, and not his Ye Xiao Xiao.

At the other end of the room, their is another man lying on the ground.

And they are both unconscious. The only difference is that the second man had no external injury on him.

Suspecting that he might have just been knocked off, Lu Min Chen asks for a bucket of water.

His men have already searched the whole place, but there is not a sign of Ye Xiao Xiao.

He can only wake up this man to know where Ye Xiao Xiao is. And he will not leave until he learns of the place she is at.

The bucket of water is brought and poured directly at the man on the side of the room. And he sits up in shock.

Looking at the men in the room, he understands what is happening. These people are here for the woman that they had kidnapped.

Understanding that he is at the loosing end, he lifts up his hands in surrender.

Lu Min Chen moves closer to him with an icy look on his face. "Where is she?" He asks.

"She has been taken away from us. She has been taken away..." He says quickly.

Lu Min Chen creases his brows. "Taken away?" He asks. "Who has taken her away?"

The man on the floor keeps trembling. "I don't... I do not know. It was a man, and another one. Please, I am speaking the truth...they even did that to my boss."

Lu Min Chen looks at the man on the floor again. "He is your boss?" 

"Um...yeah, yeah," the man explains. "He is my boss."

"Who asked you to kidnap her?" Lu Min Chen asks the man. He has to get that answer first.

Then might know where Ye Xiao Xiao is.

The man is silent for a while, as if wondering whether he should speak the truth or not.

"Speak the truth to save your life. And if you do not, I will make sure even none of your family members lives past today," Lu Min Chen says.

It seems like he has to use force to get what he wants.

Hearing the words, the man raises his hands immediately. "It...I tried warning my boss. It is not my fault," he begins defending himself.

According to their work, they are  never expected to betray the person giving them the work.