
CH328. I want to be with him

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lu Min Chen asks her again. He does not like seeing her cry.

"Mmh," Lu Yu Yan nods her head and wipes away another tear.

Lu Min Chen stares at her, waiting for her to speak.

"Min Chen, I love him. I love Luoshan. I want to be with him," she says at last.

Lu Min Chen is so shocked. He had not expected her to say it that easily. 

"You love him?" He asks to confirm. Did she fall in love with him really? He had thought that it was her childful side that had interest in Luoshan.

"I do," Yu Yan replies. "Brother, do not get mad at me. I know you do not like us being together. I have been trying to hide my feelings. But..." 

She wipes her tears once again. And she seems a little reluctant to continue.

Lu Min Chen slightly presses her hand in assuarence. 

"I was scared when I heard that he was going to get married. So I forced myself on him. I did not want to lose him," Yu Yan says again. "Brother, can you help me find him?"

Lu Min Chen sighs again. It reminds him of himself when he was in love with Ye Xiao Xiao.

He loved her so deeply, but she had never given him a chance. And it always hurt him a lot.

"Yu Yan, what about Yu Luoshan? Do you know that it is useless if you love him and he does not love you back the same way?" 

He does not want her to suffer. There are many men who are interested in her.

"Brother, he loves me. He said that he loves me. He said he would marry me," Lu Yu Yan explains.

"Are you sure about it? He has disappeared. He has not contacted you since that night, right?" Lu Min Chen asks her.

Lu Yu Yan is silent for a while. That is true. Yu Luoshan has not contacted her since the last time he escorted her home. 

"See here dear," Lu Min Chen says. "I want you to be happy, okay? Yu Luoshan had a fiance. You know it, right?" 

Lu Yu Yan nods her head. "Mmh, I knew," she says with a fast beating heart. "But he does not love her."

"What if they both went abroad and got married? What will you do?" Lu Min Chen asks her pitifully.

Lu Yu Yan shakes her head immediately. "Min Chen, he is your friend. Didn't he say anything to you?" She asks. She does not want to believe that Yu Luoshan ran away to get married.

He had promised that he would marry her. And she chose to believe him when he asked her to give him time.

But, he gave her the pregnancy prevention pills before he left. Did that mean that he did not want her child?

She shakes her head immediately. She could tell that Yu Luoshan loves her.